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About HardeeHarHar

  • Birthday June 23

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  • Location
    Roanoke Island
  • Interests
    Pharmacology, guitars, fishing and boating, snow skiing, schnauzers, music, water, beaches

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  1. I’ll jump into the fray. All the commentary about fit, etc are all good. However, the images people are critiquing are huge compared to the size of the figures. With my eyes, I can hardly see the figure, let alone a big hand or Ill-fitted coat. That’s not to say the comments aren’t valid, but holy cow I am starting to understand why Chris is saying he is going to punt.
  2. Excellent observation. The figures are awesome, but the telescope would not be sitting like that (at least not for long).
  3. Wich' being one who's building a Granado - I'd encourage add'n a bomb vessel to the Vanguard Fleet 😃. When it comes to armament, maybe bigger is better 😉
  4. Hey Francois, Thanks for your kind words about my color scheme. I’m trying my best! What I meant was i will be flying to Madrid, then driving to Salamanca for a scientific meeting. After the meeting is over, I will drive to Porto for a few days, then to Coimbra, and then to Lisbon for a while, before flying back to the US from Lisbon. My niece lives in Lisbon, so it will be very good to see her again (last time I saw her was when I visited her in 2016 when she was living in Moscow). Looking forward to a few weeks of business and pleasure near you!!!
  5. Well, it has been a long time since I have updated my build log. That doesn't mean I haven't been working on the Granado, but it does mean I am slow as molasses (particularly with things I have never done before). I have been working a lot too. However, enough of the excuses, and a wee bit of an update on where it all stands at the moment. Here are two photos of my progress with the preparation of the masts, yards, bowsprit, gaffs, etc for the rigging of Granado: I still have things to touch up, and the mizzen mast needs some Danish Oil wiped on it still....but it is progress. We are heading inland for a short time, and I will work on the Sphinx while there and send some pics of that soon. Then back out to the Island before I eventually head to Spain and Portugal for a little international science and adventuring. Hope all is well with everyone, and thanks for stopping by!!!!
  6. I’ve been planning on removing the base, I thought everybody did!!! Now wondering if you could print some out without the base 🤔
  7. Yes indeed, she is looking good. Even Captain Marvin must be impressed by now. We should set up a GoFundMe site with all proceeds going towards your purchase of a Vanguard Model. 😃
  8. That is looking veeeerrrrryyyyyy nice Francois! Great work on your Granado!!! Keep up the good work and the updates, it is inspirational to see your work as it progresses. Cheers, Brian
  9. I’m still sanding the inner bulwark frames… even with the Proxxon mini-sander it is taking me a long time to get it nice and smooth “/. Laser char is the worst!
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