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Everything posted by ECK

  1. Second planking continues. For a change decided to plank the inner bulwark today. Plan to later spray paint then place lower edge to bulwark
  2. Before I started the second planking I soaked and bent several pieces so would put less tension on the cyano when gluing. Then the planking commenced, remembering to carve out the gunports and sweep holes. Also glued lower stern counter .
  3. Finished the first planking. Below before and after sanding/filling. After cleaning things up
  4. Planked and painted for'castle bulkhead and will put a door in the middle later. Plans actually say nothing about what to do with this area. Then started planking I then realized that with sternpost in place as per the instructions, planking would not blend in well. Remembered with Vanguard stern is usually filed down then planked then sternpost added. I removed part of the post and feathered it down.
  5. Looks great! I think you can easily do more complex ships and rigging. Sometimes easier as you have more space to work with.
  6. Since finishing HM Adder decided to do HM Granada. Interested in mortar ships since reading about them in the Hornblower novel The Commodore. where he used them in the Baltic. Had to move my Vanguard collection( to small for fleet but maybe squadron or flotilla?). First step involves gluing the false keel to the frame I was spoiled with the Vanguard kits as the instructions were excellent. Here, lots of vagueness at times and some areas not explained making me look at the box photos for help Next inserting the ribs and lower deck Next upper decks. Lots of clamps involved
  7. Very well done! I usually have a clamp on the other line as I am belaying one side. I do not glue anything until the end when everything look aligned. Await your next project.
  8. Watch out for those anchors, they are a bit delicate. It is the only issue I find with the laser printed ones.
  9. The secret is an empty nest but no grand kids yet !
  10. Well, another completed. Fun project with challenge being the very rounded prow. Note the lowered center boards Now for the next project, unfortunately I think I have done all of Vanguard's projects that are not similar to each other. I like doing larger vessels. So until Chris can get the 1:64 Victory somehow, I will do one of his older projects from Amati. I am interested in doing a mortar ship ever since I read about their use in my youth in the C.S Forrester Hornblower series book The Commodore where Hornblower uses a mortar ship in the Baltic.
  11. For me, I would not want to trip or stub my toes on the cannon balls so I did it as on sheet 6
  12. Interestingly, on the forward hatch on Plan 6 the shot holders are parallel to the bow/stern but in the instruction book they are parallel to the sides.
  13. Nice work. Always a few niggling at the edges. I do think the bow 24 ponders need to face forward as the recoil at that angle would slam into the bowsprit base.
  14. Next came the backstays The the bowsprit Now some of the forestays
  15. Back from vacation. Boom, gaff, lifts, jeers done so yards squared off. Next will be the back stays then attaching the bow and rigging it.
  16. Finally finished the shrouds and ratlines. Will be off to the beach next week. Hopefully just a couple of weeks more to complete.
  17. Very nice. I also found the curve of the hull at the bow made it difficult to plank .
  18. I brush on the poly especially over the bare wood It helps as if you accidentally get some paint on the bare area easier to scrape off if the poly is underneath. I also got this combo airbrush and venthood set. For most of the pieces the hood works well.For the white of the hull I use a lot of tape and mat combo spray can of primer and paint. I got the airbrush on amazon
  19. I use vallejo flat red, what Chris recommends on his ships. I soak and shape the inner forward bulkheads and let dry overnight. I then spray paint them and what ever else I can prior to installation. I find spraying leaves more of the detailed engraving visible compared to a thicker brush coating. Once in place I then paint a light layer of matt ploy.
  20. Have pinned the yards to the mast and done some of the jeers and tyes. Will remove bowsprit until after shrouds done as just gets in the way.I do this part now when access is much easier than after when the shrouds are in place
  21. Yards all done. Pre-painting Post painting flat black Then mat poly
  22. I used a touch of glue so things stay stable and keeps the shape. Not a real issue later as easy to take off sand and cover with inner bulwark.
  23. If the hole are obscured by paint you can use a hand drill or needle to open it up and then just glue in an eyebolt.
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