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Everything posted by Rock_From_Korea

  1. Main sheet furling begins : once again, I am trying to represent a partially furled sail here.
  2. Hi All, Work has been progressing steadily on yard and sheet installments and rigging. Some photos of the work as below. Main sheet view from front and back.
  3. Mizzen mast sails are more or less done with partially furled sail - not completely to my satisfaction, but still acceptable i think.
  4. The fabric I used is more or less the thinnest fabric that can be used in our sewing machine, and yet natural look of partially furled sails are quite difficult to achieve.
  5. Mizzen top mast (?) rigging started and I plan to position the sails half (or partially) furled.
  6. Hi All, It seems that MSW's page break set-up is calibrated to about 30 posts. And since I have put in many pictures in single posts, the page is getting too long. I will post individual pictures (or couple of pictures per post) for the next couple of posts and resume the usual method once the page is turned. The yards are finished as per below.
  7. Hi All, The top gallant masts and shrouds are done and all the standing riggings are completed. moving on to yards and sheets preparations and installments next. Below are some pictures during the work. Main and fore top gallant masts have undergone the final touches before permanent istallment. Main Top gallant mast shrouds done. Main top gallant stay installment. Fore top gallant mast stays installed.
  8. Hi All, I managed to finish the topmast stays. Below are some of the pictures taken during the work. Main topmast stay done as above. Repeating the procedure for the main topmast preventer stay below. Main topmast stays are done. Mizzen and fore topmast stays are done as below. Topmast stays all completed.
  9. Hi All, I am now working on the top mast rigging - shrouds, ratlines etc. Some photos of the work are attached as below.
  10. Hi All, Managed to finish crowsfeet, cross tree and other top mast related works. Below are some picture on crowsfeet work
  11. Hi All, Progress has been a bit slow in the shipyard but managed to finish futtock shrouds - it took more time than I anticipated. I am using a thinner rope for the ratlines from futtock shrouds and later for the mid shrouds (right jargon?). Th kit provided ropes are relatively low quality (with much fluffs) and thick for the mid section ratlines anyway.
  12. Hi everyone~ Uploading recent work at the shipyard - blocks for lower mast yards, sheets and yards for the lower mast area, installed additional belaying pins for the sheets. Also, as I am going to use much thinner ropes for ratlines from the mid mast section onwards, I dyed lower mast portion ratlines with black ink (water based) to match the color of the thin rope that I have available for the mid section ratlines.
  13. Hello everyone! Uploading recent updates - mast top related works . Mast top dead eyes were done using serving instead of soldering. Not ideal but wife does not like the smell of soldering. Anyway, mast top works are mostly done except for the rails.
  14. Hi Dave, Thanks very much for your kind comments! I am using 5mm deadeyes for the lower shrouds and will be using 4 mm deadeyes for the upper shrouds. I have visited your build log and it seems that your Endeavor is coming along quite nice and well! I have never had the chance to work on Caldercraft models before, but I had built Artesania Latina Endeavor before. Corel Endeavor kit does not come with any decoration parts for the stern - I had to mold the figures and decorative parts from my Artesania Latina Endeavor. The wood quality and threads seem to be better than Artesania Latina, but overall I realized that Artesania Latina kits have been undervalued by many (including myself). Corel also does not come with any sail plans - once again I am referencing Artesania Latina plans for the sails. Thanks! Rock
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