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Paul Le Wol

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    Mount Hope, Ontario

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  1. Wolle, welcome to MSW. I am looking forward to your project!
  2. Thanks very much Gary. I like these assembly squares. For plastic they are a lot more rigid than I thought they would be. More Lee Valley stuff
  3. Yves, thank you very much for your encouragement! One thing that I forgot to mention was that I had sharpened my math pencil and found that the scale of this model should be 1/72. I like the fact that it’s also easier to say than 1/71.
  4. Hi Everyone, hope everyone that got big snow is all dug out. Thank you all for your Comments and Likes. I appreciate them very much. Slowly inching towards the bow with the bulkhead supports. The temporary blocks that align the bulkhead former are being replaced with permanent blocks that are glued in place and once dry are screwed to the build board again. I picked up some 6-32 brass insert nut from Lee Valley. They are mounted in a block which is made from 3 layers of 1/8” basswood plywood. All together there will be six of these blocks to hold the model to its base. These blocks are also used to temporarily hold the model to the build board again. The last bulkhead that extends up to the cabin deck was squared up and braced. Now it’s on to the main deck Fairing has started but still lots to go. Thanks for dropping by and I hope to see you soon.
  5. Hi Ross, I haven’t used their cotton for this application so here are three Ropes of Scale .25mm beige cotton clove hitches tied to a length of..9mm dark brown polyester. The beige on brown was for clarity. The one on the left is dry and holds well . The center one has been treated with diluted pva and the right one has been treated with Vallejo Matt Polyurethane Varnish
  6. Great photos Jacques. I think that even a seasoned weathering expert would have a tough time emulating the deck in the last photo!
  7. Hi Iro, welcome to MSW. You are doing a beautiful job with your Charles W Morgan. The last two updates to your build log showed up as Status posts and are not attached to your log. Perhaps you can repost them by replying in the box at the bottom of your log. Good luck with your build!
  8. Hi Keith, really enjoying your planning and decision making. Would it be an option if you mounted the steps as in the photo of Lula but extended the upper platform forward a couple of feet so that you are able to walk under them?
  9. Gary, you did a splendid job of designing these parts. The details really pop.
  10. Hi Harvey, thank you for posting your photos. The St Helen’s site must be a fascinating place to visit. It certainly is beautiful there.
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