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  1. Bob You are getting better and better at this model making stuff. Gary
  2. Bob, Looks good as always, just started the 18th century armed long boat. Need to start a log Gary
  3. Great start Bob, I really like your logs so I am glad you decided to do one. BTW I like the chest.
  4. Been a while, but I finally finished the smack. I got really frustrated with the sails, started out well but then the battens started separating and the more I tried to correct it the worst I got. I finally finished with CA which held but I have “shiny areas” where the CA is. I really like the rigging portion of the build and look forward do doing more, I went with rope from Syren Ship Model, Chuck makes great rope and his delivery time is really good. (might be I live in PA and he is in NJ). I also purchased his serving machine and did a little serving on the ends of the stays. I went with a tan rope and served the ends with black. After a few tries I got the hang of it. Overall I learned a lot from this build. First and foremost read the guide and research about the build. I was really unclear about how portions of the rigging went. It took reading numerous logs and even readings from the library about how boats were rigged. Also I would have spaced the upper block of the throat halyard, higher. I don’t know if it was my stropping the blocks and having a larger hook and hoop but looking at the geometry, it does not work right. I assumed that the spacing was right, which it could have been and I screwed up, but it showed me that I should always look at the big picture, when also detailing with the small. The kit bashing was fun and it makes learn new skills, which is why I continue on with the builds. So what's the next build. I purchase both the Armed Longboat and USN Picket Boat, both for different reasons. On the longboat I want to work my planking and rigging and on the Picket I **** to work on my detail work, all before I start the Cheerful. I flipped a coin and it looks like the longboat. Photo 1 - Sails laid out ready to start rigging Photo 2 - Serving Machine up and running Photo 3 - Making rope coils Photo 4 - She done Picture 5 - Cockpit Picture 6 - Cockpit Photo 7 - Upper Rigging Photo 8 - Upper Rigging Photo 9 - Mast area Photo 10 - Jib Photo 11 - Main Sail Photo 12 - Final Berth w/ Pram Photo 13 - On to the next build.
  5. Bob Great Job, really clean. Just finished my rigging last night, now time to decide on the next one. Time to go Christmas shopping. Gary
  6. I need to try this, I am just finishing the Smack and I am really disappointed with my sails.. Bob, the boat looks really great.
  7. Bob, Looks good, can't wait to see the railing and the new skill. Gary
  8. Bob Looks great. I totally understand questioning every detail and how I should approach some of the remedies to minor problems. That's the problem with 40 years of engineering, but I can't change my nature now, so I sweat the details. Gary
  9. Kevin Just finished watching your treenail video, excellent video and thanks for all your video. Your hull looks great and i look forward to watching you more. Gary
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