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Everything posted by HIPEXEC

  1. By the way...all those plans you see piled up are mostly copies of Constructo's so I can put them in some kind of order. Constructo put them all on a just a few pieces of paper to maximize space. It also maximized confusion since I have to jump around use them since one part is here and another part is there and a third part is someplace else, but they're all supposed to make the same component. Oh well!
  2. In the long run...I'll probably thank Constructo for making my old brain work so hard...it'll fend off dementia or one of the other old people's problems...if they gave me detailed plans, I would just snip, snip, snip...finish it a wink. Now, I'm going to think of it as a fountain of youth!
  3. Brian....exactly....they give no dimensions or verbal nomenclature....just numbers that I have to search to see what they go to. Oh well.....nobody said it would be easy.
  4. Well I'm going to attack this rigging problem caused by Constructo's poor instructions like the project of "how do you eat an elephant?" I'll just start chewing on the toe! I'm going to start by building the easy to build components and then make them fit like a big jig saw puzzle.....I'll just see where and how everything fits together.
  5. I stained the hammocks to give them a weathered look. Stark white didn't work for me. No sea going hammock is going to be stark white. Now they have a salty look.
  6. I love simple tools! I don't think I can measure 1/2 of a degree though. I'll work on 3 degrees.
  7. Bill & George....thanks for aft rake info. 3 degrees is easy. Constructo plans show no rake? My main concern for perpendicularity is when looking fore and aft. I must make sure all masts are lined up and perpendicular to the eye when looking from the bow or stern..
  8. I cut and fitted the lower sections of each mast, fore, main & mizzen. They fit very easily and wound up to be perpendicular and all lined up with minimum shimming. I marked them so they will be easily put back in the same place since I have to remove and install them many many times.
  9. I've rigged as much of the bowsprit that I can until I get the masts erected. Constructo makes this rigging more like a detective story....I have to search numerous places and then guess where the line goes. Oh well...if it was easy anybody could do it.
  10. I think you're all right....the bowsprit spar is used to stiffen the bowsprit against sideward pull from the jibs.
  11. Bowsprit looks great. How in the world did you drill those 7 holes in that tiny piece? Mine broke every time I tried. In regards to Sjor's remark....I built a bowsprit protector so I could not accidentally break it while turning my model.
  12. Spar is now attached to the bowsprit. I now have to run eight lines from the bowsprit through the eyelets on the spar to blocks mounted on the anchor davits. I still can't imagine what the function of this spar is?
  13. Just completed my first spar. This one attaches to the bowsprit. Does anybody have an idea what its function is? It doesn't hold a sail.
  14. Old age isn't for sissies. I take my 500 mg of "vitamin I" each day.(Ibuprofen) to help with the aches and pains.
  15. You must have been a surgeon.....your tying all your lines is so perfect....I'm jealous. My fat thumbs (on all fingers) could never be that neat. Great job.
  16. Sam, I haven't done anything yet. I'm experimenting. First with coloring the hammocks so they are not so white. As far as gluing them, I don't know. Bill said to use the beeswax and turpentine. I just made a mixture and am running an experiment with a hammock. I'll check it in the AM. So far friction is holding the hammocks in the netting very well. Maybe I'll leave it for now.
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