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Everything posted by Loracs

  1. Futtock-staves and catharpins: With all the lower shrouds completed, it was time to tackle the futtock-staves and catharpins. What a pain... at least for me. I tried doing it with blocks but with so many knots, it is quite difficult to adjust. The second approach (which may not be quite right for the Revenge) was to do the catharpins as described by Boubriot. It involved treading a single rope between the futtock staves. It looks easier on paper than done. After several trials and failings, I settled on a variant. Rather than having two passes every second shroud, I alternate 1-2, in a single pass. It just holds in place better for me without constant adjustment. The end result is a trapezoid pattern rather than a parallel layout. After working several days on that... I decided to just keep it. Not perfect but it worked, move to the second one and be done with this. Please pardon the deviation.
  2. @Knocklouder, thank. Believe me, if I can do it, you most certainly can. Only a matter of time and pacing yourself. Of course, all the tips and know-how found here are quite helpful too. There is nothing more useful than seeing people's logs.
  3. Hello all, I fixed some of the issues mentioned before. I could not tie the rope to the lower block because the shrouds are in the way now... but, like @Baker to the deck rail, which pretty much solved the issue. Second, I then complete the shrouds to the bow. I'm working my way to the Mizzen and Bonaventure shrouds, which are incomplete for now. Slowly but steadily.
  4. hello all, with the heat wave here... I'm making very slow progress. I hope to come back with few update pictures soon.
  5. a thousand thanks... I did not quite realize the huge amount of variation on a theme from ship to ship, era and nationality. Will keep looking.
  6. I'm a little confused: According to Boudriot in the 74-guns ships, the ratlines start at the second or third shroud. Is this true for ship of the 1577 period? thanks again,
  7. A quick question: The first shroud (toward the bow) of the main masts is generally a served rope for all the length. What about the first shroud of the mizzen and Bonaventure masts (the smaller back two masts)? Should I serve the first rope to length too? Sorry for the beginner questions.... this is my first rigging.
  8. Off topic: The collection of Lecouvie-Dery du Quebec. Model ship in Ivory. Very interesting. I may try to see it once of those day.
  9. I think I get it (for the main masts backstay): Tying the ends like that ... to each front-end eye bolt. Should I do the same for the Front masts' backstay?
  10. @kirill4 @baker, what do you think of the front Masts tackles? OK to tie the end to the rack as shown (as per plan)? or hook the block-end of the backstays to the front eye bolt on each platform? or should I tie the opposite end of the backstay to each adjacent eye bolt? rather that shown here on the rack? Lastly, rather than tying the end to the eyebolt as suggested, would adding a cleat to the deck for the backstays-end be ok (front and main masts)? (Like what you see here for the front one). Finally, Was I OK to use light rope for the lower part? or all dark rope?
  11. Hello @kirill4, again a thousand thanks... a lot of great information to digest. About the backstay anchor points: @Baker did point this out too... and I got distracted with building the ratlines. I'm really glad for you both... I will get on it. Great suggestions.
  12. Rigging: Not quite what I was expecting. It is far harder and slower than I thought. I had to redo things a few times to get the results I wanted. Hopefully, it gets easier over time.... I know, wishful thinking. Slow progress but progress nonetheless. Note: It is a very tight fit with served 1.2mm line.... very tight. I learned earlier that anything larger won't fit if you serve the line.
  13. Thank you for your input both... I greatly appreciate. That why I was asking... I was afraid it may look odd. Keeping the spars horizontal but rotate around the masts is a great idea. It would help with the space issue while retaining fidelity to the model. I like it a lot!
  14. Hello, I'm starting rigging and looking ahead to how I would like to display the Yards with furled (semi-furled) sails. Because of space reason, I would like to have the yards at roughly 45 degrees or even more. Basically, with one end toward the deck and the other toward the sky. I looked at a lot of pictures and could not find any with this configuration. Did anyone ever saw one? Was there even a purpose for it? such as dock at a port? let me know if you came across anything. -- cheers For reference, I'm working on the "HMS Revenge".
  15. @baker, Thanks a lot. Let me check the plans if I can use alternative attach points. I'm planning on adding sails later on, which will use quite a lot of attach points... I may run into potential conflict/complication. However, it is really worth looking into it. Thanks for the compliment, I'm just taking my time and looking at as many logs possible... to learn from all of you.
  16. Worth Repeating: Please DO NOT hesitate to correct me or highlight mistakes. I'm somewhat a beginner and welcome your comments. Even thought, this build may not be historically accurate (I took liberties with the hull decoration, for example) ... I still want to improve my skills. Sometimes you just don't even know when you are making a mistake. I love the "craft" and this won't be my last ship. cheers all.
  17. Backtrack completed. It was a slow process, but I think it is better now. The small changes I made were to use a light colored rope for the lower part of mast tackle. I think it is more appropriate since the rope is tied mainly to the deck racks, which I assumed would be kept clean (no tar). here it is...
  18. Rigging - upgrades: I'm slowly catching up from last week's misadventures. I took this opportunity to "upgrade" some of the rigging as @kirill4 suggested. Thanks! I changed the way I tied the block to masts, using serve-rope this time. Lastly, I changed the way I tied the small boat on the deck. I do not have blocks of the appropriate size, so I simply tied but this time vertically without any cross-over. The sailors are in the process of tying the third one ;_) Back from a small vacation, so I should be able to catch-up this week.
  19. @kirill4, Fantastic pictures and very nice builds. I'm seeing a lot I did not know of, like the serving of the block ropes tied to masts. It makes sense since those are potentially weak junction that likely did need serving for strength. Will be working on a lot of things as improvement. ;_) Very timely, with the rigging down I can make the modifications easily.
  20. @kirill4, Thousand thanks for the comments. Many easy fixes that will improve fidelity. I will get on those.
  21. @kirill4 Again thanks a lot... this is my first ship with more comprehensive rigging. All these tips are very helpful. ;_)
  22. @GrandpaPhil, Hey... just a little set back. I'm still determined to complete the build. It is worth it!
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