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Spooky spoon

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Everything posted by Spooky spoon

  1. Well, I think I've got my airbrush working again (it appears that the nozzles on these aztek airbrushes can be quite finicky), but I've run out of thinner. Hopefully I'll be able to get some soon. Sorry for keeping you all waiting
  2. unfortunately, it looks like I'm going to have to put this on hold, as I keep damaging parts of my airbrush. I'll continue once I have some proper materials for cleaning my airbrush, as well as the replacement parts I need.
  3. for the hull, I'm thinking of doing a black base coat, then a few coats of ak heavy chipping fluid, and then my hull colour on top of that to give it a weathered look. I've never done this before, so I would appreciate any advice greatly.
  4. Are there any YouTube videos explaining this technique? Every time I try, a lot of paint ends up bleeding through, and I end up having to do it with a brush Thanks
  5. I've assembled and primed the hull now, but I'll be renting a cottage for the next week, so I'll have to put the model on hold for now. Also, does anyone have a good technique for painting all those tiny details on ship decks, especially for 1/700 scale? I've tried using tiny pieces of tape, but that never seems to work for e, and I always resort to doing it by hand.
  6. I’ve mostly been doing cheap revell and airfix kits, and I’ve never really felt that I needed magnification. Looking at the PE parts in this kit is making me reconsider that.
  7. I have clippers, 2 pairs of tweezers, clamps, sandpaper, and airbrush, and paint and glue .
  8. I’ve taken the hull pieces off the spruce and cleaned them up a bit. It was at this point that I realized that I have to drill some holes in the hull. Unfortunately, that means I’ll have to put this on hold until I can get a drill.
  9. I bought this kit online a few weeks ago, and I’m ready to start building it now. This is the biggest kit that I’ve done so far, and it was relatively expensive, so I want to get it right. I would like to try to add some chipping effects on the hull, and I have some chipping fluid from AK interactive, but I’m not sure about what colour to do the base coat in. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, and I’ll add some pictures once I have something worth taking a picture of.
  10. Thank you. Are there any specific brands you would recommend, or would any oi; paints work?
  11. What kind of paint did you use for the algae effect? It looks amazing, much better than any of the effects I've tried
  12. Also, any ideas about where I could get some rigging experience. The Seydlitz appears to have very complex rigging around the nets, and I want to be ready when I end up getting it.
  13. I think I agree with you there. Seydlitz can wait until I have acquired the expertise to try the detail up set.
  14. I would like some advice regarding the selection of the next model that I intend to build. I am having trouble deciding between the SMS Seydlitz and the French pre dreadnought Condorcet. Both are from hobby boss and are in 1/350 scale. I initially favored the Seydlitz, but I recently discovered that the kit does not come with the torpedo netting shown on the box art. The detail up set from Infini which provides the netting is quite pricey, and appears to be above my skill level. Are there any other methods of obtaining the netting, or should I wait until I have the money (and skill) to buy the detail up set. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
  15. Thank you very much, I'm starting to feel better about my cannon ports. The flaws are hardly visible when its on the shelf .
  16. After looking at it, i think I agree with you, although the Occre kit looks a lot more ornate near the back, which I like. I'll worry about that decision once I get through my current models 😀.
  17. Hell everyone. I started my first wood model, the Occre albatross a few months ago, and I bought the Occre polaris as well. I probably should have done the polaris first 😂. Its been going pretty well, but I'm nervous about starting the masts and rigging. I'm also looking for suggestions about books to buy that will be helpful, and tools that I need, because I don't actually own anything shown in the pictures. I kind of screwed up the cannon ports, and I would greatly appreciate any advice regarding making them look less lopsided without ruining the model. I'm also looking for suggestions for a 3rd model. I really like the look of the Occre golden hind, but I'm not sure how historically accurate it is.
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