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Everything posted by Sparky21

  1. I recently purchased the Elidir kit by Constructo online, the box had already been opened. I’ve completed the hull planking, but unfortunately, I didn’t take an inventory of the parts beforehand. Now, I’ve discovered that some key components are missing. Does anyone know if the company is still in business or where I can find replacement parts? Thank you
  2. Started this build January 2023, progressed through the winter and spring. I lost interest in the hobby after getting Covid and other family issues. But I’m back to working on the build.
  3. I am making the same model, I am up to attaching the rudder. The directions for this model aren't the best. I can't figure out what to use for the pintles for rudder Gudgeons. What did you use for the rudder pintles? Thank you David
  4. Have not worked on the HMS Victory for most all of the summer. Almost finished with the first layer of planking. I have a lot of prep work ahead for the second planking. I and wondering about the second planking methods. When adding the second planking how do you fasten the planks while the glue dries?
  5. Started the first layer planking. It was a learning curve for me on how to use the soldering iron as to when enough heat was applied as to not burn the planks. As you can see in the second photo I scorched the planks. Also the written directions said to wax the frames so the frames can easily be removed after the planking is done. But in the sheet plans it show tiny nails into the frames. I'm not sure if I'm doing the planking correctly or not, time will tell
  6. This is my seventh build. I do believe it's above my skill level but for better or worse I'm going to give it a try. I've never done a second planking so this will be interesting. Also, the sheet plans are all in Italian. I've been using the Google translator which works really good. I started using a soldering iron with a jig that I made for the bending of the planks. I've found that water soaking the planks before I heat them to bend work quite well. More photos to follow as I progress.
  7. Could that piece be reversed? Looks like the longer flat side might be placed towards the bow. I'm probably way off on suggesting this.
  8. The plans for the rigging are difficult to follow. I did my best to follow it, but I guessed where they should go from past builds and sailing experience. I just do the best I can and learn from my mistakes.
  9. Your model looks great!! Not sure of the type of wood that came with yours, I'm thinking mine came with walnut. I purchased it on eBay and I think it was laying around for a log time a all of the wood was very fragile and kept breaking when I used an exacta knife. I ended up sanding most all of the planks into shape
  10. I finished I have found out that it's not a race to the finish line to complete the model, it's about finding out that I need to be more patient with myself while model making and not to rush any of the stages so I can better understand and slowly master techniques for future models.
  11. Finished the deck planking, at first it was extremely time consuming.
  12. I have to admit that I am not good at keeping up with my build log. Finished with the planking, will be clear coating the planks for the finish coat.
  13. Coming to the end of the planking process. . The kit had been in a small hobby shop that went out of business during the pandemic; he was ready to retiree. Not sure of what type of wood the kit came with (I think its walnut). I found that most of the wood is very brittle. Learning curve has been frustrating at times. I'm mostly happy with my results. I'm planning on clear coating the planks with either shellac of varnish. There are a few gaps in the planking, not sure if I should leave them or fill with wood fill or sawdust fill. Any input would appreciated Thanks, David
  14. I have them, wondering how I can get a copy to you.
  15. Following the instructions it says to plank with strips 1.5X5mm and space with0.5mm strips. I glued in place, then as per instructions cut off excess spacers that were above the planks. After cutting off I then proceeded to sand, After sanding I noticed that I had not done a very good job of gluing the spacers. Now there are large gaps where the spacers fell out. Not sure what to do at this point. As you can see I haven't made much progress. Photo #1 shows the spacers and planks glued Photo #2 shows a spacer with planks Photo #3 large gaps where the spacers fell out Not sure what to do at this point. I used white glue, I'm thinking about trying to remove the planks and spacers by soaking with water. Then gluing planks in place with no spacers then pencil line in spacers. Any advice? Thanks, David
  16. Started the deck planking, tedious and time consuming.
  17. Then the fore and aft decks also presented a clamping issue. For the aft deck I used a a small piece of wood on the underneath side of my keel clamp with Triger clamps.
  18. I then inserted the middle deck. I had a difficult time figuring out how to clamp it down. I ended up using binder clips that are 12" wide.
  19. After sanding the laser marks from the frames I glued them in place. I used small L brackets to keep them square
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