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Salty Dog

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Everything posted by Salty Dog

  1. Thanks guys, for all the encouragement. Last night I forgot to upload a picture of something to illustrate just how fantastic this PE technology is. If you look at the paravanes up above, there are 2 tanks on each "wingtip". I didn't know how they were going to attach, and then I saw it! If you look carefully, you can see that there's an actual slot where you can slide the wing into to support the tank! Look at the size of that! And it slides right in. Not tight. Not loose. Pretty amazing. Also, tonight is the first time that I put all the big pieces together on the hull. If I may say so, it looks amazing. Not gloating. It just really looks impressive in black and gold. Can't wait to see it all decked out with all the goodies and rigging. Hope you guys like it. Also, I spend a few hours making these locker cabinet things. Each one has 18 locks you have to bend with tweezers!
  2. Hi people, I finished the paravanes tonight: I actually placed them on their carts and mounts and forgot to take pics. I'll do that tomorrow. I also added the cables on the funnels: Now I'm going to start looking at everything carefully to see what is needed. During the assembly, there are many very small things that I don't install because they are so fragile. I will start to add them now. Some I can add before I start working on the hull. I also want to look at what I'm going to do with the rigging, since it will be much easier to install before everything is on the hull. Obviously that won't be possible with all the rigging. Anyway, nite!
  3. Tonight I worked and actually completed all 5 of the launchers. They didn't have many parts and painting probably took the longest. I think they came out nice: I started on the paravanes and that's it for all the major sub-assemblies. From there I have to start thinking about the hull and placement of decks and that kinda stuff! I'm scared! When it's done, who wants to buy it from me? I have no idea where I can put it!
  4. Hello people, I finished the quads and this is as good as it's going to get. Just way too delicate and badly documented. I did some work with the launchers today and then come the paravanes. Before I start buttoning stuff up, I have to spray everything with some clear to get rid of that CA frosting. Sometime back, I was watching a "police" show and they actually use cyanoacrylate to lift prints! No for the stickiness, but for the outgassing and frosting. They will allow the CA to emit its stuff and the prints become visible due to the "frosting" effect. The very same thing that happens when building models! I hate that! Anyway, here's the quads.
  5. Thanks. Going to try to attach the remaining parts and obviously the base and see what they look like. In the scheme of things, with the entire ship finished and so much to look at, I doubt anyone but gun nuts would really zero in on those guns. By the way, it's been a month and Pontos never sent me the missing parts for those paravanes.
  6. Very nice cars. I have owned 3 Grand Prix's. 2 69's and one 79. Loved them all.
  7. Well, I finished the Pompoms, and as fidgety as they were, the were NOTHING in comparison to the current ones. The famous Quadruple guns. This is by far, the most obscure and difficult assembly yet. Pontos supplied tons of tiny parts, and because they rely on their pictures to show how they are assembled, good luck interpreting them! The parts are really small. You glue one, and when you go to glue another, you knock off the one you just glued. There is barely any surface contact between parts. Some are very thin and require multiple folds, which leave the finished part looking very wonky and shaky. There's a limit to how small you can go, and have a stable assembly and I think this is it. I got so far and have about 4 parts left and have no idea where and how they go. I'm not crazy with how they look and am tempted to just go with the kit parts. What do you guys think? These are the instructions: This is where I'm at: Just as an example, why can't Pontos supply illustrations such as the ones that Eduard supplies? Much clearer and informative than just simple pictures. No mistaking where parts go and how they are bent. Here's what they offer for the 1/200 Hood:
  8. I can see if resin parts are included to either add detail or enhance, but when they want to replace plastic that's as nice or better, then it's a waste of time. As Carl said above, I believe they often use it to increase the price of the kits. Pontos will sell one upgrade kit, then offer another, and offer tons of resin stuff not included in the first kit. If I bought one of those "deluxe" kits, it would be for the extra PE, NOT the resin. Maybe there was a time when injection just didn't cut it, but nowadays, they have amazing detail.
  9. As I mentioned before, I really dislike resin. I'm glad they had you use the plastic after cleaning it up, rather than resin parts in the 1/200 kit. I just don't get what the big deal is with resin. Otherwise, the parts are very similar. Obviously, at a larger scale, you can add even more parts! Fun!
  10. Hi guys, Tonight I finished the 2nd out of 3 pompoms. Before I start the 3rd and last, I figured I'd take a picture of all the parts involved in the assembly. Notice how there are only 2 parts from the original plastic kit. All the rest is brass! Tomorrow I finish them all.
  11. Pompom time! I finally dug in and completed one. Fortunately there are only 3. Although they have LOTS of parts, it was pretty straight forward....NO thanks to Pontos. You have to really take a good look and dry fit everything to get it right. But when you're done, these things are almost operational! I was just waiting for it to misfire by accident! Very nice little things. Notice that I put it on top of a quarter in one of the pictures for reference.
  12. To those watching this blog and saying nice things, I just want to say anyone can do it. I turn 60 this year. I have diabetes, I have had surgery to my eyes, I just don't have the same vision I did a long time ago nor the "hand eye" coordination, but as long as you don't shake too much, you can do it. I fortunately have pretty steady hands and good enough vision (thanks to reading glasses!), that I can do this. A steady hand, in my opinions is even more important than perfect vision. NOTHING will keep you from shaking, and even a tiny shake can have some disastrous consequences. So give it a try! Start with something with less detail. The 1/200 kits from Trumpeter come with some PE included that you can practice with. Or you can go for a 1/350 with included PE. Anyone can do it. Thanks again for the compliments!
  13. Good eve, I finished the 4 inch HA guns: I am going to leave one uncovered just to show off the detail. They even have little seats!! I'm just going to set the "hood" next to it. Tomorrow are the pompoms!!!' Look at all that fiddly crap! I have been looking forward to this since the beginning since it is incredibly detailed. After surgery to the original parts, you're pretty much left with nothing and rebuild it all with brass. Very nice.
  14. It's a challenge. But check out my last post if you want to see a challenge!
  15. Thank you Mark! It will be time to start working on the hull soon. It's got some wicked degaussing coils. That's going to be a lot of fun! 🥴
  16. Hello, I got some gun work done tonight. I have to build 7 of these goodies: This is the fret with some of the gun parts: These are the parts for just one of these: This is the finished gun before placing the armor dome over it: Tomorrow I will place the covers on the guns and promptly cover all that gorgeous detail and work!
  17. Hello all, It's been spooky quiet today. Only tiny aftershocks that at this distance you can't feel them at all. But every time you hear something crack or squeak, you stop to feel. Not fun. Anyway, tonight I worked on the guns. The big ones. Although there are only 4 on the ship, because of the dual frets, you get 6. Which is a waste. The blast bags are resin. I decided to give the barrels the "heat" treatment like I did the smokestacks. In the pictures they are very exaggerated in colors. They are much more subtle in person. Not nearly as purple as they look in the pics. Same goes for the funnels. They just look way too colorful. Each one of the 4 guns is different in what parts are on them. The one I I finished has the most parts. Hope you like.
  18. I don't know man. Looks like a giant floating sex toy to me.
  19. Quiet tonight after 2 days of major quakes. Got some work done. I worked on the main mast top: Things started nice and mellow, then went bananas with some very intricate stuff, including some nightmarish radar things. These are some of the parts: What the hell is a caduceus doing here?! Goes at the very top. Some kind of RF receiving stuff? When I did the Mikasa, I left all the faux PE rigging unpainted and it kinda bugged me. This time, I painted the "cable" parts. I like how it looks. Again, very very touchy stuff. Was glad to get it finished! I don't even know how I'm going to get it on top of the mast without knocking parts off. Hope you guys like it. I also did the ship bells.
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