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  1. ok thanks, what is the cartouche, Mike
  2. Look great I just finished that very same model, it was my first, your is much better keep up the good work
  3. Hi, is there a way to search build logs for a certain model, I found some several logs for a Lowell Grand Banks Dory but lost them and can't find them they were built in the early 1800s on thanks Mike
  4. hi sorry I forgot I even posted here, I got the boat patched and it don't look bad but the rest is awful the inside is worse, I missed a lot of glue. Its crap even if it is my first time building in 2 years and my first wood in 50
  5. Hi, as said PVA can be wiped up CA stains wood, I am a wood turn and i read that if you shellac an area let it dry CA won't stain the shellacked area, it works, use zizzner seal coat the bllseye has wax in it, that don't matter if the area is not going to be painted or stained
  6. Hi, I am doing my first model in 20 years and first wood in over 50. I have a grand backs dory. I got the frame glued up and the garbord plank put on. Problem the firt one got sanded to deep and there is a big gap between thegarbord and the broad planks. This can be filled with scrap from the sheet. What kind of wood filler can I use to feather out the patch. do you have any other ideas that would work. Any advice is greatly appreciate thanks
  7. i am not new but coming back, I started here a couple years ago when I was in the hospital. My wife got me a model Lowells dory and i just got it started and am hoping to do more I love the craft so far Mike
  8. if you don't want to use oil use beeswax or candle wax. I also have a question. what is avs
  9. with all the miss formed parts I think I would have contacted model ship ways and tol them you were retuning the kit and want one of better quality you have done an amazing job
  10. I,m clumsy and drop things
  11. thanks for your information, now i am finding ships boats and pinnace but i assume i would have the same problems as the long boats. i may end up doing a small ship
  12. both, if a ships crew would do it it would would be realistic on a model I am going by theory that you work with what you have and a ship at sea can't go to the parts store
  13. I have another dumb question about scale. I weather my model so when done they look like working ships. on an 18th sailing ship question is if they need a part say a pully would they use a larger one
  14. but with the draft the men got to go home
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