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About JDillon

  • Birthday 08/31/1976

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  1. Thanks Keith, i've danished oiled the hull and will be keeping it natural as per your recomendation, it has a few light spots though, i will give it another coat then use Occre Satin varnish like i did on the deck. do you varnish the paint work also? I used the Judea Bitumin paint on the keel, amazing paint it gives the right colour for wood and a worn rinish. Seems to sell out quick, got mine from Poland, only 1 per customer! but i've just seen Cornwall MB have got fresh stock in.
  2. I'm a fan of your work Baltic, regardless of scale or accuracy it has helped me with mine. I've made the davits for the rear tender, im just glad you did it as i was going to do that but had no reference to use. Trouble with a first build is you have to learn, first time ive painted a model in 30 years, im confident my second build will be 80% better. Also the Taff rails did not line up with the prow piece despite the bulwarks being spot on. New builders beware, detach from sprue and dry fit them after you attach bulwarks to the deck to check as it will be to late if you wait until the instrutions tell you to fit them.
  3. It is from the Granado kit, Gregory. So its an item that comes with some kits and not an aftermarket purchase. thanks for clearing that up for me.
  4. I came accross this and was trying to find if this POF building jig is available to buy? I have seen several build photos that use something like this, looks like its a lasercut built frame. Sorry still new to this so don't know its its official name.
  5. Amazing work, do you sell any?
  6. Don't quote me on this but i think Silkspan has been discontinued for a cheaper and more robust material from China, and is becoming extremly harder to find, i did try to source some but didn't have much luck, i have a model aircraft shop fairly local so im going to pop in there and ask next weekend as im going to fashion my Polaris sails with it and then unfurled sails for Terror. Joe
  7. I agree Keith, cannon idea has been shelved, i'm going to try staining the hull using Mahogany Danish Oil (I,ve found several tins in the garage unused) first bit of good luck i've had in ages. Going to stick with 2 ships boats for now. if i painted the top of the prow and rudder black above the water line do you think that would look ok? I've found both Underhill books on facebook very cheap 😮, im hoping they can post if not will have to order of the internet next week, very expensive though. will stain and paint tomorrow and post pictures for review.... I have also asked DanielD for some advise on doing some LED's on the Terror (Not his spinning prop though) as that needs a plan early on. Have looked online a schooners, most are black and white or white and wood, some red below water line and green. Do all model builders go through this indicision or am i being a knob? if it was a cheap airfix kit i would buy 3 or 4 and try out different schemes - expensive ships are a bit harder to muck about with. But hey its a learning and i suppose it would be a boring hobby if it was all straightforward and easy. Joe
  8. Looks amazing Dan well done, i will be following closely. I am nearly ready to start my Terror build, Just assembled the keel and bulkheads, this will take me a long time but i will start a build log when i get home and that way everyone can jump in at each stage to advise before tackling each task. Deck planking to be started soon. I have Clearway available to impart his vast wisdom to me, i was hoping to get Keith S and yourself onboard also? I was thinking of installing candle effect Led's no spinning prop like you though, i have no idea about electrronics and was hoping you could advise should you have the time. I will beg if i have to 🤣 I think i will go for furled sails on mine just so we have some variety in our builds. Keep up the amazing work Joe
  9. I agree it would be impractical in the real world but he has made some modifications that make it look very nice. I originally planned to have a small row boat off the back on mine also, i personally feel the kit lacks a little, as my first build i thought it would be good to add a little extra so i could improve my skills, i am fully aware that the kit is for a beginner, hence why i chose to follow those new starters before me. I'm just not happy with the 3 tone wood effect of the finished article and want to put my little spin on it without being unrealistic, i think the build logs are a valuable asset for us to see the amazing skill of the membership. I was curious as to what can be done modification wise but as a newbie i've fallen into the trap of being lured into astetics over practicality or period correctness 🤣 As the Polaris is not based off any official vessel I think we have quite a lot of flexibility. However I do value everyones comments on my first build log and always welcome imformation that helps with my lack of knowledge and understanding. I would like some advice on what i can adjust on the kit so its not so boring...... to me anyway. (My Terror will be as accurate as I can get it thanks to Clearway, Keith S and DanielD (appoligies for no other mentions but i haven't gotten around to viewing any other Terror build logs yet) as i will be trying to follow in their footsteps. But thats my next build and will comence after this build.) I am not experienced enough to know what the best route to take with this is yet but i like the red and black of Baltics Subs, build but i'm struggling to find paint scheme for the hull, i'm leaning to the outer bulwarks being white. It's the hull im getting flustered with. Its my first build and the outer planking isn't great, i would like to have it painted below the water line and have a stained wood above but stopping at the rubbing rail. But im not experienced enough to get the wood of the rudder and prow to match the vaneer and it doesn't look right (see RH-J's picture with the Occre inner bulwarks and blue outer bulwarks a few posts back on here) a credit to RH-J as it does look very nice. Joe
  10. Here is a link to the build log of the pictures i used for my gun ports size enquiry.
  11. Hi Cathead, wasn't sure how to link as im new to this but the photos are from Baltic Submariner's build log on MSW, i did mention the authors name so they got credit. Joe
  12. Hi Keith, i was looking at doing something like this that Baltic Submariner has done.
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