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Salty Dog

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Everything posted by Salty Dog

  1. Well, I was going to post an update, but since I have received no comments at all since I started the log, it's obvious there's not much interest on this build, so I will call it a day. No fun talking to myself.
  2. Quick update: I worked on the grates and installed them: I also worked on the stove pipe. I didn't want to make one that looked like the real thing because frankly, I think it's ugly. I also added detail to the doors near the spiral stairs. Made the small window with card and used the same Mylar I used on the gallery for the glass. I did all the fife rails: And I did the boat cradle: That's it for now. Getting close to the masts and rigging. Just in time since I ordered a ropewalk which I am dying to try. Bye for now.
  3. Hello again, Just a quick update. I added the mast feet and the rings around them. I placed all the bits and started preparing the canon installation. I added some of the ropes, as well as some of the tackle against the bulwarks. I also decided to order some of those photo etched hooks for the canons. Turns out the kit doesn't even include instructions to properly installing them and only want you to glue the canons on the deck. I made all the hooks and rings by hand. Can't do anything anymore with the canons until I get those hooks. Thanks for visiting!
  4. Hi everyone, I posted a few pictures and started a poll a few weeks ago regarding getting back into building. I have several kits in different stages and was just bouncing around without getting anything finished. I decided to go with the Royal Caroline because it had significant work done and because I love that ship. I have been encouraged to start a build log by a couple of people so here it is. I was hesitant to make a log because when I started taking pictures, it was already in progress as you will see with the first pictures. I will add more pics as I progress. The best part of all, is that I am back building and it feels good. Hopefully I will stick with it and complete this beautiful kit. Thanks to those that are interested. The first 4 pictures are from the current state when I picked it back up. I hadn't even installed the wales and nothing had been added to the deck. None of the bow brass work had been installed. I did mess around with installing drapes, and though it's very hard to see, I tried adding some "stained glass" to some of the windows. I have always used the wood strips that come with kits to do the deck planking. This time I bought some Midwest architectural grade basswood and it worked out very well. It's precisely cut and after adding some oil, it really came alive and made the "caulking" very nice and visible and most of all nice and even. Caulking done with a pencil. Here I started adding stuff to the deck, such as the capstan and the winding staircases. And then I added the channels and deadeyes as well as the small steps on the side of the hull. The scupper holes too. Here is where I added all of the brass work to the bow. This was no fun at all. Those brass "rails" had to be bent to shape from some very hard brass. I had to modify a pair of needle nose pliers in order to keep a firm grip on the brass. I hated the process. And finally the gallery. This was also a real pain due to the brass parts. For the windows, I decided to go with mylar. I had never used it but I didn't want to cut out the areas behind the windows just to look at a dark empty hole through some acetate. My daughter didn't like the mylar at all, but my wife loved it. I like it too. I also placed the lanterns, but only for this pic. I will remove them temporarily so they don't get damaged during all the handling. I'll be posting more pics as I progress.
  5. Hello all, Well, I decided to continue on with the Royal Caroline. The first pics I posted were of the RC in its current state. I have made some progress. I didn't start a build log because the ship is so far done. I figure I'll at least update every once in a while. So here is where I am: This is the first time I have ever used my "own" wood for the deck. I bought some Midwest architectural wood and used that instead of the kit supplied one. I love it. Very nicely milled wood and all I did was add some sanding sealer. I also added the wales, and the chain plates, and the deadeyes, and the small steps on the side of the ship, the stairs, and the windlass. I placed the figurehead, and all the brass parts. This was not fun. Bending that brass was a nightmare. I was going to cheat and use something else, but I stuck with it. The hat heads are also in. None of the gallery had been done. Tonight I added the lamps. For the windows, I didn't want to drill them out, and place some acetate as glass, just so you could look at a dark room. So I used Mylar. My daughter thinks it's cheesy, but my wife loves it. I think it's cool. Gives some realistic reflections. And that's it. I will post updates when I get some more work done.
  6. Thank you Bob, Went to "start it up" again and was disoriented. Didn't remember where I left off and was surprised I had done so much. I even bought the Anatomy of the ship and that may have been part of why I stopped building it. That and getting into plastic ships with beautiful PE. It is a great book, but so many things that are out of my league. I could never make the beautiful carvings. Last thing I had done was some of the mast work. I did try to replicate some of what the book illustrates but even that was complicated without going into scratch building. So it's either have fun and complete the kit, or really delve into things I have to spend lots of time learning and get discouraged some more. For now, I'd rather have fun. I did buy a Servo-Matic because I have always wanted to make beautiful served lines. Hopefully I can handle that. I don't think I'll start a build log because I'm so far ahead, but I will post updates here if permitted, for those of you that would like to see it and have said such nice things. Onward...
  7. Thank you Chuck. I deleted the reference. Didn't know it was a no no.
  8. Ooops, sorry about that guys. I deleted that reference. Jaager, I got to build it which is what I really wanted. I paid $200 for the kit. I'm $1,000.00 richer today and can see my ship anytime I want because it went to a friend. And I own 2 of the exact same kits that are in my stash if I want to build it again. I love the Cutty. Some of us do it for fun, as Catopower said. Enjoy your real bones. I like my kits. For those interested, this is the current state of my RC:
  9. You're right of course. It's the reason I sold the Cutty in the first place. Just wasting away. The guy that bought it loved it at first sight, so I'm sure it's well appreciated.
  10. Thank you all for responding. Most are choosing the one I am most afraid of! The Wappen is a tough kit for different reasons. It is single planked. No messing up! The instructions leave much to be desired. I can't decide what to do with all the castings. Not sure I like all the colored characters. I think I might go with them as they come. The quality of this kit is top notch. Really nice wood and castings. The kit that I have invested more time on as of now is the Royal Caroline. I feel guilty for having stopped when I was moving along well. Catopower has a good eye. The RC is like a jewel. Very elegant looking ship. So I might go with that, or I might take a dive and work on the Wappen. Regardless, I just have to start moving and I appreciate your suggestions.
  11. Hello all, I had fallen off the planet and am trying to come back. I recently sold my Mantua Cutty Sark for $1,000.00, which is nothing for the amount of time I put into it. But it had been sitting there for 7 years, with no one really looking at it, and it bummed me out. Now I'm bummed that I sold it and want to start building again. I have all the kits listed in the poll and can't decide which to tackle. They are all in various stages of assembly, but mostly just the beginning of the hull planking. Just curious as to which one would be most popular here an would appreciate a little input. Thank you all.
  12. Hi peeps, Got a lot done. I'm actually seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. First picture is where I was on the 18 of this month, and what it is today, 10 days later: I got some of the work done here, like the doors and railing: Also got the main derrick done. That was fun! (sarcasm): I started placing all the ADO's and ALO's on the main control tower. When I'm done with that, I will be ready to place all the decks on the hull, but before that, I have to do all the hull work! Props, and circuit, and portholes!
  13. Thank you Kevin. Really appreciate that. It would be nice to see it where others can see it. I donated one to a library years ago, and it still there. I also displayed one in a tobacco shop, available for sale. It was there for yeeeers! Owner finally died and I never saw the ship again. Luckily it was one of my first kits and not worth a lot. Tonight I completed the second derrick and I glued the main mast in place. I am just going to let it sit for the night so I don't get it out of alignment.
  14. Tonight I completed one of the derricks. Very detailed. I am going to paint the cables like the other cables on the funnels.
  15. Hey Carl, You might be right, but I don't know how much polishing these PE part can take. In the case of the funnel covers, they have raised bumps that are pretty rough, and lots of tiny holes where other parts go. Too late for anything now. I just hope they hold.
  16. That's very nice of you OC. Don't know if it would qualify for a museum, but it looks good in my room. Can't wait to see it all finished up.
  17. Hi Mark, Since I'm not painting the PE, I didn't want to discolor it. But what you suggest is what should be done if you were to paint the PE.
  18. Hey Jock2000, I looked at the Rodney and you are very lucky you don't have to go through this: I rigged them tonight and I can't tell you what a nightmare it is. If you look at the picture above, you have to be EXTREMELY precise as to where you start to roll that PE. Unfortunately, the PE is ridiculously rigid. Forget rolling it. I showed my wife what I tried. First I tried your conventional rolling and that didn't touch the PE. I then took a long socket, just a bit smaller than the funnel. I placed the PE on top of a rubber garage mat, and then I put the socket on top of the PE and I STOOD on it. All 200 pounds of me had no effect whatsoever on the PE. And I mean nothing. Remained as flat as new. I had to slowly glue it, around the plastic funnel, which didn't allow for the PE to tightly mate with the plastic so this changed the position of some very tiny holes where the cables attach to. Which also changed the position of where the vent pipes go. I didn't know how much this would affect the assembly later on and it did. Tiny holes that should have been right next to a vent pipe, ended up behind the vent pipe. Stuff like that. Really annoying. And now I have to keep my fingers crossed that the glue doesn't come loose and the PE goes bouncing back like a spring. MAJOR disaster! Don't know why the chose such tough brass. But we're having fun....right?
  19. First time I've been happy that less was better! 3 was bad enough. Have fun!
  20. Hey everybody, Just a quick update. I've been slowly placing all the assemblies onto the main deck. Had lots of tiny plastic parts that had to be painted and placed. Also place all the main deck guns, and stuff like the searchlights. Now it's getting very hazardous to work on without snagging something by accident.
  21. Hello, She's taking shape. Tonight I did some major populating of the main deck. Made LOTS of lockers, started installing sub-assemblies, adding details and touching up paint. So much to do. Hard to decide what goes on first, what goes last: By the way, in case you haven't noticed the obvious, my work area is a total mess! It gets like that within a few minutes of working. I will COMPLETELY clear it up, and put tools and materials on a table next to me to leave the work area clean, and before I know it, all the tools and glues and everything else, is up on the work area! Sorry for the messy pictures.
  22. Thank you Harley. I imagine there are some that see it as a one of a kind disaster! But I bet if it had really been painted like that, the Bismarck would have turned tail!
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