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  1. Like
    S.Coleman reacted to Ulises Victoria in Santa Maria by ray111 - Mamoli - 1:50   
    Ok Ray. Then please keep posting your work.
    Best regards,
  2. Like
    S.Coleman reacted to Tallshiptragic in Sovereign of the Seas by Tallshiptragic - Sergal - 1/78   
    Here is my Van der Velde's sovereign sketch haha I used cigarette paper for the parchment paper, worked well I think.

  3. Like
    S.Coleman got a reaction from complexpack in Shrouds to mast   
    Make sure you complete each step as you go. As after installing other rigging lines it can be hard and fiddily to go back and finish areas off.
  4. Like
    S.Coleman got a reaction from Hennie in Sovereign of the Seas by Tallshiptragic - Sergal - 1/78   
    Haven't check in for a while, Far out you have made some good quality progress. It's looking top dollar. Nice work. 
  5. Like
    S.Coleman got a reaction from Piet in Sovereign of the Seas by Hennie - Sergal - 1:78   
    What a fine start you have made. I wish you best of luck through the steps. It's looking very good. Good work.
  6. Like
    S.Coleman reacted to Chuck in Seizing/splicing step by step...one method   
    I think the photo says it all.   With a little watered down glue....rub the three strands against the rope and wait for it to dry.  You can also open up the rope where you want to begin the splice and run the three strands through.  But it isnt necessary.  You could just wrap them and glue them, especially with smaller ropes. 

  7. Like
    S.Coleman got a reaction from coxswain in Friesland by S.Coleman - Mamoli- FINISHED - Scale 1:75   
    My cat seems to think she is helping. Moving reels of rigging line around and the such. Haha
    I have finished the fore top mast ratlines and currently working in the futtock shrouds for the last set of ratlines on the top. Progress is slow but moving at least.

  8. Like
    S.Coleman got a reaction from Tallshiptragic in Friesland by S.Coleman - Mamoli- FINISHED - Scale 1:75   
    Can't wait to finally finish the standing rigging. Be good to move onto the running rigging. Not as repetitive. Fabricating the yards will be a welcome change.
  9. Like
    S.Coleman got a reaction from Sjors in Friesland by S.Coleman - Mamoli- FINISHED - Scale 1:75   
    My cat seems to think she is helping. Moving reels of rigging line around and the such. Haha
    I have finished the fore top mast ratlines and currently working in the futtock shrouds for the last set of ratlines on the top. Progress is slow but moving at least.

  10. Like
    S.Coleman reacted to Tallshiptragic in Friesland by S.Coleman - Mamoli- FINISHED - Scale 1:75   
    Damn cats haha it does concern me when my dog and cat decide to use the house as  an obstacle course, luckily they both seem to know to stay away from my models haha
  11. Like
    S.Coleman got a reaction from coxswain in Friesland by S.Coleman - Mamoli- FINISHED - Scale 1:75   
    Well not much has been going on as of lately. Just still rigging ratlines and repairs to the stern lanterns that my cat knocked off. 
    The standing rigging is almost complete. It's taken awhile.

  12. Like
    S.Coleman got a reaction from Tallshiptragic in Sovereign of the Seas by Hennie - Sergal - 1:78   
    What a fine start you have made. I wish you best of luck through the steps. It's looking very good. Good work.
  13. Like
    S.Coleman got a reaction from Hennie in Sovereign of the Seas by Tallshiptragic - Sergal - 1/78   
    She's coming along beautify. The carvings will certainly be interesting.
    I do love the darker colour above the wales. Good work. 
  14. Like
    S.Coleman got a reaction from Hennie in Sovereign of the Seas by Tallshiptragic - Sergal - 1/78   
    Arrrr tharr be plenty o waves to sail me hearties
  15. Like
    S.Coleman got a reaction from Hennie in Sovereign of the Seas by Tallshiptragic - Sergal - 1/78   
    I have too seen that friesland for $1000 or so. I got mine for $645.  Don't forget the Hms Agamennon. 
    If you do????
  16. Like
    S.Coleman got a reaction from Hennie in Sovereign of the Seas by Tallshiptragic - Sergal - 1/78   
    Yes the tube off goodness.  When I received mine first thing I did when removed the lid was take a big wiff aahhhhhhhhh, Love that smell. Almost like the smell of a new book.
    I will also be interested to see how your caulked hull planks come out. 
    Nice job.
  17. Like
    S.Coleman got a reaction from Hennie in Sovereign of the Seas by Tallshiptragic - Sergal - 1/78   
    Let's hope your Admiral doesn't catch you staring at that ships behind!!! Great job on her.  Looking real slick.
  18. Like
    S.Coleman got a reaction from Hennie in Sovereign of the Seas by Tallshiptragic - Sergal - 1/78   
    Very nice job on the new deck. Those lined gunports look great.  Good work. 
  19. Like
    S.Coleman got a reaction from Hennie in Sovereign of the Seas by Tallshiptragic - Sergal - 1/78   
    I do like it indeed. Very nice. I smell progress in the air, *Big Sniff*.   Poor Sascha out side missing the action. 
  20. Like
    S.Coleman got a reaction from Hennie in Sovereign of the Seas by Tallshiptragic - Sergal - 1/78   
    Very well researched. Be good to see. Lining the gunports will be very repetitive but as you said, satisfying afterwards. You only build her once.
  21. Like
    S.Coleman got a reaction from Hennie in Sovereign of the Seas by Tallshiptragic - Sergal - 1/78   
    I bet you feel better getting all those cut out. Another milestone.  Looks neatly done. Good job.
  22. Like
    S.Coleman got a reaction from Hennie in Sovereign of the Seas by Tallshiptragic - Sergal - 1/78   
    She's starting to look dangerous now! Well done on a top job.
  23. Like
    S.Coleman got a reaction from Hennie in Sovereign of the Seas by Tallshiptragic - Sergal - 1/78   
    I do like the hour glass shape looking from the front.  What's the height from bottom of keel to top of highest bulwark?
  24. Like
    S.Coleman got a reaction from Hennie in Sovereign of the Seas by Tallshiptragic - Sergal - 1/78   
    Congratulations on the first strakes placed. She looking fine!
  25. Like
    S.Coleman got a reaction from Hennie in Sovereign of the Seas by Tallshiptragic - Sergal - 1/78   
    Used to have a hot works permit to drive an LV at Pluto LNG plant as it was classified as an ignition source.  
    Are you gearing up and getting ready for the gun ports cutting? After the Wales have been finalized of course. 
    Sorry I'm quite impatient when a good build is underway.
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