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Steve E

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  1. Here are some additional pictures of the Norske Love. It looks like there are likely two kits here of the ship and an additional box of the fittings. I am told that Billings kits made you buy the fittings separately in years past. I have not done any inventory on these but they look to be complete. This consists then of 3 boxes: 2 of the wooden kit part and 1 of the special fittings (shown in the other pictures). Steve
  2. I think there are actually several of them and this one is the big kit. It is a big model when done. I agree with you on AL kits. I like them and have always had good luck with them.
  3. You could be right. I am not sure. I really wanted this ship because my wife is Norwegian so I bought the kits whenever I saw them available. I was not sure if it was the same kit with a different box (I did not take everthing out) but I figured if it was that it would not hurt to have the spares. So I may be selling two for the price of one.
  4. That is a good question Michel. I honestly do not know for sure. I think (please note the emphasis on think) that the regular kit comes with some fittings but you need to purchase the separate kit if you want the "special" fittings. I only say that because I built some Billings Boats kits in the past and there were fitting in those kits. (the Mare Nostrum comes to mind) But, honestly, I am not sure regarding the Norske Love and I would not sell her piecemeal anyway. Took me way too long to find the kits. Wish I had built her years ago. Sorry not to be more helpful. Steve
  5. Thank you. I realize that and I debated putting $$ on there. I am not looking to make a whole bunch of money on these. I won't give them away. I have already donated a bunch of them to the Vietnam Vets and I will do so with the rest rather than have to give them away for nothing but these are reasonably sophisticated kits that really are not for someone just looking for a new hobby or something to do. I would like to see them go to a good home where they will be appreciated and built. I love this hobby. It has given me years of pleasure and satisfaction and I still enjoy looking at the ones I built that I still have. And I am open to offers. As an example, the San Mateo was almost a $400 kit when new. It is no longer in production and hard to find. I did list that one on E-Bay for $135 including free shipping in the continental US and I would sell it to someone on this site for a bit less. I don't think anyone will find a kit like that for that price range and I am willing to do the same with all of these. I would rather discuss money with someone personally which is why I did not try to come up with a bunch of set prices. I know what they are worth and I am not looking to get their actual value. It is not about the money. I will also take into account if someone buys more than one or the whole kit and kaboodle. So if someone lowballs me, and I hope they do not, I will simply say no. Thanks for the interest and advice. It is appreciated. Steve
  6. Thank you to everyone who inquired. All of the kits have now been sold. Keep building these beautiful ships and keep this hobby alive. Take care and stay healthy .... and sane! Steve ======================================================================================================= Per my intro, I am selling these kits because I am no longer able to build them and I want to see them go to a good home. I am in Eagan, MN to give you an idea of what it will cost to ship. Please contact me if you are interested and feel free to make an offer. The kits are: 1. Billings Boats Norske Love 1:75 scale 35.43"H 39.76"L 7.87"W - this kit consists of three boxes, two boxes of standard kit wooden parts and one box of the separate special fittings kit. One of the boxes is in poor condition. SOLD 2. Mantua Model Trotamares scale 1:43 L 800mm Box- good (one tear) SOLD 3. Carta Augusta Fregata Sarda BAROLDO 1781 L 700mm Box fair SOLD 4. Artesania Latina Harvey 1847 1/50 L 900mm H670 W170 Box excellent SOLD 5. Laughing Whale #115B Friendship Sloop - no scale or size listed - box good SOLD 6. Constructo San Mateo 1:90 L800mm H670 W30 Box ecellent SOLD 7. OCCRE Spirit of Mississippi (sternwheeler) 1/80 L740 H325 W150 - box excellent SOLD 8. Artesania Latina Scottish Maid 1:50 scale L670mm H460 W240 SOLD 9. Oak oval wood base SOLD 10. Cherry wood base x 2 SOLD I also have some brass pedestals, miscellaneous fittings, and some tools like a keel holder, rigging holder, etc. I will throw in if someone buy the lot. Thanks, Steve
  7. Hi, I am a (just shy of) 70 yo retired physician who has been building wooden ship models since age 25. I did a rural rotation in Maine during medical school and saw a Friendship Sloop and was hooked. My first attempt was completely hand carved but I quickly moved on to kits. I can no longer do the hobby, unfortunately, my eyes and dexterity are just not what they used to be. I can still do most of the woodwork but the rigging and really fine work is just no longer possible. I joined (re-joined actually as I think I was a member years ago) to see if I can pass on some unbuilt kits that I am just not going to be able to ever build. These are not beginner kits and some are no longer in production. The Norske Love (which is dear to me as my wife is 100% Norwegian) consists of three separate boxes and took me years to find. Anyway, I am trying to avoid E-Bay which has become more of a hassle than enjoyable though I do have one ship currently listed there under my moniker N4208T. I am not able yet to list these in the correct forum section but I am attaching a pdf with some pics of the kits available and I am looking to pass these on at a deep discount ... individually or as a lot ... to someone who will appreciate and actually build them. I love looking at and reading about all of your work. If you have any interest in these kits, please reach out and contact (PM) me. I am happy to use PayPal to protect both of us and you can see my rep and comments on e-bay if interested. I do not need the cash, though the $ are always nice, and I am looking to sell these for much less than they are worth. EG - I will sell the San Mateo listed on E-Bay to someone here for less than it is listed for on E-Bay. Thanks, Steve SHIPS_050820.pdf
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