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Everything posted by Auger

  1. Pilot house installed and made some small mods to correct my mistake regarding the pilot house door placement.
  2. Again, great idea. I discovered Asterix upon moving to France. I love the comic, especially the Corsica volume after visiting Corsica a few times.
  3. I believe it’s the, “Patina Green”. it gets mixed reviews online. One reviewer said lemon, vinegar and salt worked better.
  4. Trying to epoxy the stovepipe to the stove before installing the roof of the wheelhouse. Figured it was easier this way.
  5. Added the masts. I picked up one of those Dremel drill press units and tried it out on these masts, to add the holes for the rigging lines to pass. I should have bought this thing a long time ago, it’s great!
  6. I know, right? I used to buy the D engine packs at a local hobby shop when I was like, 10 years old. No one questioned anything, in fact, they were hanging right in the aisle with all of the rocket kits, grab and go! The good days!
  7. …and built one of my rockets while things were drying on the riverboat. 😁 Too bad France is limited to 500ft AGL without submitting a NOTAM to the Direction General of Civil Aviation, but being a pilot myself, I understand. I have an L1 rocket coming in soon and hope to get out to the California desert this fall to certify L1. Then on to L2, etc.
  8. Champagne is in order tonight! Congratulations on your accomplishment. So, yeah, what he ^^ said, what’s number two gonna be? 😁
  9. Well, that filled the gap between decks without forcing things. I shaped it like an aircraft blister so once the stairs are installed it’ll be inconspicuous.
  10. Addition of the following deck. There’s a gap at the base of the assembly there that I’m going to have to fill with a 2x2 piece of shaped wood, like a decorative trimming. I tried to press the entire assembly down to fill-in the gap but the wood told me to stop or else. So I listened.
  11. I broke a lot of parts like that during my Enterprise build, so from now on, I add bamboo treenails to any vertical posts, etc. They stand up to my mistakes much better.
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