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  1. This is something that I am very worried about. I think I have checked each gunport about a dozen times now. And before I start cutting them out I will probably check again! I am almost finished with planking probably another 10-12 to go for the bottom. Hopefully soon.
  2. So not a ton of progress due to a trip and being a bit lazy on hobbies at the moment. But progress is happening. I have the next 6 pieces ready and will get those on tonight and tomorrow.
  3. I started from the king plank and worked out from there. Yeah I thought about adding some fake bulkheads but decided against it.
  4. So there was a false deck. The ribs are very spread out for planking directly.
  5. I do have the wood to double plank and it will have no issue forming to the hull so that is an option. I did find some of the dark wood that is softer more flexible then other pieces and I'm going to use those for the front of the ship were I need more flex.
  6. Progress has been slow. I really dislike the dark wood that way supplied with this kit. Of the 12 pieces I have tried 9 of them have broken while trying to get them to bend. Tried boiling it, soaking it overnight and fabric . Results have been disappointing. I'm thinking of replacing it not sure what with. Or maybe I'll try smaller pieces that I can completely soak or do something with. While fighting thati have been putting on the marks for the gunports. Almost halfway there!
  7. Yeah slow and steady. The instructions are well lacking is the word I would use lol. This step is basically amounts to plank the hull with the supplied planks. Some sanding will be needed for the dark planks at the stem and stern. End of instructions lol. Cold water plus a heated tool to bend them. If I go slow it works well but sometimes it doesn't seem to matter. Steaming them is also something I will try
  8. Spent a few hours last night working on the prince and made little progress. Between making a mistake and having to take off the first plank to nails not being nails and then the wood not bending like I feared I only got two on. I did prep 4 more pieces to bend and will try them tonight if they have issues I'll try again with some fabric softner!
  9. So this is sorta my first build. I have worked on the USS Rattlesnake but that is close to 12 years ago now. That Project is still at my dads as I started building it with him and intend to work on it when I am over at his place. It needs some repair work and the sanding job I did on the ribs was poor and needs correction. I have looked at quite a few tutorials and borrowed my dad's version of "Planking the Built'up Ship Model" I figure if I do too terrible of a job on the lower portion that I will double plank it. I believe I have the wood to do that. I really enjoyed working on the 1/600 ships. I have painted 21 of them most of them unnamed but there where quite a few based off real ships. HMS Prince, Sovereign of the Seas, HMS Mordaunt, De Zeven Provinciën, Friesland and the HMS Resolution to name a few. If I have too much trouble with the wood I will try that! I bent 4 pieces last night and didn't have any trouble with it so maybe I won't have to fight it too much.
  10. Greetings all! My dad got me this kit around 10 years ago I decided a month ago to bring it home finally and start working on it. So far I have enjoyed the build. Putting about a minimum of an hour a day and most days far more than that into construction. Made a few mistakes but I think I can hide most of them later. I may do some paint decoration but have not decided on that yet. Been mostly happy with the wood although some of the hull planking had issues even after soaking for hours before I tried to bend it. Not sure how the darker wood is going to go as I have seen some people comment that it is harder. I'll be starting that tonight. I made some changes to the deck planking scheme. The instructions called for single pieces and then using a pencil to draw the lengths. I ended up cutting the board to a length of 80mm as a maximum and doing it that way. I do wish the instructions and plans had a bit more detail. Planking the hull has been interesting due to that. Last photo is a 1/600 scale Prince that I painted as a Dutch prize.
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