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Everything posted by Auger

  1. Treenailing is, for the most part, done. Also, here's a pic of the scratch sternpost:
  2. Wasn't really sure if I wanted to treenail the deck or not, but after further consideration, I decided to go all-in:
  3. I also like astrophotography. Here's my latest project, the Andromeda galaxy, which is sitting at about 7.5 hours of total integration time. I'm in a heavily light polluted area so it takes a lot more data to get something presentable in comparison to someone who shot images in, say, BFE Arizona who can match this result with 2 hours of data or less.
  4. Yeah... not even close. So I took some of the scrap wood from the laser cut parts and built my own sternpost. I worked a little Dremel magic and cut a wedge into the scrap but the first try was a bit off, so I went at it again and I'm happy with the second go.
  5. Got the bulkheads planked. Unfortunately, the kit came up one or two veneer strips short. Luckily I had a couple left over from my Bounty build so I had to do a little patchwork with the different woods. Personally' I kind of like the look:
  6. I've cleaned out a little hole under the workbench so when I hear her coming down the stairs, I can try to slide it under there out of sight and act like I'm just working on the Bounty. I'm keen to see if I can pull this off until the end, I doubt it, but It'll be a fun game.
  7. ...let's start by laying the keel down in the dungeon! We'll try to keep this a secret for as long as possible. I know that I'll eventually get caught, but let's see how far we can get before that happens shall we? This will also give me a little breather from rigging the Bounty there. You know, when your patience in tying knots starts to run a bit thin and you just want to cut and sand stuff?
  8. As I've mentioned to others here, my girlfriend has been dropping hints about this model for quite some time. So while she's away at her parent's place this week, I took the opportunity to exercise my Amazon Prime rights to get a kit in hand ASAP. So without further delay...
  9. You could add some bowlines to the sails. Not called out in the plans but really adds to the look of the rigging!
  10. Mouse too big or is it acceptable? I've been cursing this thing pretty much all afternoon, it was pretty difficult to make. Edit: After looking around a little, I think I'm going to have to revisit this piece.
  11. Shank painter. Knowing what it’s called is very helpful; I’ve seen this method depicted in my books. I was caught between my plans, my books and some photos I’ve seen online, so wasn’t really sure what to do. Looks like I’m going to have to build myself a couple buoys as well.
  12. Hello everyone, Is there a correct way to tie this? I’ve browsed all my books and searched all over google images for an example, and if there was one, it was too low of a resolution to make out. So the image here is as close as I’ve come. I really have no idea what to do with this.
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