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Posts posted by JohnEvans

  1. Thanks Adrian

    Im just waiting for a few extras to arrive from Jotika and the book and I’ll make a start. I’ve got a feeling that my efforts are going to be pretty amateurish, but looking forward? to giving it a go!

    one of the biggest problems I had with the stays was keeping the tension so if the book has any tips on that I might re-do them



  2. Hi Everyone 

    This is my first model of this type and having only just found this great site and wish id done so earlier! 

    I’m at the rigging stage of building HMS Mars, I’ve done the stays and rat lines, ( even found how to do the mouse!) but if anyone can point me towards pics of the yard rigging stages onwards that would be great.The plans are pretty good, but seeing  it is so much more helpful, as the nearer the end I get, either I’m getting denser, or its getting more complicated!

    Right now I’m not sure if I never want to see another model again, or jump straight back in and try not to repeat some of the schoolboy errors I made, there has been more than one occasion when I have sat starting blankly at a mini fail, only to realize that mistakes you make wait a while before they come back to bite you!

    Any help would be very much appreciated.










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