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Everything posted by Alvb

  1. Actually, I haven't given any thought to the different levels of gloss until now... Most of it, the side walls, etc., is painted with watercolor paint. The decorative elements are painted with acrylic paint. The white stuff is also acrylic, because I had to cover up impurities on the paper.
  2. There's some truth in that, amateur. It was just a thought, as I'm afraid I won't be able to get a nice edge on the waterline. At least the hull is now completely planked. The next step is to do the wales(?). But first a week in South Tyrol. Greetings
  3. The stern is completed, the frames and the benches are installed. Next, we'll continue with the lower planking of the hull, followed by the "barkhouts". I'm wondering whether I should actually paint the white paint on the underwater hull all the way to the lower barkhout, as the still unpainted paper suggests at the moment? AlVb
  4. I'm not quite sure if I understand the question correctly. I used my drawing from #1 for the upper part of the side walls, stretching them to match the curve (I noticed too late that they were a bit too low at the bow). The barkouten will be a challenge. The lower ones are about 0.5 mm wide, the upper ones more like 0.25 mm. The last one is difficult to cut cleanly out of paper. I would have to find a stronger paper 0.2 mm thick than the simple printer paper.
  5. The wood carver has finished the stern decoration. The painter and gilder have tried their best, but the sculptor is a rough fellow who produces rough, crude work. And that despite having almost a sixteenth of a square inch of space at his disposal!
  6. The gaps between the frames are filled, puttied and sanded. The upper side walls were prepared. the upper part of the hull is planked. Before the lower part is planked, the stern and the middle inner area are constructed first. Greetings Alvb
  7. The keel board, frames and mall frames are cut and assembly begins. The model will have a length of 48 cm = 1,89 in over stems.
  8. After a very sudden hospital stay and operation, I need a little activity. I chose the pleasure vessel that Ab Hoving has already presented here. As I enjoy very small models, I will try it on a scale of 1:250. Ab Hoving kindly provided me with plans. I took the liberty of modifying the plans a little to be a little closer to Witsen's sketch. The most obvious difference is in the shape of the stem. This of course required minimal adjustments to the hull lines. But see for yourself Speel-jagt.pdf Alvb
  9. appalling, absolutely appalling. sorry, I don't mean to offend anyone, but... why?
  10. A text that inexplicably translates itself? very strange, indeed...
  11. Hallo Unterstützer, Ich bin sehr gespannt, wie ihr den Bau der Bugfestung lösen werdet. Da ich derzeit an einer ähnlichen Rekonstruktion arbeite, interessiert mich insbesondere die Konstruktion des über den Bug hinausragenden Galions im Hinblick auf Deckbalken und Seitenwandanbindung. Balkweger (ich kenne den englischen Namen nicht) sind dort nicht möglich. Gruß Alvb
  12. Do the inventory lists say anything about what type of guns in the bow fort were? In many contemporary images of carracks, the gun barrels look as if they could be rotating bases, i.e. cannons mounted in fork mounts. such would allow downward shots. I also think that the longbow was the far more effective weapon in this era, and an elevated shooting position was an advantage. Should boarding the enemy over the shrouds be reconsidered instead of jumping into the depths? ...but I'm not a warrior.
  13. Thank you very much, but now that I know the password again, a new one is actually no longer necessary. Best regards Alvb
  14. The large font appears automatically when inserting. I would change it, but I haven't figured out how to do it yet. why it happened now...I have no idea. Alvb
  15. oh, I'm very sorry if I gave you the impression of being aggressive, hurtful or unkind. That was never my intention. If I appeared like that, I sincerely apologize. I definitely tried to follow James approach to solving the problem, but in everything I did I came to dead ends. It always ends with messages like: This email address or this display name is already being used by another user. Please try again. Or: if we can assign your address, you will receive an email to reset your password. Only no email followed. I'm sorry and I ask you to accept my apology. Alvb
  16. I remembered the password. But I have to inform you that I have tried the usual "forgotten password" method several times in the past without success. I suspect that if I hadn't remembered, I would never have come in here again.
  17. Guys, I forgot my password but I want to log in with my new phone. Unfortunately I don't receive any email after I click on "Forgot password". What could be the reason? Please help. Thanks 🙂
  18. @Apxeos@Apxeos. I'll blow away some dust. Are there any plan drawings for your design? greeting Bela
  19. I like the somewhat irregular, not absolutely accurate. It is alive and natural. There is the craft that was shipbuilding again. Not the engineering of today My respect
  20. Looking at Figures 1 and 10 in Post #48 and assuming that baker's wide planks are correctly routed, I don't think that too narrow plank ends at the bow should be avoided here. Would planks that end half as wide really be narrower than the ones underneath?
  21. I think that back then all the planks were unique. Adapted to the situation and determined by the existing timber. So there is no particular need to attach an oversized plank at this point t. It just happened that way during the construction process. Alvb
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