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Everything posted by Obormotov

  1. Hello! Amalio, I do not speak English very well, so I am writing with the help of a translator. It seems to me that the solution to the problem with images is on MSW! I think it's here: https://modelshipworld.com/topic/21613-uploading-pictures/?do=findComment&comment=815768
  2. Вашему лучшему другу с четырьмя лапами и коротким хвостом, похоже, очень нравится ваш корабль. он гордится ими!😜
  3. Looks absolutely great!! and by the way, if you create a living and meaningful object, and your ship is exactly like that, how can you consider that you are doing a "crappy assembly"? forgive me if I'm being tactless... Your ship deserves both respect and the most sincere and vivid epithets... sorry, I think so.
  4. 🙂Good afternoon, MSW, Kevin and everyone who is interested in ships... I am very glad that you, Kevin, are doing well and you continue to create your beautiful ship... I understand very little about ships, and therefore my question may seem ridiculous to you . and yet I'll try to find out: on the ship Indefatigable, two rows of "clusters" where the guns are located (I don't know how to say it correctly, in the maritime language.) The top row ends right next to the cabin, it turns out that the guns are in the cabin campaign? (I'm not sure if this room is a campaign room). By the way, it's the same on other ships, for example, HMS Victory. I think this is a little strange? Or maybe I don't understand something. This is not so important in the course of models, I just want to understand why this is so? I hope you have time to answer. thank you in advance! best wishes! Egor.
  5. Hi, Kevin! I am very glad to see your new photos. New photos mean that you continue to build the ship. So you have the opportunity, strength, and time. If so, then this is very good! Your Indefatigable looks great. He's great! And by the way, it's great that you have good weather! I wish you creative success! Dog Hi!
  6. I've run out of superlative words... Amalio you're creating a work of art! Magnificent! And also, looking at your model, I understood how the ship is being built!
  7. Oh... God... I'm at the end. But how is it? it was so interesting and suddenly... It's over.... But there will be a continuation of such an interesting magazine, right? Very curious: what will the model look like with sails and rigging? I'm really looking forward to the next posts, dear Thukydides, Don't leave us in the most interesting place... and of course be sure to be healthy and happy! with the best wishes to all!
  8. Hi all! Hello Thukydides! I can't find the right words to describe my experience with this build log. I could never imagine how much depends on the shadow, and the transition from light to shadow and vice versa. from light to dark.... my mind will now leave its usual skull, and go to explore the world just opened to it! You've got an excellent model, and an excellent tutorial on creating three-dimensional, colored objects. Your photos are excellent. These are beautifully done illustrations. Your work deserves the highest appreciation, and it is very informative and interesting! Thank you very much for your hard work. For a patient and calm explanation of a very difficult material. Fabulous!!
  9. Hi all! Hello Thukydides! I can't find the right words to describe my experience with this build log. I could never imagine how much depends on the shadow, and the transition from light to shadow and vice versa. from light to dark.... my mind will now leave its usual skull, and go to explore the world just opened to it! You've got an excellent model, and an excellent tutorial on creating three-dimensional, colored objects. Your photos are excellent. These are beautifully done illustrations. Your work deserves the highest appreciation, and it is very informative and interesting! Thank you very much for your hard work. For a patient and calm explanation of a very difficult material. Fabulous!!
  10. Thukydides, Hello, I wish you health and good luck! First of all I want to apologize for my English. English is not a language that I know well and that's why I use an electronic translator. I apologize if it's not clear! Thukydides, your explanation of how light and shadow work, as well as saturation, is respectable and, most importantly, very clear. Intelligibly .. When I got the opportunity to draw in computer programs, and the computer itself, for a very long time I did not understand what I was doing wrong. Why there is no perspective, no sense of the volume of the object. After all, hand-drawn ones look the best. I regret that at that time I did not read this forum .. And I had to try for many years and look for knowledge wherever you can find it. Thank you for the lesson. Once again I apologize if I say something is not correct or not clear. With best wishes, creative success, dear Thukydides!
  11. Hello. The reference article about the ship is very interesting and informative! Thank you!
  12. Hello! I look at the photo where you are together, the three of us, I rejoice! I want to wish you good luck, health, you will be fine. Everything will work out. Everything will end beautifully, and then again, it will begin again !!! best wishes! Egor. I almost forgot: you can't fail, you have a Dog!!!
  13. Hi... thanks for the photos, the ship, and the last photo: two friends!! Look great together!
  14. Hi... thanks for the photos, the ship, and the last photo: two friends!! Look great together!
  15. http://davesconfederacy.blogspot.com/?m=1 look, I found on the MSW forum site, there is such a master, named Dave, he restored the "Confederation", and along with the rigging. Since you built such a model. I thought you would be interested. (Unless, of course, you haven't seen it before me...). Dave made a very spectacular ship, I think. and, just in case, in Ukrainian: дивись, знайшов на сайті форуму MSW, є такий майстер, на ім'я Дейв, він відновив "Конфедерацію", а заразом і такелаж. Якщо вже ви побудували таку модель. Я думав, тобі буде цікаво. (Якщо, звичайно, ви не бачили його до мене...). Гадаю, Дейв зробив дуже ефектний корабель.
  16. 😉Hello! great page! a lot of useful! I really like the page!😜
  17. Привіт! чудова сторінка! багато корисного! мені дуже подобається!
  18. Hello Dear Guraus! First of all, I want to apologize for my English, I studied English at school, as a result, I can only use the language with the Electronic Translator. Excuse me, please. I really hope that everything is fine with you, and life is developing, as you see. I recently became interested in modeling again. And in particular sudomodelizm. True, in childhood, in 1980, at the age of nine, he was engaged in practice and theory in a children's ship modeling circle (as a child). Collected and glued plastic ships. I'm talking about myself for so long... because I'm now an old grandfather with insanity... of course, this is a joke! I just don’t know, I can’t find the right words to describe the emotions that I experience when I see your Victoria. It is made in such a way that when I look at it, it seems that I am a little man, an inch tall, and I was inside a ship under construction. And someone is giving me a tour. Have to be careful! Danger lives inside the ship. Predator. He doesn't mind having lunch with me! I remember that! Please make me a 1:48 scale halberd. For self-defense... . I can't imagine how much patience and perseverance and love you put into Victory's ship. You are the Master. I discovered your site, there are other models there. I will study. I will do the tour. And your Victory model can and should be shown, demonstrated as a tutorial on shipbuilding. In schools and technical schools, museums. And as a textbook for cabinet makers. (I'm not sure that the machine translated correctly, so I want to write options below: wood jeweler, wooden structure inlay. ) Your ship, every board, every surface, is neat and beautiful, elegant. And, no kidding: very small people, 48 times smaller than usual, sawed, planed, adjusted the details of the ship. I sometimes think so. Well, how else, in the gaps, in the grooves of the frame beams, you can not insert a sheet of paper, everything is worked out to the smallest detail. Made with the greatest diligence. Thank you so much for your hard work and patience! You have a beautiful magnificent ship! Please accept my congratulations and best wishes! Now I'm a big fan of your talent. Sincerely, Obormotov / Egor, Russia, Moscow / Mordor.🤗
  19. And the machines, tools, devices are a distraction
  20. That's so beautiful! I assume that you are God... in a civilization of very small beings. these creatures are fifty times smaller than us ordinary people. These creatures do all the work, they are small and it is not difficult for them.
  21. Thank you very much for your work, and for the explanation and wonderful photos. Everything is beautifully presented and clearly explained. Good job, very good! I am not able to participate in your project due to well-known reasons (I am a Russian person, and now I am in Russia), but I want to say that I really want to buy your model, Medway Longboat, and I will buy it as soon as I see the opportunity. I would like to wish everyone who has already received the model a pleasant time for assembly and communication with friends. Chak, I wish you good luck and success for your company and your business with Medway Longboat. With your permission, I will follow your progress and learn from you. All the best and best wishes, Egor
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