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Everything posted by Penfold

  1. Glad to have you along on my build Capella 🙂😉 and good luck with your second attempt at the bow planking
  2. We have gunports!!! OMG!!! Tiny, tiny, pieces of photo etch. I was really struggling with placing these (tweezers no good!) until my wife suggested using masking tape to pick up the tiny pieces of brass. Wrapped the masking tape, sticky side out, round a cocktail stick, then was able to use it to pick up and place the photo etch pieces. After a failed first effort with tweezers I was dreading this but I’ve got to say I’m quite pleased with them in the end.
  3. There’s a little artistic licence with the tholes and the number of seats but they look OK to me.
  4. So here’s how the little boats are coming along. Some still need a little varnish and the block and tackles but they’re pretty much there.
  5. Hi Capella… it’s looking like a nice build so far, but you look to be having the same issue with the bow that I had. Whilst I did overcome it, it took an awful lot of filling and sanding, with more filling and sanding on top, so you will be able to recover it. Us newbies seem really reluctant to trim our planks at the ends so that they follow a more natural line and lay flat to the bulkheads. The advise given to me on my build log was to check out Chuck Passaro’s you tube videos, which I will be following on my next build. I’m sure it will save time and effort in the long run and give a better result. Hang in there!
  6. Been a while since I posted… I’ve been procrastinating and putting off attaching the rudder by doing the Little boats and other bits for the main deck (I’ll post some pics later) I’d also managed the brasswork on the stern and painted it. So…. The rudder then! I have fed so many tiny bits of brass nail to the carpet monster today 😔 and managed to break the rudder twice in the process, but for a first time fitting a rudder this way, I’m happy enough! I don’t really get the brass wire work at the stern or what it’s supposed to represent, but it’s what the instructions say, and mine looks pretty close to the pics on the instructions. The gardens went in OK but needed some putty to fill underneath as the hull shape doesn’t really match the flatness of the die cast pieces. I also used putty to fill in the brass wire before painting. ( I Know… some touching up needed).
  7. Hi Tim, you made a kind comment on my Beagle build so I thought I’d check out your build and … 😳😳😳OMG this is beautiful. Flawless attention to detail. It really is a beautiful build. I may be rankle amateur but I’ll take any praise you give as praise, indeed! Thank you.
  8. I’ve been having a bit of a play and tinkered with doing the cannon… I’mquite pleased how they turned out. I mixed the bronze paint with a little black to dull it down a little, which worked well I feel. …but I didn’t like how the guns just rested on the carriages, so I cut tiny pieces of wine bottle foil to use as restraints (capsquare?)and painted them black. The carronade looks good too. Did you know that the name ‘Carronade’ is derived from the Carron ironworks in Falkirk, where they were made.(Found this out doing family history research… one of my wife’s ancestors worked there!)
  9. Thank you. It hasn’t been without issue, but mostly those have been caused by my own ineptitude.
  10. I’ve got a few touch up bits to sort, but overall I’m happy with the paint job. I had been nervous about doing the paint but seems OK to me.
  11. PS Thanks also for the kind words. As I use an airbrush for the varnish, I’ve had to delay doing that because of the hot weather we’ve been having. That’s why I started on the little boat. Im hoping that the pace might pick up a little now.
  12. OK Gents, and thanks for this insight. I think I get it. Are we saying that OcCre have it wrong in that they should be double banked, or should we have an extra thwart? Would they actually do an odd number of thwarts and single bank them. It seems to me that three on one side and two on the other might lead to a bit of going round in circles. That said, I appreciate the limitation of scale here and putting the tholes in really was the fiddliest bit of doing that boat. I’m not going to change this boat, but I’d like to get it right in future.
  13. 😂 well my first reaction is, “ what the bleep is a thole?” Now I’ll go and look in a dictionary
  14. Very happy how this one has turned out, especially after I really struggled with the little boats on Bluenose and ended up abandoning them. Only another three of them to do!!
  15. I’ve also started on the other ‘little’ boats which will go on the ship.
  16. Finally got some time back in the boatyard! I’ve managed to get the keel on, which I reinforced with some brass rods like I did on the Bluenose. Also I finally got a few coats of varnish on the old girl…
  17. Well blow me sideways!!! Who knew? I was under a total misapprehension there then. Thanks again for sharing the knowledge👍
  18. A question occurred to me as I was looking through the instructions this evening, and that is why isn’t the name of the ship emblazoned anywhere on the ship. Ordinarily wouldn’t we expect it to be across the transom?
  19. This all looks really nice. I did the later version of this AL kit and I didn’t manage to get the glossy lacquered effect to my upper hull that I was seeking, but you’ve managed it. I appreciate I’m late to the party but I’ll follow this build along if that’s OK?
  20. Hi Chimp, She really is coming along nicely and looking a very fine ship.
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