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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. I got the new blocks from Ages-of-Sail and finally finished pre-rigging the main yard. Now I'll mount it on the lower main mast.
  2. Yes. Bob Guay won the Navy Cross with our squadron in 1966.
  3. My USMC squadron buddy , Bob Guay, went to work at Sikorsky after our Viet Nam tour and talked the powers to be to loop and roll the H-53 which they did in the late 1960's. If you Google looping and rolling the H-53 you can see the video. Good luck with your build Rich
  4. Looking forward to follow you build. I intend to build a semi-scratch version after I finis my current build (if ever!) Rich hipexec
  5. I've used up most of the rigging blocks I had left over from other kits. This kit came with terrible blocks that were unusable in my opinion. I ordered more rigging blocks from Ages-of-Sail that should arrive in a day or two. So much for this kit!
  6. I finished the foot ropes. Now I'll start rigging the yard blocks for the running rigging
  7. Still dressing up the yards. Still have to even out the stuns'ls before further rigging.
  8. I've stained the yards, etc to match the rest of the model. I'll now finish dressing them up before rigging them.
  9. I rough cut dowels for the yards. Now I'll' shape them and fit them for rigging.
  10. Does anybody know if another model kit builder offers a kit for Joshua Slocum's "Spray" except for Bluejacket and the Banned Chinese knock-offs? I'm planning ahead for a ship that doesn't have elaborate rigging since my dexterity is shot. I once saw a kit the allowed you to lift the cabin enclosures to see the living arrangements Slocum had. BTW i'm starting the yards and spars.
  11. I've mounted the boom and gaff. Next I'll rig them. With my burned fingers and hands, my dexterity is poor and it takes me forever to do even the smallest thing. Oh well?
  12. This a picture of a park bench in my town that is the good tutorial for beginning plankers to see how to bevel their planks to fit the shape of the hull.
  13. Nice woodwork! Please take my message to you in good faith.
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