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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. Looking good! On my first model, my Admiral sewed reefing ties and they didn't hang naturally, so I used a paintbrush and water to "Paint" them to lay against the sail and then used my Admiral's hairspray to hold them.
  2. Does anybody have pictures of the lower sections of all three masts on the USS Constitution? I sure could use a peek.
  3. By the way, I bought a Constructo model because I wanted to see the Consttution all in natural woods with no paint. I personlly wanted to be able to look at each and every plank I labored so hard to install.
  4. Bill, Yes, they gave me a full size plan, but with all components stacked so I couldn't see where square cuts began, or chafing cheeks ended, or how big to make the square cuts, etc, etc, etc. Once I glued on the fighting top supports, I was able to interpolate where everything else went or to what dimension.
  5. I've just plunged in to building the masts for my Connie. Constructo lacks details of where things begin or end...so all I did was attach one piece that was easy to locate and then I worked it to this point. None of what you see in the photo has been glued together...the stuff is just stacked for measurement purposes. Only the chafing cheeks and fighting top support have been glued. That support was the only piece I could correctly locate. The rest cascaded from its location.
  6. I found them in my local hobby store. Those tiny balls are tricky to handle. Once dropped....they're gone forever.
  7. CANNON BALLS How and where do they store cannon balls at the ready on the USS Constitution?
  8. Fighting tops trimmed. I'll add some more reinforcements later, but I need them to build the elaborate support systems for them so I can start working on the masts. The fighting tops need to be cleaned up a bit.
  9. Here's the machinations I have to do to get Sapele to bend around the bends of the fighting tops. God bless rubber bands!! In the morning it'll look pretty good.
  10. While I'm waiting for my fighting tops trim to set & dry I figured I look my ship over. Here's the aft port side all rigged and ready for battle!
  11. Deja Vu plank bending. Here I am trying to bend very small Sapele planks to trim the fighting tops.....Good ole Salele.....all it knows how to do is split! I'll salvage it since it's only trim and not structural like the hull.
  12. I'm back to soaking wood to bend around the fighting tops edge. Shades of planking return.
  13. I just finished gluing on the fighting top reinforcements. I glued them on oversized then trimmed them to size. Constructo calls them reinforcements, but I don't know what their exact name is. All depictions show these radiating strips. I thought they were for better footing when the ship rolls. What do you all know?
  14. Just finished the foremast fighting top platform. Now for the supports and trim. Onward and upward!
  15. I've finished two out of three fighting top platforms. They still need supports and trim. The one on the right still has wet PVA. The one on the left has been sanded
  16. In keeping with my tactics of building what is most easy first, I've started the platforms (I do not know the proper terminology and certainly Constructo doesn't say?) that go midway up each mast.
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