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Posts posted by jct

  1. Hi all,
    Just an update, got some work done on the masts, they are assembled but not ready to mount still need do do some detail work to them, sorry only a couple of pics...I got so wrapped up in the build I forgot the camera.  They did take a bit of tweaking to get the spacing where I wanted it.  also got the bollards shaped and mounted...pics follow





  2. Your HM launch is looking good and the lion's heads are coming along, I had the same issues with mine...I ended up hitting them with a flat clear... painting them red... flat clear... brown acrylic wash... flat clear... red dry brush...flat clear...red highlight...flat clear...well you get the picture, I'm surprised they didn't turn out an inch thick :D :D  any way even with all that they need to be handled with kid gloves.  Still working on the masts for mine, mast cap blocks are fighting back...the kit ones just suck, all made from end grain, already broke 2,  hole spacing is bad, anyway I'm in the process of making new ones. 

    Nice work on your Moon


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