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Everything posted by VitusBering

  1. The operating theater is almost ready for its first patient. I started to dry fit the hull but soon realized that to trim the flash properly and safely I need a lighted magnifier. It will be delivered tomorrow.
  2. Beautifully done Kevin. I've just finished reading the log from stem to stern and it is quite informative and inspirational.
  3. I'm champing at the bit impatiently waiting on supplies for this build but I don't want to rush into anything. I have been trimming flash and test fitting a few hull parts though. I have also been combing the topics here looking for tips and examples, and I've found plenty! This place is a wonderful resource. I see that most folks weather their hulls, decks, sails, etc. I'm thinking I may go a different way. When this vessel splashed into the River Clyde for its maiden voyage the copper was bright and the canvas was white. The delightful beech decking I have from HiSModel is what I envision the Cutty Sark's deck may have looked like at that moment. I'm waffling about weathering the deck or any of the parts. Is it a travesty to portray the ship in a faux pristine state? Or should I stain this?
  4. Egegik, cool. Bristol Bay fish just can't be beat.
  5. Thank you Knocklouder, will do. I sort of feel at home already, everyone is quite friendly and helpful. Thanks again.
  6. Thanks folks - hey how do I get that nifty NRG member logo to show up on my posts? I am a member, albeit a very new one.
  7. I'm a long-time Arctic denizen, having lived many years in interior Alaska. I retired to New Mexico in a tiny town that is Smokey Bear's natal village. Out of the freezer and into the furnace, I suppose. Actually, due to the 7000 ft. altitude, the weather here is astonishingly mild. I look forward to a pleasant and rewarding relationship with MSW and NRG, these are fine outfits and will no doubt prove invaluable in my model building endeavors. I started a build log and will add substance to that when I actually begin the latest project - one that has been done so many times by so many people that it could be called a rite of passage. I've received numerous warm greetings and words of encouragement from staff and other members. Thank you all, profusely.
  8. [edit] Please see the last page in the log for more info on the abandonment. This is not the end - I have replacement kits on the way and will start a new log soon. My darling better half gifted me with two virtually identical kits. She knows I've missed my built H-399 (1974) kit that was sadly destroyed in a wildfire (long story). She found one ostensibly new-in-box but had reservations so she also got a 05422 (2017) kit as a backup and spare parts. She's a keeper. I've been gathering stuff - I have an accessory kit from HiSModel including beech decks, cloth sails, wood blocks and deadeyes, etc. I'm awaiting delivery on paints and adhesives. I have all the necessary tools and other goodies, I think. I will likely build using as many parts as I am able from the H-399 kit (it appears to be complete) just for nostalgic reasons. My previous build was standing rigging only but this one will be under full sail. I anticipate that I'll be leaning rather heavily on you folks here (bless your souls) as the build progresses. I'm guessing I'll start in earnest around the first of the year (2023) and between now and then I'll be studying the invaluable topics here. The journey begins...
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