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  1. Thanks, yes the blocks are functional, brass sheaves in a wood housing (I bought the small ones and the large ones (>10mm) are self made).
  2. We have now started rigging our Surly. Were we are still not sure is about the mounting of the Carronades. Research shows that Carronades up to 12pdr were normally mounted on "normal" wheel carriages. As, based on the description on the plan, Surly and Cheerful were ordered to carry 18pdr Carronades I'm wondering if for those slide mounts wouldn't be more appropriate?
  3. Hi Bob, She looks great, congratulations. I have one question about the lower backstays, i know that nearly all models of cutters are showing them, but they are neither mentioned in the rigging instructions for cutters in the 1794 nor the 1818 edition of Steel's masting and rigging. So I even played with the thought that maybe the pendents were used as backstays on cutters. Do you by any chance have a literature reference for them? I'm asking as I'm currently started to rig my Surly and I'm stuck at that point. Many thanks for your help.
  4. Here are the latest photos of the built Hull is coppered and still needs to be aged. Currently we are working on the mast and spars.
  5. Hi Nils, if my calculations are correct she will have an displacement of about 5 to 6 kg. My hope is to keep the weight of the hull and mechanics below 3 kg. Dependent on that we will decide if I go for ballast in the hull or if we need to go with an removable keel (points to attach an external keel are already built into the hull). We also foresee the option to increase the area of the rudder, as this will be necessary based on our experience with the Banterer and Racehorse.
  6. Hi, after finishing the Banterer my father and I started to search for the next ship to build. We agreed that this time it should be something mall and easily to transport. After some research we agreed to built a cutter ordered for the Navy, the "Surly". She was the second and last cutter of the Cheerful class ordered to be armed with 10 18pdr Carronades and 2 6pdr long guns. We were quite surprised by the heavy caliber but plan copies we got from the National Maritime museum in Greenwich explicitly stated on the side view plan "... to be armed with 10 18 per Carronades and 2 6pdr guns ...." we started to contract the hull again in two parts (upper and lower) to allow for easy access to the mechanics and electronicsCurrently we finished coppering the hull and are working on the deck.
  7. There are some additional points I would like to make in regard of the sailing stability of models. The sail area is only reduced in square but the hull volume is reduced by cubic based on the scale, so for each sailing model the sail area will always be much greater in comparison the the hull volume as it was with the original. This males it very likely that a below kneel ballst is required.
  8. Many thanks for all your interest in our model of the Banterer. Here are some more picture of her maiden voyage:
  9. Here are some pictures of the maiden voyage of our Banterer as you can see she is riding still very high on the water indicating that about 4 kilos of ballast are still missing to stabilize her. Next steps will be to give her more ballast before her next trial.
  10. We are using normal water proof white glue for the wood, for the Copper plates we used cyanid quick glue. Over all of this is a layer of semi gloss boat paint. This combinatiion protects the hull very well.
  11. the Banterer has a displacement of about 24 kilos. The upper part of the hull weights 10 kilos with about kilos on the water line and 6 kilos high above (masts, Sails, cannons, ...) and the lover hull weights 6 kilos. So we have 8 kilos of ballast. 5 kilos in the form of lead balls are sunk in Epoxy in teh lower hold. above that we have 3 kilos in the form of lead bars to trim the ship. Tests indicate that no external ballast will be needed ( I hope that proves right :-) ) We are also able to lover the Topgallant Yards to reduce the sail area. I will post some pictures as soon as she had her first voyage.
  12. Hi, with the Banterer nearly finished I wanted to show some actual pictures. The most work over the last 6 month was the sail making each sail took me an average of 40 hours to make. Build time was now nearly 7 years and we hope to let her sail on May 2nd for the first time.
  13. Thanks for the info, the pictures I uploaded yesterday and three of the first set uploaded are now missing in my gallery. Not sure what happened but I will upload them again this evening. Lars
  14. The following pictures show the captains cabin and the laterns we build to illuminate the cabin and the upper deck: The Lamps are made of the piece of clear plastics and brass eyebolt and a yellow LED:
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