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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Hi Valeriy, I suppose it will be a stand model afterwards. If so, how do you fasten the pedestals of the stand ? will you build a flat bottom or will a minimum of the keeline stand out ? Nils
  2. Hello Valeriy that looks like a very promissing project. Did you lasercut the parts yourself ? It looks so good as if it were a kit. It`s a nice scale and the building methode looks very smart, I`ll certainly be watching your progress Nils
  3. Thank you very much John, slowly I`m getting there, I think bridge and boatsdeck middle section with machine-room skylights, etc. will be next... Nils
  4. Update doors fitted to the superstructure, and funnel shortened and fitted with blow out tube, fastening points for the funnel stays and ships steam-whistle/Horn Nils ready for painting...., funnel from 25mm dia brasstube
  5. Hi Sir Hayden, I`m very sorry that I did`nt look up quoted posts on this thread regurlary. By doing so I just came across your question per incedence today...... Yes you`re right it was`nt easy also for me to find adequate information on this ship. There has been a digitalisation of old technical journals around year 1900 called Polytechnisches Journal and here I found the information I desired. I`ll give you the link to the Journal, Band overview of the year 1900. There you can go through the list in the link and search for Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse related technical articals with good illustrations for details. This all unfortunately is only in German language I recommend that you click directly in the overview on Seite (page) 1, 39, 53, 71 From this information I had all I needed for planing the build. Besides that I searched the web for pics of the KWdG fitting out and the proportions. Hope this is of help for you, and I wish you good luck and success. https://dingler.bbaw.de/article-listings/pj315.html Regards Nils
  6. Bill, thanks for looking in, let me answer to your you questions..... - the single foil sheets overlap about 1 - 1,5 mm, so that the ponced rivet side edge of the next plate comes to lay and overlap on the edge of the last plate. -the rub rail is a beech profile 2 mm halfround, in those cases where there is a stronger curve, I submerge the curved ends of wooden profile for a minute or so in boiling hot water. I wish you much fun and good success with your paddle steam tug Nils
  7. Thank you Andy and John, the access doors to the wheelhouse and to the section underneath are in my planing, only that they will be fitted later on... Nils
  8. Update made aft railing of boots deck and card template of the bridge deck, also dry fit of the stairways to the bridge deck Nils front and aft-railings for boots deck stairways to the bridge deck and card bridge template ( the bridge deck will have a planking). The funnel is not shortend to right length yet aft view to mid section poop with emergency rudder kinematic gear housing and rudderchain guides the rudderchains fit along side the aft hold hatches. The support on the poop is for the long aft load derricks 3 sheave blocks for the boots davits wheelhouse on the card bridge-template
  9. thank you very much Rick, I`m pleased that the intended "glassing" works out for the wheelhouse windows, here in dryfit the first 4 silicone pannels have been pushed into the frames, but the wheelhose cabin will be painted first before final assembly Nils "panes" pushed in so far that there is a little back-step to the outside frame frontside
  10. Update starting with superstructure, officers quaters, mess-room, wheelhouse, bridge and coverplanks for holds... Nils parts cut from 2mm multilayer ply the windowframes will be from sliced brass squaretube and the windows from squarebar silicone, fiiting into the squaretube bits, Doors will be glued to the sidewalls in appropriate places the hold covers are from exact fitting 2 x 15mm stained pine planks
  11. Hi BBrueck, when I had coppered my 5 Elbe pilot schooner recently I had made the tiles from copper sheet without self adhesive gluefilm on the back. So the whole coppering was done with contact glue. So far so good, but in some minor places I had to slightly re-bend down some of the plate edges. In order to keep the edges flat and firm I put a coat of one-component-polyurethane varnish per paintbrush over the coppering. Should there be any crack like lift offs on the coppered hull, the polyurethan creeps into and seals them off. It cures out hard and transparent and keeps the edges down ever since Nils
  12. Valeriy, can you tell me what kind of propulsion engine the original boat had. Was it already an early turbine engine ? thankyou Nils
  13. thanks John, the large weight is an appr. 3Kg cast lead with cutouts to inbord stradle the deepest hull frames for my schooner "America". Built as a large sailing model for RC and allthough a lightweight design this inbord-weight was required for sailing the ship, it was too heavy so that the hull sunk a bit deeper in than the intended construction waterline. That model was put on hold since then, and the hull was sold inbetween to an other modeler. Never saw nor heared about it again. Nils
  14. Update have been working on the boatsdeck, the frontportion only gets a wooden planking as well as the bridgedeck later on Nils dryfit of the boat in the davits hard to believe that this is going to be part of the boatsdeck. Led weights and clamps keep the deck down as the CA cures out the port staircase to the boatsdeck this is my 1:1 workscetch for doing and fitting out the boatsdeck here something bad happened, I painted parts after soldering the railing to the supports and the paint came off. I should have cleaned the surfaces better before painting. Will now have to carefully remove paint with Dremel brass-wirebrush or so...., and paint new
  15. wonderful work Valeriy, this is very encouraging work for all who are using brass sheet metal for modeling, well done ! Nils
  16. Many thanks Ras and John, Ras, Thanks for your interest and for having an intensive look into the log. It seems a bit large at first look, but the base ship without the later look in the movie is the former laker steamer Corsicana and the rating for the model is exactly 1:87 The lines and frames are adapted from the Ferris type freighter of the US-Emergency fleet. I found a Polish sychronised version of "The Sea Chase" on the web and made the stand-pics from the video as needed for the details. John, you have a good eye, and yes, as the cargo derricks are made from brass tube, they are open at the ends. Thanks for the tip, I`ll have them closed later on. Nils
  17. Update here is the current state of progress, am starting with the rigging ..... Nils the funnel will be made from this 1 inch OD brass tube
  18. What a beautiful build Häkan, its been a pleasure to look into. I`m sad that I did`nt notice this log here before Nils
  19. Siggi, your two "fill-horn" carvings are top notch. Wonderfull work, well done ! Nils
  20. Many thanks John, here is the outlook in the crow`s nest .... with mast ladder, because there will be no ratlines to the shrouds, and access (with handrail) from outside the lookout post
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