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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. Right or wrong this is how I rig. First, I made the heart fast to the stay off the ship. Next, I cut a length of the stay line a bit longer than needed. Then I made a "needle" with crazy glue on the tip of the rigging stay. I cut the hardened tip to a sharp point and that made threading the line through the very narrow spaces in the top with ease, I then made a jig from a paper clip to space the heart in just the right position and started to wind the cord between the two hearts.
  2. Let the rigging begin! What a joy to work with natural fibers again. Zip, zip, zip and it stays in place. Thank everyone.
  3. Welcome! You're never too old to ship model. I'm 80 and still love it. You're going to love this website. The help you get here is worth a fortune if you had to pay for it. Good luck
  4. The mail just delivered new line and parts from Chuck's company. All the stuff looks five star. Now I can start building again. Thanks everybody
  5. I just did an inventory of my future rigging needs and again this kit has substandard parts. I will have to but a whole arrangement of parts from dead eyes on. Oh Well...this kit never ceases to disappoint. Chuck's parts look first rate.
  6. All progress stopped. I'm not happy with the small amount of rigging I did using the nylon cordage. Now I've stopped all building until I can get natural fiber cordage.
  7. I soaked and am drying the Syren rigging. Seems like a lot of work since the rigging lines I got with my Constructo Constitution just came off the roll and was easily worked?
  8. Well it felt great to get back in the game. I fabricated the open hearts for rigging the bow. Typical with this kit the wood parts are very fragile and the cordage very difficult to work with. It keeps its memory of the card it's wound on and doesn't not want to lose all those bends making it difficult to do anything with. I'll have to shop for better cordage since just tying a knot with this stuff is difficult. Can anybody suggest where to buy good cordage.
  9. Repaired my first build. Had to re-rig some of it Now onto my main mission...building the Argus.
  10. Finally!! I've re-opened my new shipyard. I had to get a new turn table since the movers broke the old one. I have a large closet that I turned into my supply locker. The first project I have will be to repair the first wooden model sailing ship I ever built. The moves got to that also. I've put in the corner my flight simulator since even at 80 I can't get the flying bug out of me after 30 years as an aviator. I'm very happy to re-join my Model Ship World friends.
  11. Stuff still piled on the floor. It''l be a bit before I can start my shipyard.
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