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Everything posted by ECK

  1. Spent the week making the masts. Almost done Now masking to airbrush the tops
  2. Very nice. Only issue is given the wood nature of the pintles. I banged it and broke the rudder off resulting in my gluing the rudder back on and taping it until the end to prevent another bump and brake
  3. I replied to Blue Ensign about the issue. I sanded back the edge of the roof and lowered the angle a bit of bulwark a bit as the davits take up the whole width of the capping rail.
  4. I actually sanded the roof edge back and also sanded down the bulwark down as the davits later take up the whole width of the capprail. See below
  5. Thanks! They are included if you want to mount them on the stern. There also 2 stairs not mentioned in the instructions but in the kit to go from the deck to the rails where the battons for boarding on the side are. As they cover a cleat, will add them later once I tie off rigging to the cleat.
  6. So the hull is pretty well done. Few things I will add at the end as I usually break anything sticking out while I do the masts/yards/rigging. May not get much work done this weekend being on call. Fitted the 18ft cutter to the stern davits.
  7. Take heart. I had to sand down quite a bit . There is a small gap but not easily seen unless you look real close. The sides of the cabin needed quite a bit of sanding to fit. Initially looked a lot like yours. See below at the lines of the edges, so I chose option C
  8. Finished the steering gear, guns, rudder chains and ships boat. Next is installing the deadeyes and putting the second ship's boat on the stern davits. Admiral Cochrane paid a visit.
  9. Thanks! I am jealous of your skill set as not sure I would have the patience to your more historically accurate approach to ship building. Your skill set is amazing and certainly gave me good ideas during the build so far. Your and Glenn UK planking skills definitely much better although for the next one I will try and incorporate some of your tricks of the trade
  10. Finished the prow, added the davits on the stern and other bits and pieces. outer hull done, just need to finish all the deck pieces.
  11. Continued today adding bits and pieces to the hull and completing the stern
  12. As I was finishing coppering , had to add the stern fish plate. I just put some pin heads in to give more 3-d appearance and then glued as there were no holes in the false keel. Next was the prow horseshoe plate. There are holes pre-drilled in the false keel. I could have juste covered with copper and glue it on top but decided to finish one side then clamp a thick piece of scrape wood over the copper then drill from the un-coppered side then repeated the process for the other side. Then just nailed into place and painted Finally cleaned the tiles then I used Blue Ensign's idea of lining the copper border as he did in Pegasus. He figured 1mm width. As I had no scrap that size I substituted 1mm rope instead. Final product came out not bad.
  13. I scribed the waterline using the tool from Vanguard which works very well. You may also noticed I also added the upper strake. Although not called for I painted it black so it would be more noticeable. Following that, I taped the . After a few adjustments it looked even and the distance from the ports to the line the same on both sides. The a the fun began . I also painted the area in copper paint to minimize any small openings from standing out. The rudder also had a nice single piece to cover it . Otherwise it is a pain to copper it.
  14. Thanks. Airbrushing really helps with the big pieces and especially allows the engraving to be seen better.
  15. Spent the day installing all the eyebolts, painting the gunport/sweep openings and then putting poly on it all. Tomorrow will be the start o the copper work.
  16. Decided to place the deck and inner bulwarks in before coppering.The deck just needed a little tweeking but fit nicely. Soaked and clamped the forward bulwark overnight then airbrushed all the parts prior to installing. Stern veneers fit after a little filing Doors in. Used latches I had ordered from Syren and decided to airbrush the sides and roof. Of note the veneers are very delicate, unfortunately one split. Then installed the rest
  17. Had taped everything up tight to airbrush strake but had issues so just used old fashioned brush. Had painted tape edges with poly to seal any spots that might bleed paint. Did this before the maindeck area to prevent any accidents.
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