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Kiwi John

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  1. Thanks Timmo, I've had a few delays with TradeMe, and the Billings CS auction I won - but these have been resolved, and I hope to receive the package late this week... The postage price was only $13NZD from Nelson to Auckland - so maybe it will arrive next month 😅 I've also come up with a list of unanswered questions about the Cutty Sark, so maybe I'll start a new research thread - or incorporate them into the build thread? I guess time will tell. Cheers, Kiwi John
  2. @John Ruy, cheers mate! Thats a nice CS you have there, the sails look really good. To me, it looks more like a ship that's being pulled through the ocean than a model! Cool work. Lots of pic's for my build thread? Ok then buddy, and if anyone complains about it, I'll refer them to you 😉 @mtaylor, I'm thinking it will be a good idea. BTW, I checked out your La Belle Poule build... I only managed reading the first post and was very impressed/ and over saturated with some cool history and information! I'll be sure to read through the rest of the thread over the weekend 👍
  3. Jens, I consider myself a very happy person, however... I feel Very disappointed! (please excuse my attempted humor) 😁 - I'm actually very impressed! Thanks for the in depth reply, your work and photography is impressive. There is a known saying: 'imitation is the sincerest form of flattery'. And, if you don't mind, I'd like to imitate some of your work. Cheers, John.
  4. @Jonny 007 I don't mean to be a critic - but, I've seen the movie 'The Bounty'... and the ship in the movie looked much bigger than this! (Hehe, please excuse my poor attempt at humor). First of all, your monologue was awesome. And I think the structure of this thread/ and the photography is very impressive. And secondly, your planking looks really good. I love the slight contrast of the timber in different planks, its very subtle - and I think you aced it perfectly 👍 Well, keep it up... I'll be sure to tune back in on this one!
  5. Thanks for the warm welcome guys 👍 Anyway, I ended up bidding on the auction for the 2nd hand kit I found online... And I won it! The kit itself looks old, the box is open and scruffed up, half the bits could be missing - but thats half the fun right?! @Duanelaker, thanks for the reference to the horse. It was my poor attempt at humor, and a clue to my build - the Cutty Sark. I was in your neck of the woods in 2011 and remember seeing this awesome tall ship next to the Brooklyn bridge, think it was called the Perking. @mtaylor, thanks! I'm just a newbie at this, but starting a build thread might be a good idea. It would be full of mistakes and errors, but it could be something other beginners could learn from right? @GrandpaPhil, thanks bud! @Srodbro, those are some great photos Steve! I'll try to get down the maritime museum soon, I've heard they have a two metre long model of the HMS Orpheus... which I'd love to make a model of in the future. Hope you had a good time while you were here! @Snow, cheers mate. Funny that you mentioned Frank Mastini! I was given one of his books years ago, and just found it again the other week while doing a clear out. Its about simplified model ship building - and it's a great read. I'll be sure to check out his other books. @Edwardkenway, thanks for the luck - I'll need it! But hey, it's all about learning new skills and having fun right? Nice spray painting by the way, I had no idea this was version two of MSW! @markjay, thanks Mark. Your CS build has been an inspiration for me! Edit: @Jonny 007, I missed your reply before posting. Nice to see another Kiwi on here! I'll be sure to check out your Bounty build. And yeah man, I'll be sure to check out the selection on might ape... thanks for the tip
  6. Jens, thanks for posting this thread. Excellent work. I have just joined up to the site, and I have many questions for you... But first of all, I'd just like to acknowledge the fact, that I'm a coffee drinker/ with no interest in the tea trade 🙂 Look, I'm a complete novice when it comes to wooden ship building, however I went through this entire post several days ago... and I felt happy, and somewhat excited. It felt like I was almost 15 years of age again, entering a cinema again... watching the film Titanic again. I feel that you have introduced a living theme? Like James Cameron did, into the movie Titanic. Anyway, my first question is about your power supply, it looks like a tesla coil? I have seen this wireless power supply during training before, and its impressive. Is that why you chose to spray copper paint? Because real copper planks could interfere with your power supply? I Am genuinely interested in your lighting philosophy, and the rest you're bringing something to life again. You're also casting new parts, in the age of the internet. I respect this 100%. I do not intend on finishing any model ship, but if I was to try, your work will be a standard I will strive for. Thanks for your help, and please continue your post. John/ Kiwi John
  7. Hello everyone, greetings from New zealand! I just found this site less than a week ago, and I'd just like to say that I've found it very impressive. For the record, I've never built a model wooden ship in my life, I have an interest in doing so and think I came to the right place! Funnily enough, while browsing pages upon pages of knowledge here I've felt like an apprentice again - surrounded by master craftsmen, and talented journeymen - thi has reinforced my confidence and interest in giving it a go. However, I thought I'd do the responsible thing and I read ccoyle's post 'For Beginners -- A Cautionary Tale' . Wow... this guy described me perfectly, and presented a logical case of why I shouldn't start something. But I like to chances. I'm the type of guy who will get really tipsy, and decide to ride my horse home. and if I see a sexy lass on the way home, I'd call out to here for sure (Witches can't cross running water right?). Anyhow, I've found a 2nd hand kitset for sale for a great price. I'll let you know what happens. John.
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