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Everything posted by Penfold

  1. I didn’t find the AL blocks too bad. Some one of the holes in the deadeyes weren’t quite where they should have been, but even so, I think I prefer the natural wood of them over the very plasticky OcCre ones.
  2. If I do have a quibble, it’s with the blocks and dead eyes etc. Whilst each is perfectly formed, they do look a bit too plasticky for my liking and I think I’m going to have to replace with wooden ones. Part list describes them as being made of ‘composite’ but I suspect that’s just code for plastic. The die-cast metal pieces all look good. lots of nails etc and the PE pieces look fine too. Looking forward to starting the build. 😃😉
  3. The wood strips all look good, with no obvious problems. The sails look well made, though probably a bit thick to be considered in scale. The stitching on the edges is certainly better than the AL sails on my Bluenose was! I think I’ll be rigging this one without sails anyway. The thread for the rigging looks OK, though not as nice as the Caldercraft stuff I’ve used before. We’ll see how we go on that aspect. May need to replace. The pre-printed on A3 sheets instructions look clear and fairly comprehensive, and with videos on you tube I hope things will be clear.
  4. The laser cut pieces look pretty good. The keel has tiniest of bends in it, but nothing to keep me awake at night.
  5. So, I’ve bitten the bullet and plumped for a model of HMS beagle by OcCre. Having done the Bluenose 2, I’m now looking to have a go at an older ship, and one with some square rigging. It was a toss up between the Beagle or the Endurance, with both ships having fantastic history attached to them. Out of the box, things look pretty good.
  6. Ooooh!!! Now seen the ads for the OcCre Endurance but haven’t seen any reviews etc. Wondered if anybody had any views on it?
  7. I too was worried about the keel breaking off, so I reinforced it with brass rod
  8. Looking good Robert. Lovely paint job. looking forward to seeing your BN2 come to fruition. 👍
  9. On the home page, go down to the relevant section for the ship you’re building (ie kit, and post 1901). Click on that, then click on the + button to add your new topic. Simples! 😉
  10. Hi there Robert, Your BN looks to be coming along very nicely too. Great progress in a relatively short amount of time. For rigging the blocks I used ‘big eye’ needles after a recommendation from Harry Houdini’s youtube channel, and heartily pass on that recommendation. For the dead eyes I used a combination of the big eye needles and home made tool comprising a needle threader attached to a small piece of spare dowel. (Thanks to Frank Mastini for that one!)
  11. I have previously used PVA too (without issue) but just wondered about the alternative. The next question would have been about the pros and cons, so thanks for pre-empting that
  12. Been watching some of the YouTube videos for the beagle... is it just me or does blokey make it look really, really easy? I watch him and think you could build this bad boy in a week! Seriously though, it’s a really helpful series of videos and will be a huge help to relative newbies like me, if I choose to do this one (other manufacturers could try similar.) One question... when the man does his decking and second planking, he uses ‘contact adhesive’. What product, or equivalent, would that be? (I’m in the UK). Thanks.
  13. Wow, that really does look nice. must be nearly time to be thinking about rigging 😬
  14. I have no idea on the answer to your question I’m afraid, but I do think you’re gonna need a bigger boat 😹😹😹 (Sorry, couldn’t resist it.) Nice looking build though👍👍👍
  15. Hi Chimp, I’m liking the look of this so far and am thinking of this model for my next build, so hope you don’t mind if I follow along. keep up the good work.
  16. Thanks Hof. I’m not sure what next. I fancy a Granado in due course, but I think that’s a bit of a leap. The Occre Beagle looked like a possible good next step. Any suggestions welcome 😀
  17. I meant to add... re the rat lines, I followed the instructions and spaced them at 12mm. However, when you look at the box picture their model has about twice the number of rat lines. I’m not sure what is correct. I wouldn’t have had enough cotton in the kit to do twice as many Rat lines (probably not the patience either!!)
  18. All in all, I have to say I’m pretty pleased with it. I know there are some problems and bits I’d like to have done better, but it’s a fairly steep learning curve and hopefully my next one will improve on the bits I’m less happy with here. I did get halfway through the sails and wished I’d bare-rigged it. The sails provided by AL aren’t brilliant, but in the end they look ok. Overall, I’d say the kit was pretty good. Most of the fittings were nice, though I did replace the anchors. AL do let themselves down on the rigging thread. Apart from the fact they don’t provide enough (I was a full 10 meters of fine hemp short!) their cotton is also not brilliant. It tends to be quite ‘fluffy’ which detracts from the realism somewhat. The Caldercraft I got as replacement was much better. Hope I haven’t offended any of our Canadian friends by omitting the flag. The one supplied was a bit naff.
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