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Everything posted by flutlo6180

  1. Hi Mike, Welcome aboard! Have you selected your next model? Ken
  2. Hi Farmer, welcome aboard.
  3. Hi Mateusz and welcome. I feel the same way about my children. Ken
  4. Hi Frank, Welcome Aboard. As a relative newbie myself, I am finding there is a good deal of reward in the journey as you noted. Ken
  5. From the previous picture you can also see that I've installed the bow sprit. My early problem with the bulwarks came up again as I worked on the bow sprit. In addition to needing more height for hole, I needed to try and make the bow look more presentable. You can see the changes in relation to what it previously looked like as shown in the first picture. I recognize that I am straying away historical accuracy, but other than tearing down the entire build and starting over, I really had no choice. Hopefully, the bulwark issue won't raise its ugly head again, and there will be no more need to stray from the build plans as I move on to the masts and rigging. Ken
  6. Continued to progress on my felucca build. Hull is now complete with all deck fittings installed. I modified the anchors with wooden stocks using the sketch Gregory posted in Dave E. Rattlesnake build and installed. I find these types of sketches and tables to be most helpful to get close to proper dimensions like for the stocks. Ken
  7. Hi allanyed, Yes, that is a boat from the kit after I modified it a bit. Thank you for the info on proportions for oars for various size boats and you point about planking being similar between boats and the ship. I will definitely keep that in mind going forward. Ken
  8. Welcome Carlo. I just watched your video on making up deadeyes and found it very informative. Glad to have you aboard and thank you for including the link to your YouTube channel. Ken
  9. Welcome Rich. I couldn't agree more with Oldsalt on the importance of reading through the instructions before starting your build. I didn't as I started my first (current) build and encountered several problems as a result. Looking forward to seeing your progress on whichever model you select as your starting point. Ken
  10. The metal small boats that came in the kit really detracted from the overall look so I took inspiration from several build logs and customized them a bit. I used thick paper cut into 3mm wide strips to simulate planking, and added a rudder and tiller. The final bit was adding the oars made from modified tooth picks. On to the bow sprit and anchors while I continue working on the standing rigging and setting up the blocks for the running rigging. Ken
  11. Looks really good. Nice even and proportional white stripe and crisp color separation.
  12. Thanks to you both for sharing your insights. This ship does have shrouds on both sides which I imagine would make tacking quite a challenge to work the boom to the leeward side. Ken
  13. Thank you E Z Breeze. I'll press on and post a picture of the end result when I finish. Ken
  14. Need some thoughts on installing the shrouds. The references I search show British / American rigging with the shrouds wrapping around the mast above the crosstrees, but this felucca has no cross trees and only sketches without directions. From the sketch, it would appear that the shrouds are seized directly to the mast just below the masthead but not sure if that interpretation is what is intended or proper. Is there a correct way to affix the shrouds to the mast where there are no crosstrees?? Ken
  15. Starting this build log well into my build, but better now then never. I've completed the hull and placed most of the deck fittings. There are several aspects of the hull that didn't go very well and much of that stems from breaking one of the bulwarks when trying to attach to the deck and planking the outside of the bulwarks before installation. I made a replacement piece for the bow section of the starboard bulwark that broke. What I don't understand is what I did wrong that resulted in the bulwarks being curved inward as can be seen in the photos. The inward curve caused the bow stem, and keel pieces to not fit properly and the bulwark at the bow being about half the height above the deck then it should in the plans and also caused some misalignment of the top rail pieces. These compounding early build issues have been a constant source of frustration and disappointment but not nearly enough to turn me off this build or continuing with the next. In retrospect I should have remade the entire starboard bulwark and removed the port side and started over with some advice. For the most part, the rest of the build has gone well. I found the build log by Baltic Submariner for the same model which inspired me to make some wood pieces to replace some of the metal components.
  16. My thanks to all of you for your welcome, encouragement and suggestions - they are very much appreciated! Ken
  17. Hi everyone! Ken here from Maryland - new to the forum and to modeling. I'm winding down my third career (career Navy, retired civil service, and running a consulting business) and am finally finding the time and patience for building ship models which I have wanted to do for quite a while. I'm in the midst of my first build, the Felucca San Juan, and boy do I wish I had found MSW before I broke open the box. I have done a good bit of woodworking in the past and thought that experience would broadly transfer to modeling, but none of those skills really helped when I started planking the hull. I've decided to display the port side when I finish this build as I started on the starboard and learned a good deal but only some of that side I really care to show. I cracked one of the bulwarks when trying to form it to the hull which kept compounding the challenge of completing the hull and which actually led me to this site. If the first build is meant to be a learning experience then I am definitely achieving that objective.
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