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About Mic_Nao

  • Birthday 01/14/1956

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  1. Hello, https://vanda-layindustries.com/html/the_hog_sander.html 250 $ + 98 $ postage for France + customs...
  2. Bravo, you need good eyesight (or good glasses) to do that!
  3. Hi, I'm looking for I am looking for the 2 books, plans and CD of the Euryalus monograph from Seawatch. Thank you for your help. Michel
  4. Hello, I'm selling the 2 volumes, plans and Cds in perfect condition 200 € ( Europe only )
  5. The C is the best balanced ( for me... )
  6. Hello, I am selling these two volumes in perfect condition, complete plans + 2 CDs, 200 € only in Europe. Michel
  7. Thank you for your messages. Morning work, the six central couples: there are only 70 left...
  8. Hello, Back in my workshop after three months in hospital. Joy ! Photos and continuation of the log soon.
  9. That's a shame. Do it in three parts like Bonhomme Richard?
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