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Everything posted by OllieS

  1. Another aspect is how comprehensive you want to be. That is do you want to show everything so your hobby becomes 'building a build log' or do you want to just show the highlights? If (like me) sharing is something you feel you should do but interupts your happy pastime (and breaks the spell somewhat) then 'landmarks of interest' is a way to go.
  2. The provided rudder has the hinge points in the wrong place and doesn't match the photo-instructions. So I have to make one: The finished article:
  3. I am new to wooden ship modelling (it was a response to covid lockdowns) so please correct me if I'm wrong. It seems to me that there is a recent trend to manufacture beautiful kits in wood (at a price) that would be the envy of scratch builders of the past simply because it is now possible to do that. That's fine of course but I realise that that is not my interest. I look at them and think about it and then decide that what I actually want is to do my own thing aided by an older style of kit.
  4. This is not a build log but I intend to update this as and when. I use msw often so I feel I should join in. This is my third Occre build following the San Juan and HMS Beagle. I have used build logs on this site of the Amati Revenge to help me. So I am now about 12 weeks in and happily second planking: One very odd thing about this Occre kit is there is no actual plan: there are photo instructions and rigging diagrams and the usual 1:1 scale masts and yards. The rest is up to you it seems.
  5. There is a build log: Caracca Atlantica by Kikatinalong - Mamoli - scale 1:54 This is the Sao Miguel, same kit from a long time ago...
  6. Totally agree with the scale problem. Manufacturers buy in bulk and therefore compromise between models because anything else would be economic madness. Second best you tube quote to date: 'if you think spending and hour turning 3mm rings into 2mm rings is a punishment. then this might not be the hobby for you'. First best is; 'it is not difficult, just time consuming'. I hope to emulate you, when I get that far.
  7. Yes I'm sure you are correct, I noticed the same thing and it is as you show it in the rigging diagrams in the instructions but not anywhere else.
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