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  1. Nice, the Sakonnet daysailer is a pretty ship so will be following along your progress. Ruud
  2. Hi Bradley, yes from the looks of it I very much like the model shipway kits. However shipping and import duties to Spain will be a lot, though Cornwall model boats in UK do stock them so perhaps at some point in future I will get one. For now I am waiting for my Midwest kit to arrive from US, and the Mantua Capri kit from UK to get me started.
  3. Thank you all! I have seen a kit on ebay that looks appealing. Its the Capri from Mantua. Been looking here but seems there is no build log at all, so must be something a bit out of the ordinary I guess. Anyway it seems a not to complicated built and the ship really talks to me. It was cheap, so I ordered it. So now have 2 ships on my way to Spain, one from UK and one from US. Patience! Ruud
  4. adding to this, I just notice I live 22 mins / 17km away from where Occre is located! Sweet, when the restrictions on CV19 ease, I will try and visit them. Ruud
  5. Thank you for the warm welcome and happy new year to all! Hoping my Midwest kit arrives pretty soon, and still looking around for a more complex build (maybe even RC). Meanwhile I am keeping myself busy reading a lot of build logs here! Ruud
  6. I will be following along this one, I have my eyes on this kit as well so curious to see how it is. Ruud
  7. Hello and thank you for having me here! My name is Ruud, 43 years old, Dutch and living close to Barcelona in Catalunya, Spain. Been living here for 5+ years and speak the language. I have been a modeler for as long as I can remember, the last years mainly focussing on RC cars and have built around 15 of them. In the past I did do quite a bit of plastic modeling and about 20 years ago I tried my hand at a Billing Boats kit with disastrous effects (it ended up in the fire place - lack of understanding, tools and perseverance plus the whole instructions didn't make any sense). But being older, wiser and more patient I am here browsing around and giving it another try. I read a lot of threads, including the ones talking about not biting of more than you can chew when you start. So I am really here to get started, I allready have a Midwest kit on the way to me, the Chesapeake bay flattie, found fairly cheap on Ebay with sensible shipping to Spain. I am also on the look out for something a bit more challenging, a double plank on frame (I don't want a solid hull) but struggling to decide what I want. I like the Nostre Mare (a boat with history near by from where I live) but not convinced on the A/L quality from what I read. It seems the Occre Polaris is a popular choice (also local), but somehow the model doesn't speak to me that much. I know I will stay away from Billing boats - though my dream would be either a Banckert or a Smit Nederland RC as I have a weird fetish for tug boats. I am, from what I can see online, in the Model Shipways boats, and a boat like the Emma C Berry, or an armed virginnia sloop appeals to me but not sure if this is a too challenging kit for now. I must admit, the whole planking scares me the most of a build. I prefer to fork out a bit more money for a kit that appeals to me, has at least half decent instructions and quality of wood in general is decent. So expect me to keep on nosing around here, any guidance around what would be a good first kit would be appreciated (yes I have read the thread about first choices) . Ps any fellow modelers here close by? Sent me a pm! Un abrazo, Ruud
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