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Everything posted by pwog

  1. This looks interesting. I didn’t know Bluejacket offered a limited edition.
  2. I'm finished! This was my second build. It was frustrating at times and very rewarding at times. I learned a ton and enjoyed this build immensely! Now I am ready to attempt my first plank on. Thanks to all who followed this log and for your comments and encouragement. Before I post final pictures I want to tell you a weird little story. Yesterday my wife went up in our attic and retrieved some old knitting magazines that belonged to my mother. The first one she picked up she opened to the following page, having no idea it would be there... Okay, here are my images:
  3. Thanks so much Gary, for the kind words. The information on the anchor is very helpful too. I appreciate it.
  4. I agree with you Nirvana. I will probably use the one I found. It looks realistic and the scale is close enough. It’s pictured above, leaning against the base By-the-way, after I finished my Red Baron build you suggested that I try a simple planked build next. My next build will be the Swampscott Dory by Bluejacket.
  5. Thanks Nirvana. My wife and I were discussing where we were going to put it last night. 😂
  6. Thanks Kurt! The anchor looks okay (to me) when hanging from the side, but when layer on deck, not so much. I may just suspend it from the side.
  7. I am just about finished my build. I added a couple of additions to my build based on some photos I have in an article by Maynard Bray with photos by Benjamin Mendlowitz in Wooden Boat Magazine, Number 59, July/August 1984. I added the bags of salt, just forward of the house, the boat with buoys on the stern and some rope hanks on the belaying pins. I will probably add a couple rope hanks on the rails at the sides of the house, as well. I still have to mount Pauline on a nicer board and I'm still going back and forth on adding an anchor and a radar antenna. My trepidation is whether or not the scale of the anchor and radar antenna are correct. I'm happy to hear anyone's opinion on the anchor and/or radar. Here are some images: Here you can see the anchor hanging from the bow and the radar antenna. If I add the anchor I will coil the line on deck. I wanted to put the anchor on deck, but it seems bigger when on deck.??? The roof on the house is removable. I have mounted an LED light to it to illuminate the interior, so I have a bit of adjustment to make so the roof fits flush. I'll post more images when I'm completely finished.
  8. A quick update... I finished the rigging. This was my first attempt at rigging. It was at times frustrating and challenging, but once completed, satisfying. I can't imagine rigging a model tall ship! I learned some tricks along the way, but I'm sure I have much more to learn. My next step will be to coil the ends of the running rigging and fix them to their belaying pins. After that I will be adding some details to complete my build.
  9. Gary, Your work is always incredible! This is beautiful. Well done!!!
  10. Agreed. All of my build’s have been Bluejacket kits, including the one next on my list. Every time I’ve reached out to them for assistance Bluejacket has always been there with super quick communication and response. Kudos Nic and crew! An extra bonus for me is that Bluejacket kits allow me to support fellow Mainers.
  11. Nice build Rich! This boat is on my to do list. I wish more models of tug boats were available, especially some of the more modern designs.
  12. Quick update - I tried something that I hoped would prevent me from having to redo the slack rigging and it worked! I decided to cut the line attaching the stern turnbuckle to the stern chain plate and reattach applying a bit of tension, which was enough to draw the main back stay and the spring stay snug. I'm much happier with the result!
  13. Hi Tim, I'm using the cotton thread that came with the kit. I'll look into polyester thread. Thanks! - Paul
  14. Hello Everyone! I hope you are all well. It has been a while since I've posted. Truthfully, I needed to step away from my build, as it was getting so frustrating. Also, I have a 1:1 scale boat that I spend most of my time on during our (too short) summers here in Maine. To bring you up to speed... I was in the process of starting the standing rigging. I was having a very difficult time with gluing the ratline battens onto the inner shrouds. The battens just weren't sticking to the rigging thread. After many attempts, the frustration (and the fact that I was running out of swear words) got the best of me and I closed my shipyard. Now that I've had time to distract myself around the coast of Maine; I'm back at it. Having thought through my previous attempts at gluing the battens, the only conclusion that I could come up with for my failed attempts was the glue. I did some research and found that CA glue has a shelf life! I had not realized that. I bought new glue and the battens are attached! Easey peasey. I have all the standing rigging attached, but I'm not completely satisfied with some of the slackness in some of the runs. I'm considering removing and trying again. I found it difficult to keep the tension on the thread and tie it off. If anyone has some tips and or suggestions, I would greatly appreciate your feedback.
  15. I’m with you on your sentiments concerning Ukraine juhu. It is truly a tragic state of affairs. I’ll never understand why we can’t just live and let live. Although, I live in the U. S. My grandparents immigrated from Kiev, to America. I stand with Ukraine. ❤️
  16. Thank you so much for your kind words Melissa. Honestly, I'm finding the Pauline challenging, at times, as some of the pieces are so delicate that I break them and then have to repair or reproduce the part. It's very frustrating. However, the builds are fun. Again, your work on the dory is just beautiful!
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