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Posts posted by jct

  1. Well finally some progress on the new nests...as I stated in a previous entry I wasn't happy with the symmetry on my original scratch build nests, so I tore them down.  I decided to do something closer to what I'd seen in pics of the HM replica, so with that in mind I started rooting through the wood box and came up with some of the super bendy beech that the rails were made of this was split to a thinner profile, sanded and treated to some bending.  I made 4 circles, two for each mast, fore and main.  I bent some material for the stanchions and treated it to a ride through the band saw getting two for one.  Next came some layout based on the diameters of the bases, still attached to the masts, and the new tops, once complete this showed where the stanchions had to be cut for everything to align.  All the stanchions were then cut to size and ganged sanded to final size, from there it was just a matter of gluing everything up.   The nest still need finish sanded and they will get painted red and mounted to the bases...pics follow.

    THX for your interest














  2. Haven't posted any updates in a while...had the mast almost complete and really started taking a hard look at them...not happy with the crows nests.   The octagon shape just wasn't symmetrical enough and looked really bad.  I suspect it would have looked worse as the rigging began, just calling attention to it, so I've stripped off the nest and will scratch something once I've figure what I want to do.

  3. THX Popeye,

    I have got the wooldings applied to the fore and main but the masts are fighting back a bit...the main top has warped after being fixed to the mast cap :( never saw that one coming...figured the dowels would be fine after they were shaped...guess I should have sealed each individual piece prior to assembly?? :huh:   I'll figure something out...when I do I'll post some pics of the solution...thinking maybe kerfing the mast and bending after some ca, or cutting and pining the half's...don't know but you'll know when I do :P :P may have some new pics tomorrow...been nuts at the salt mine.



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