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Jorez de Saint Nazaire

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    Saint Nazaire - France

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  1. Hello, I have a question about fish davit. What do you think about the stowage location for a fish davit when it's not in use? I found specific information about the stowage of fish davits in a book, but it's not applicable to the Granado because there is no waist. Do you think Caldercraft's proposition of crossing the ship is a good idea? Thank you for your help François
  2. Hello, I have a question about the fish davit. What do you think of the stowage location for the fish davit when it's not in use ? I haven't found any specific information regarding the stowage of fish davits. Thank you for your help
  3. Thanks, Brian, much appreciated. I confirm that the quality of the rigging is very good, in line with both AOTS and James Lees' book. Courage Brian 😉
  4. Hello, The braces of the The Spritsail Yard, The Main Yard, The Main Topmast Yard, The Main Topgallant YardandThe Crossjack Yard are done. The rigging of the driver boom and driver gaff will be the next stage.
  5. Guten Tag Joachim, I'm glad you enjoyed Port Louis in Brittany. It's a lovely city. Thank you for the pictures. The model is "Le Massiac," a flute from the Compagnie des Indes, built in 1758 at Lorient. Freundliche Grüße
  6. Dear Brian I used two lights, one on each side of the ship. I believe this is the first time you've asked about it. Yes, I glued the masts and bowsprit before rigging. To me, it seems like the normal approach. Do you progress with your Granado ?
  7. All of the yards are hung, and ties, halyards, parrels, slings etc... are complete for all. She really looks like a ship now! Pictures for the main mast
  8. Hello, lower Ratlines and swivel guns in progress. I don't mind doing them, and I do get into a bit of a rhythm as I go, but I'm just a bit slow with the process.
  9. Hello Brian, Glad to see your work! Your choice of black is unique and very effective in revealing details. what means "a little international science and adventuring"
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