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Everything posted by DanielD

  1. Well mates, I can’t believe it’s been so long since my last post. Life has been busy, but my Amerigo Vespucci plods forward. I’ve been working on the mast pin rails, different on the AV in that each pin has a matching sheath. The running rigging goes around the sheath before being tied off at the rail with the excess stored on a vertical rack I’m still figuring out how to make. A couple images so far. If you look close, you can see the sheaths below the rails.
  2. Good morning mates. This week’s update falls around the pin rails. The OcCre AV kit includes the typical rails for the running rigging. However, the actual Amerigo has a unique, at least from what I’ve seen, pin rails that have sheathes below the pins (see the last image). The running rigging first runs below the rail, around a sheath before being tied off. This is my attempt to mimic the AV.
  3. Good morning mates. AV progress has been slow as I’ve been very busy with life this summer. Still, I find time to spend some time moving forward. Here is the latest, davits installed with one hanging boat.
  4. Good evening mates, it’s been a while since my last post. Life has been busy, but I have been plugging along on one of the small boats aboard the AV. Only three more like this to build.
  5. Good evening mates. It’s been awhile since my last update, part of the reason is that I was unhappy with the first small boat I constructed, so I completely took it back to bare metal and started over. Pictures of the new version coming soon. However, today I was interested in doing something different so I went back to building the iron works that supports two of the small boats. Here is the result.
  6. Welcome aboard mates!
  7. Good evening mates, the last week or so I have been working on one of the small boats on board the AV. The first image is an actual photo of MCN 1675 and the next two my interpretation of that small boat.
  8. Good evening mates, today was a bit drippy in the northwest USA, which means more time in the shipyard. I decided to work on another small boat for the starboard side of the ship, specifically MCN 1675. I had to do a lot of modifications to the metal hull provided in the kit. As you can see from the first image, the real MCN 1675 is a flat bottom boat with two propellers and rudders. The blank provided in the kit is the next image with a pronounced keel. I had to file down the keel to make a better representation of the real small boat. Followed up with twin scratch built screws and rudders and completed with a nice air brushed paint job. Finally added a new deck (work in progress). One downside to how this boat is coming out…I’m not happy with the first one I built so I think I will tear it apart and build it again. I think I’ve subscribed to the thought process that it’s not about how fast you complete the build, but that you are happy with the result when it’s finished.
  9. Good evening mates, I have completed the first of eleven small boats present on the Amerigo Vespucci. It’s as close as I can get as I have been unable to find many pictures of the NC 90.
  10. Good evening mates, in addition to working on the small boat I-beam structure, I have been detailing the OcCre supplied hull to a more realistic small boat by adding a scratch built propeller and rudder. A few more details to add, small railing at the stern, rope coil at the stern and of course the boat ID, NC 90.
  11. Good evening mates. I’ve been working on the first of several supports for some small boats on board the Amerigo Vespucci. The OcCre plans are a bit plain, so I spruced them up making them out of I beams, very similar to the real AV.
  12. Good evening mates, time for a life raft update. I have the starboard side completed with only one left to manufacture for the port side.
  13. Time for an update…finished the first of two pair life raft supports, I broke the first one so it’s back to bare metal and starting over. Also, thanks to some ideas from the Admiral, I have completed the first of two canopies for the aft platforms. Slow steady progress.
  14. New task at hand, working on the 18 life raft containers scattered around the ship. In these photos I have completed the frame of the first pair of rafts.
  15. Good evening mates, I have finally finished the four platforms that hang off the side of the Amerigo Vespucci. Now on to the next task, I’m thinking the containers for the life rafts.
  16. Good morning mates, been slowly working on a set of platforms for my AV. Nearly have the second one done, a few touch ups to do then figure out how to manufacture the canopy for this platform. Close…so close to be finished with these.
  17. Good evening, more progress on some deck equipment. These platforms started from the kit parts, but rapidly moved into scratch built. 🤷‍♂️
  18. Good evening mates, it’s been awhile since my last post. Been working on the chainplates and temporary shrouds to get an idea where the rest of the deck equipment will need to go as well as equipment that will hang off the sides of the ship.
  19. Good afternoon mates, it’s been awhile since last update…life has just been busy. Been working (slowly) on a set of stairs leading to above the main bridge. The real Amerigo Vespucci has wooden steps, almost ladder like, with brass handrails and brass stair tread protectors. I’ve attempted to build something similar.
  20. Good afternoon mates, I had a bit of time in the shipyard today and completed the installation of the last lighting effect, the Amerigo Vespucci traditional in port lighting. The only hard part…finding a location in the house that is dark during the day for the photo.
  21. Good evening mates, finally…I have the fore mast and lighting finished.
  22. Good evening mates, it’s been well over a week since my last update. It’s not because I’ve been lazy, but rather the fore mast has been a bit of a challenge as it has an additional platform with spot lights and railings. Also, it has a radar installation with a wire cage that was a challenge to get to look more like the real AV. Not to mention the marker light at the top of the mast and deck lighting under the platform and all the associated wiring. It’s now ready to primer and paint. Should be another week or so before final installation on ship.
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