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Everything posted by Geowolf

  1. very nice metal planking, much better than mine! 😉 regards,
  2. Hi Clearway, i´m envious of your rain! Maybe because of climate change, Spain is going to become a big desert so you can see, what some have in excess, others lack! Specially in Catalonia, all the rivers and reservoirs are dry, please send us some clouds 😄 best regards and Happy New Year!!
  3. Hi clearway i'm very glad yo see you on the way again with next ship!! but... it's very similar to the Terror!! 😅😅 Sure you'll update it with a lot of improvements, i'm waiting to see all of it! i'm sure the final result will be wonderful. best regards Keith!!
  4. hi jbcallender, for second layer i'm using the same wood glue, it needs more time to fix it but you can move & adjust the position a few seconds. I use a spare piece of wood to leave a very thin layer of glue in the plank and avoid spare glue, because the spare glue can damage and stain the wood. My problem with the second layer is the planks cannot admit a minimal deviation from his own natural curvature, so if you wants to fix in a non natural bend they are leaving gaps between it; this problem is in the bow and the stern where the planks must to be forced to accomodate the curvature of the hull. My recommendation is to test each plank in the hull and fix it avoiding gaps if it's possible, because you'll not have a lot of wood to sand later. sorry for my english language, each day is worse hehehe regards,
  5. for sure, it's critical to think about next steps in each moment! otherwise you can find in the future parts not aligned, or holes easy to made in first stages and more difficult later whithout room for the drill,... it's one of my nemesis hahaha, but no worries we're doing our best 🤩. regards,
  6. nice hull planking without gaps, and i like a lot the finish of the deck planks, very nice! your model has a great evolution, well done! 😄👍 Really, we must to make an universal meeting of Terror modellers hehehe! sure we're here almost ten of it, already made or in process... regards,
  7. your Terror looks very nice HakeZou, i like the painting and the brass work that's very clean! and i like you're adopting a lot of improvements from previous modellers. Another Terror for our fleet!! regards,
  8. wwhhooaaaa the fixation of the boats are very very nice and clean! and with the sled, nice addition (i've copied it from you hehehe). really in ALL points i'm seeing are improvements from the original...
  9. seeing your finished model is a pleasure! full of added details, seems another kit and it speaks a lot about you, the attention to the details are awesome; you must to be so proud! i can't wait yo see your next ship 🤩 king regards,
  10. very nice model Jose Luis, well done! an interesting ship, it's a bombarda? regards from Barcelona,
  11. hi nr.mihau, the reason is that Terror ship from Occre has two kits: one of this complete with sails and another one cheaper without sails. My kit was buyed in pandemy so only the cheaper was in stock 🙂 Anyway, in the drawings are pictured the sails so you can make it easily. My first model was made with sails and the second (Terror), without it. And i prefer it without sails, frankly! we can see all job in the mast and all the ridging. regards, i'll search your thread to see your improvements! 🤩
  12. hi Juan Carlos, greetings from Barcelona! 😃
  13. hahaha sure you'll take the same or better result, i'll rewiew your advance! thanks a lot for your comment! 😄
  14. Hi all, i've finished the Terror kit some days ago! a loooot of time for it, sometimes stopped for external issues (family, job, courses), sometimes has been about to fly through the window hahaha. I've put the model in a cabinet in the dining room (advantages to be a single: i can use the cabinet for something i want, and the expensive ebike is stored in the dining room too, saved from thiefs). you can see that the details are not very very good, but for me the most important is to disconnect from problems and anxiety, so the final result is good enough; and the people are not expert so they're exclaming "hooooohhh" when they watch the model 😅 . I'm starting other kit at this moment, the Xebeq from AMATI; i'll start other post for it. thanks a lot to Clearway and Obviousnewey and more kind people for your comments & ideas, you're great!! it's a pleasure to upload pictures with an audience like you 😍, and your comments helps a lot.
  15. Hi JDillon, yess i've finished it some days ago!! i'll update some pictures at this moment, thanks for your interest, F.
  16. very very nice hull, a great treatment of wood!! well done!! 😃
  17. hi all and good afternoon, some more pictures. i'm making all the lines from the mast to the deck, for it i'm using a mix of black paint and wood glue (one drop of it), and for me the result is enough hehehe. I tried to make nuts in each intersection but i don't have enough patience for it and the results was veeery bad, so this method is more quickly and ease! some more pictures with the googles i'm using to see the details, chinese from Amazon, and the wax i'm using for all wires. I added the spare lifeboats, i hope you'll like it, i remember some pictures from the film with the lifeboats in a near position... i added the cannons, a very particular interpretation about size and fixation hahaha. regards!!!
  18. ooohhh sorry Clearway, it's very sad to lose our fathers... my mom was 84 years old, we all know that one or other day will be the final day, but when the day is gone it's very hard. As we says in Spain, hope they'll wait for us a lot of time! Kind regards and keep building! we'll see here soon 😄
  19. woooww you're living in a shipyard, not a house!! 😄 i just see the pics of Diana, thanks for the links. Really you're improving a lot, the Diana is for me a jump in difficulty level, well done! maybe tomorrow i'll take a look the other models, sure they're astonishing! regards,
  20. ObviousNewbie greetings!! i'm going to see the pictures of your frigate (i remember it, the frigate Diana maybe?) regards,
  21. thanks a lot clearway!! you know, your Terror pictures are an encyclopedia for me!! i'll try to steal you a lot of details hahahaha 😅. About my situation, my mom died last May and at this moment i need to go the weekend to take care of my dad who's living alone in the village, so no time for hobbies, but i'll try at least to finish the Terror. Ahhh another problem no money neither, i'm spending 50eur only in fuel each weekend to go to the village, what a mess!! 😡 😡 i'm seeing the pics of your new ship, the stern is sooo sexy!! well done!! 😄 regards, F.
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