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Everything posted by nehemiah

  1. Do you sell replacement display stands for the Alert? I had a cat-related trip/ fall and crushed the one provided with the kit. Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask or if the answer is immediately apparent on your site and I missed it.
  2. I don't know much about diluting glue but I use a paint brush for application while planking and I wet the bristles before starting so I guess that counts. You might want to continue to fair the bulkheads. I think the char should not be showing on any of them. I get paranoid about removing too much wood in the process but it really needs a good fit for the glue.
  3. most recent photo. took me weeks to decide how to start rigging. decided to try to get the fore and aft stays done first. then worry about the shrouds. i use a needle threader but the largest thread in the kit would not fit so i had to use a thinner thread. not sure how to get thread through without the needle threader. maybe use a needle to push it through?
  4. Thanks for the response. I think I just overthought my question. I just glued them on there and they are very stable so far. Wood glue is a magical thing.
  5. Current state. Definitely not perfect but I feel like I'm learning quite a bit about patience. I am a bit stuck though. How do I go about permanently attaching the shroud plates? It says to nail them but I'm not certain how to go about doing that. I'll search the site today but if anyone knows a build log or a video that shows a beginner how to do that, I would greatly appreciate being pointed to it. Thanks.
  6. Finished second planking. Sanded it down a bit. Planning on using the weathering stuff on the ship below the rail and most of the fiddly bits. Third photo is testing out the weathering stuff. Left is one type of wood filler and glue below that, middle is other wood filler and glue below, and on the right is just wood. I'm feeling okay about how it soaks into both the fillers but not certain about it. Not sure if I should just weather as is... or fill is the small gaps and then weather.
  7. These veneers are getting the best of me. I messed up the tafferel so bad I had to paint over it to hide some of it. Broke a piece off the rough inner planking from being too pushy and not patient. Always a learning process. Just fun to work at it too!
  8. Looking back, I would have lightly sanded every plank before gluing them. The last plank needed quite a bit of sanding to fit in there.
  9. Thank you for pointing this out. I've soaked some planks using cold water for too long (the 6th and 7th according to instructions) that have split by inner layer. Just glued and clamped them back together so no real issue so far but.... I have to be careful to try to bend without water b/c the shaped planks fit closely to each other. The shaped planks on this build are really useful.
  10. Put first two planks on. These bend much easier than the bulwark. Thanks for the rec, Wahka_est! I'll check it out for the second plank. I used Aleene's turbo tacky glue for my last build and it worked ok but I'm a big fan of titebond.
  11. Moving along.... first time using power drill on a model kit. Did not go great (to say the least). I am going to build up around it. Got another veneer to put over it so hopefully will be fine. Note to self -- drill smaller holes first before going to 6mm.
  12. For those builders who use the pin pusher thing instead of a hammer - the nails provided with the kit have a huge head and don't fit the pusher. I might have to order some pins with smaller head b/c I love that pin pusher. Although it looks like I could get away with just using stretchy clamps for the planking.
  13. Soaked and clamped the bulwarks. Was a bit touch-and-go for a while b/c I wasn't sure how long to soak and tried to clamp too early. It's amazing how wood can go from "bending" to "breaking" so quickly! I think I might have to try using steam the next time. Thankfully nothing broke too badly.... just a few fibers.
  14. Hi everyone, I'm a newbie builder who just started this addictive activity of model building during the pandemic. I've built the model shipways dory and longboat. I'm about to finish the Vanguard Fifie. I wanted to build something with more challenging rigging and I love the look of a schooner. So here I go....
  15. I find cutting shears or snippers very useful for rough cutting the planking as well as a bunch of other cutting. I bought a miter box and mini-saw b/c the model I was building needed more than one plank to go the length of the ship and I needed to angle them in the middle so they would be flush over the bulkhead. Now that I have it, I find it very useful for cutting dowels too. Not sure if you would absolutely need it for a smaller model though. I think "broach" in this context means a tool that I would call a reamer - for gently enlarging drilled holes. But I don't know for sure.
  16. I had a similar issue. Had to buy Amati line b/c just couldn't get the model shipways line to work.
  17. Thanks for all the comments and thoughts. Just ordered the schooner Polotsk. I'll start a build log when I get going. I'll check on the Philly Ship Modeling Club too. I love the Independence Seaport Museum and spent about 25 minutes watching someone work on a ship model last time I was there.
  18. Hi everyone, Just started model building last year in attempt to stay sane while working from home. It's worked (for the most part). :) I have completed the Grand Banks Dory from Model Shipways, got about 65% through the Model Shipways Longboat (1:48 scale) until quitting b/c too small for me to get decent results. Finished the 1:24 Model Shipways longboat and I am now close to finishing the Vanguard Fifie (everything except the sails are completed). REALLY enjoyed building the Fifie but now looking for a new vessel to order and not really sure which way to go. I have a question about the natural learning progression. I would like to get better at rigging but not sure which vessels are a bridge too far after only completing simpler rigging on Fifie. I'm decent with the planking but that also needs some work. Was looking at the Master Korabel Schooner Polotsk, Vanguard HMS Flirt, or the Amati HMS Granado. Interested if anyone has thoughts about which would be the "easiest" rigging for next step in learning (keeping in mind the quality of the instruction booklet)? Any recommendations for kits other than those three would also be greatly appreciated. Anyways, thanks for the site and all the awesome build logs and other information!
  19. I am newbie at this but I have found that I can never have enough clamps. I find clothespins and rubber bands to be especially useful.
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