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Everything posted by Penfold

  1. It has to be said, some of the instruction pictures on some of the rigging is a bit vague. I hope I’m managing a reasonable representation.
  2. 😂 I know... the cost to the purchaser of printing off their own instructions is so disproportionate to what the cost to AL would be to include printed versions in their kits. I just don’t get their logic!
  3. Thanks Harry, You’re very kind. I’m going to rig it with sails, just so I know what’s involved and to be able to see what I prefer. I’ll probably bare rig my next one.
  4. Hi Robert, yes the mahogany (or Sapele) strips are for the second planking. I have a digital copy of the instructions which I’ll happily send to you if you pm me your email address. Be warned though, it cost me a fortune in printer ink to print them off!
  5. Then came the dead eyes... what a fiddly job that is! Did some research and made a little jig to hold in them in place whilst getting thread through them. It’s another of those jobs I was just starting to get the hang of by the time I’d finished... oh well. (Don’t look too closely, though the foremast ones are better than the mainmast ones.
  6. Hello everybody... It’s been a while, I know. I’ve finally managed to get back into the shipyard this last weekend, after the best part of 9 months. It’s been a funny year... It’s taken a little time a few scrapped attempts to get the hang of some of this rigging malarkey! It wasn’t helped by the fact that the cotton AL provided for the main shrouds was awful, even once I’d waxed it. I ended up having to cut them off and start again with better cotton.
  7. It took a little while to get the hang of the blocks but seem to have a system now. Next steps are on the rigging 😬 wish me luck!
  8. We got masts 👍😀 I did look at Mr Earl’s practicum and noticed had the cross trees the other way up from the instructions and other references support that, so that’s what I did. But the practicum presumes the reader knows much more about sailship rigging terms than I do, and I feel safer with the visual aids of the AL instructions so I think I’ll continue in that vein. (But thanks for the suggestion Hof.) I have decided I need to rig in the sails, just so I’ve done one as such. Maybe I’ll leave the sails out on my next build.
  9. Been busy turning mast dowels into a lot of sawdust! Is it just me or does anybody else feel like an extra in a Harry Potter movie making wands when they’re working on masts? 😄
  10. The stays on the bowsprit were rather tricky and took a good 5 or 6 attempts to get just one I was happy with. It was better once I’d got a system going.
  11. Overall I think I’m rather pleased with how it’s going. Definitely better than I’d dared to hope at this stage. I’m not happy with the main mast chainplates as they are too far apart. The instructions are confusing as they say to place them 6.5mm apart, but this doesn’t use all of the cut out that you’re asked to cut from the bit at the top of the hull. I didn’t do enough thinking before getting the glue and nails out and quickly regretted it, but I’d kind of passed a point of no return. I’m hoping it won’t matter hugely and will still look ok ( even if only to the uninitiated).
  12. I’ve finally managed to complete the first phase of the instruction booklet, (ie the hull etc) and can now begin the masts, sails and rigging. This will all be new to me so keep that help and those tips coming.
  13. Hi, sincerely hoping everybody is OK and keeping themselves safe during this darned Covid 19 thingy. On the plus side, it has meant as bit of extra time available for the BN!👍😀
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