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CAd My Fingers

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Everything posted by CAd My Fingers

  1. Very nice work, Joe! I like the green and while colors of your hull, and your interior work is sweet ( your rudder looks great!). I really like the beautiful lines of many smaller vessels along with their character. Cheers, Jay
  2. Beautiful build, Pete--congratulations! It was a pleasure to follow along--well done, my friend! Cheers, Jay
  3. Thank you Pete and Kate for your great tutorial--very much appreciated! This is cool stuff to add to my building bag of tricks! Cheers, Jay
  4. I read your piece on the West System in your S&S log, Pete so seeing how some of the West System process is done will be great--thanks! Cheers, Jay
  5. Looking good, Pete! The transom does look tricky and like it was a challenge to get fair. I'll be looking forward to seeing how you do the epoxy--not at all familiar with the West System, so it'll be great to learn about it and see how it's done! Cheers, Jay
  6. Robert, looks like you're off to great start--nice recovery with the false keel fixes! Cheers, Jay
  7. Great finish work, Pete--you sold me on Epifanes! I just bought some of their varnish to try out on my build (will try a few coats of gloss for depth and then finish with matte since it's a working boat). Cheers, Jay
  8. Wow, Pete can't keep up with your growing fleet! Kidding aside, she has really nice lines and looks like she's going together very smoothly--as always, very nice work! From the the sounds of Kate's advise, I'm guessing she enjoys your builds and sailing as much as you? Cheers, Jay
  9. Congratulation on a superb build, Pete--she's gorgeous! Looking forward to when you build the full size one--am sure you are, too! Cheers, Jay
  10. Wow, Pete you're flying as fast as her! The cockpit looks really nice, and your planking is always sweet...4hrs, man that's great! Cheers, Jay
  11. She looks great, Pete--that keel is some fine craftsmanship! I always enjoy seeing your finish work, too--clean and crisp! Btw, very nice level!! Cheers, Jay
  12. Excellent job on the keel, Pete! That looked like it was going to be tricky and you nailed it! Cheers, Jay
  13. Nice planking, Pete! Like everyone else, I'm looking forward to seeing your work on the keel--I'm sure it'll look great (all your does;) )! Cheers, Jay
  14. Outstanding craftsmanship, Zoran! It has been a pleasure seeing you build her, and thank you for sharing with us! Cheers, Jay
  15. My latest is a middle of the road Iwata, and it's been a great airbrush to use. Personally, I think one of the trickiest aspects of using an AB is getting the paint mixed right for use--it varies from brand to brand and even with the same brand, color to color. The next less tricky part is getting the right amount of air for what you're shooting. As Andy suggested, it takes some practice. I'd add that it's a good habit to do a few practices runs with each paint mix (esp. if it's a key area of the build) before shooting what you want to paint. A last suggestion is to clean the AB well--they can be very temperamental when it comes to this. Good luck and have fun with whatever you decide upon! Jay
  16. Beautiful build, Mike--she looks great and I really like all the details you put into her; well done! Cheers, Jay
  17. Hi Carmelo & Vince, No disrespect meant to you, Vince but lead fittings used in ship models can undergo very nasty corrosion. Many years ago the US Navy did a report on models in their holdings that were experiencing lead corrosion. It appears that this corrosion can strike lead rather haphazardly--in other words, some fittings may be fine and others will go "south." Here's an article on this: http://www.thenrg.org/resources/articles/Lead%20corrosion%20in%20ship%20models.pdf Given the inherent toxicity of lead and also it's potential for corrosion, you may be better off replacing the lead fittings with Britannia (contains no lead) replacements and or fabricating your own, Carmelo. Cheers, Jay
  18. She's looking great, Pete! That deck layout looks like it's be tight--it'll look great with those details and clear varnish should highlight the fixtures well! Definitely looks like you spent a long, fun day in the shipyard! Cheers, Jay
  19. Very nice work, Greg--your rigging work is excellent! The blocks you've used look great--are they Chuck's or someone else's? Cheers, Jay
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