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Everything posted by marktiedens

  1. Thanks I`m still not sure whether I like it or not but after all the tedious cutting & glueing I will leave it as it is.Actually I think I`m a pretty slow worker.
  2. Here`s a little update - galleries coming along. Tore off the handrails - rebuilding them.Also more painting to do.
  3. Great job - another excellent modification Mark
  4. Excellent work so far - this is a difficult ship to model
  5. According to the box cover 1180mm!I like the larger kits - easier to detail.Now back to more painting
  6. John - thanks.I keep finding more things to rebuild.Maybe the handrails next. Matti - I couldn`t think of a different or easier way to do it without cutting apart the decorations.
  7. Thanks ZyXuz.Your comment is much appreciated I wish I was a better photographer - always have trouble with the close up photos.
  8. I thought I would build a new capstan while some paint was drying.the kit one is on the left & mine is on the right.
  9. I have had good luck drilling pieces like this by lightly clamping them in a small vise with the grain parallel to the vise jaws so it can`t separate.
  10. I have also been a Toyota mechanic for the same amount of time. I think it is safe to say they will not go under. Mark
  11. Thanks Matti - after being a Saab mechanic for 30 years I tend to like things of Swedish design.
  12. Thanks Michael - I appreciate the nice comment.I hope it doesn`t stand out too much & overpower the decorations.
  13. Here`s a sample.First picture is before & the second is after. Only 5 more towers to build.
  14. I did manage to cut a strip a little smaller.This is as small as I can make it & still keep my sanity!
  15. Excellent job so far - I am also still dealing with the galleries on mine - very fiddely work.
  16. It is possible if you are very carefull.The problem with making them thinner is they tear very easily since card stock is basically just thick paper.I might give it a try & see what happens.
  17. I have come up eith a way to simulate the white crescents on the gallery roofs.I got some card stock & cut out half circles with my leather punch. Then I cut it off. Then I cut more half circles off the other side & trimmed it a bit with a precision cutter. I don`t know what it will look like on the model until I get them all glued on.
  18. Andre - thanks.It was difficult getting all the planks to look level all the way around. Matti - thanks.I don`t know why I did not build them right the first time. Michael - the kit is from Mantua-Sergal.It is a large kit - listed at 46 inches long. Now I am working on a way to show the white crescents on the gallery roofs.
  19. I have come up with a fix for those awful looking cupolas.I decided to cut them down & plank the insides of the decorations.Only took 4 nights to do one but it looks much better.Now on to painting,painting,& more painting.
  20. Great build you have going there.Still working on changes to my Sergal kit after viewing yours & other builds of this unique ship. regards,Mark
  21. Thanks for your nice comment.Now for the first change.The bow entrys as the kit shows are vertical.I di not like the look so I cut off the doors that I made & made some plugs out of balsa to support the planking.then I re-made the doors so the entry ways were slanted as on the real ship. [a ttachment=73138:Vasa 001 (3).JPG] next project is to re-do the cupolas - the kit supplied parts are awful. Mark
  22. Wonderful build.As a result of looking at your build I am planning more changes to my Sergal Vasa build.
  23. Thanks for the nice comments.Here are some more pictures. upper decks main deck planking - I used tanganyika instead of the supplied walnut.I darkened the edges with a pencil & simulated the nailing by drilling a small indentation & then sanded the deck so the sawdust would settle in the the holes & then applied the finish. I am in the process of fixing the 2 bow entrys - they should be slanted instead of vertical.
  24. Hello everyone.Sorry about starting this log in the middle of the build but I was to this point when I joined MSW.The build has gone relatively well to this point.All the laser cut parts fit together with very little adjustments.First & second planking went well - decided not to treenail the hull.I am attempting to paint the ship similar to the model at the Vasa museum.I say similar because many of the castings are not correct - probably due to the kit being designed before all the decorations were known.Please let me know how the pictures come through since I do not have any edit or reply option buttons on this page. starboard view stern view starborad bow
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