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Everything posted by kljang

  1. Hi Allan, I didn’t finish building the launch because as you say, didn’t look quite right and left it off. The thing about Bounty kits in general as they include generic boat parts, or the wrong boats, or boats that were never carried. The book reproduces the NMM draughts of a standard launch such as that ordered for Bounty so the modeller can modify the kit parts to a more authentic representation. In general, the biggest issue I had with the DeAgostini model is that there are no plans so you must build it blind - we are a bunch of modellers that work from plans, so building it like a plastic kit is a bit disconcerting. However, after building it I must say it went together well with little problem and looks great. I followed the instructions until the end when I decided to plank it differently to show off more of the frames. If you follow the instructions for example, virtually the entire deck id planked covering up all the intricate beam work. Same with the hull. Planking covers up so much of the frames I left off a lot. I added paint work to bring in some colour. Overall, the kit is a very easy way of building a model in frame. I am not sure of the wood species, mine was a medium hard flecked wood. It had a nice warm colour too it. Warm regards, kerry
  2. Thanks Allan, The BOUNTY book was a lot of interesting work because virtually all kits are based on the movie replicas, so a lot of work went into sorting what her colour scheme actually was. Also, John McKay worked out as best he could the actual mast and yard sizes. Bounty was converted from Bethia and her existing rig was altered by the Navy Yard and then by Bligh. It’s all in a large table in the book. Back to the DeAgostini kit, as I note in the book, the frame construction follows the usual practice of the day, but the kit includes only half of them so you can see the interior. John McKay’s Bounty book and plans were used as an inspiration but the kit differs from them in some important ways - actually most kits extant differ from his drawings. But, there are no contemporary illustrations of the ship given her short life so any kit and drawings must be reconstructed from her draughts (which exist) and written log entries. Writing this book was a challenge as the mutiny story is so well known and bringing the reader back to the actual ship herself was an interesting task. I really did not want to retell the story of the mutiny but you have to because it is central to this ship. ‘Fingers crossed’ I got the balance right! warm regards, Kerry
  3. I have purchased and built the kit. The model is featured in my new book ShipCraft 30: Bounty to be released in the UK on March 30, a little later in the US. The model was fun and certainly is impressive, but there are some issues that are easily corrected. It is the only Bounty model in frame. I purchased all the instalments at once, and for me made building easier as I could say, make all the guns at once. Cheers, Kerry Jang
  4. Excellent work! I love the true scale appearance you are achieving. Cheers, Kerry
  5. Hello Jake, I am quite excited that the Victory book will be released in a few weeks. Victory is the first in this series on a sailing warship, and was an experiment to see if it works. I look forward to people’s thoughts on the book when it comes out. The colour profiles were drawn by John McKay (he’s done two books of drawings on the ship) and together we created a number of colour schemes illustrating her appearance at different times during her long career. It was quite a bit of fun compiling information and turning it into a drawings. I hope you find the book helpful, and you can always contact me with any questions from what you find in the book. I am now just finished a new volume for the series on HMAV Bounty, again with colour profiles by John McKay. I need a rest! Warm regards, Kerry
  6. I’ve written a new book entitled “ship Models from the Age of Sail: Building. And Enhancing Commercial Kits” that might be helpful to you. It was just published by Seaforth Publishing in the UK and Naval Institute Press in the USA. it’s more about kit building so describe planking and rigging, and name kit parts. For the names of actual ship timbers in detail, then Peter Godwin’s books are best. cheers, Kerry Jang
  7. Great review James! I just got an e-mail from Tom saying he has been up late at night doing the castings for the kit! The lessons learned on his Enterprize have really showed up in Le Coureur, but either kit will certainly allow many to build a framed model with a lot less stress and cost. I remember buying shop tools to mill down my own wood, and locating good stocks of hardwood was a task. Looking forward to a build log here soon! Cheers, Kerry
  8. Lovely job Kevin. You got tucked in straight away and making great progress. cheers, Kerry
  9. Hi USS Frolick, the kit has two types of square frames. Thick and thin. The thin ones are 1/4” thick when assembled, and station frames that are thicker at 3/8” assembled. The space between frames is 1/4”, but for the frames at the stern and bow (not cant frames) the space is reduced to 1/8”. Cheers, Kerry
  10. Hello USS Frolick, When built, the frames are 1/4” thick, made up of two slices of 1/8”. The frames are slightly simplified. What I mean is that each is constructed futtock by futtock, but the joins between futtock pieces are straight, and not scarphed as in true English framing practice. There is no reason to show scarphed joints between futtock parts as they will not be seen as each frame face where they would be seen is hidden by the frame ahead and aft. The joints between futtock that would be visible on the side all fall where they should and follow a sheer. Hope this helps, Kerry
  11. Hi Alex, Yes, the Polish company was Shipyard. I have their HMS Juno plans myself and are quite good. I would think they used the NMM draughts to develop their card kits but I can’t say for sure if they do. I know when Tom designs a kit he cross checks his work against other’s sources of information. He tells me he finds contradictions in all plans, lines that don’t match up, And a lot of fun areas that are unclear. When I met him last year he showed me on a Royal barge how lines, measurements and details from well known sources did not agree. His CAD renderings show up these inconsistencies quite well, then he goes and researches which version might be correct or tried to reconcile them. He says he finds errors all the time in published plan sets of a ship and spends a lot of time trying to sort out where the variances and correct them before he can create cutting files to guide a laser. It’s really a case of The GIGO Principle - Garbage In, Garbage Out so you just can’t copy a plan to make kit, the drawings must be checked, checked and corrected. I’m glad he’s good at it! Cheers, Kerry
  12. Hi Alex, You can contact Tom via the CAF Models website or with this email: 450449987@qq.com The kit was based on plans from the National Maritime Museum which provided the lines. All of the framing and what not was created by Tom using practices of model shipwrights of the time. A Polish card model company also created a kit of Enterprize and published plans of the ship. This was used as a reference for decoration etc. as they had done a lot of research to determine the style of frieze etc. Cheers, Kerry
  13. Hi ASAT, No, you didn’t miss it. I didn’t list any shipping costs as it depends on how it was shipped. Prior to the pandemic, my kit and other items I ordered from China came via China Post to Canada. Now, Chinese prodecers are using courier services such as DHL to avoid sitting in the post office (in my case Canada Post) until cleared by customs. The courier firms have their own brokerage which is faster but comes at a price. I suggest you email Tom and ask. The kits can be provided in parts so you can stretch out the costs. This is why each box is a self contained unit of parts, plans, etc. You can start with box 1, build away until you are ready for the next part. cheers, Kerry
  14. Hello Carlosgf, The difference is in how well the wood is matched for colour and grain by hand. The kit in my review was "B". The wood in my kit was of good quality and pretty consistent colour and grain. Hope this helps. Cheers, Kerry
  15. Hello Aydingocer, Thank you you got your kind words on my review. Enterprize is the same as Enterprise and the kit is the same as you posted. I just used the old spelling with a “z” instead of the “s”. Interestingly, some say that ”Enterprize” is an incorrect spelling which is untrue, as the ship’s name as listed in Admiralty records is spelt this way and thus correct. Cheers, Kerry Vancouver, Canada
  16. Hello Stuglo, The price of the kit is on sale at $1166.00 USD. Cheers, Kerry
  17. In regards to Captain Hook’s question on the figurehead. The Enterprize class was a large class of ships and I would suppose each had its own figurehead. The draught in “The Sailing Navy List” is not for Enterprize but another of the class that shows a human figurehead. The painting of Enterprize I put at the top of the review shows the same human figurehead... In the absence of any definitive drawing of the carvings I guess a “generic” lion will do, which adorns many Admiralty models of the time. A question for Tom. I will ask him. I am glad the review is helpful, and thank you for all the kind comments on it. Cheers, Kerry Kerry Jang Vancouver, Canada.
  18. HMS Enterprize (1774) CAF Models Review by Dr. Kerry Jang HMS Enterprize was the lead ship of the Enterpize class of 1770. The class was designed by Sir John Williams with a gross dimensions and tons of 120’6” (gun deck), 99’6” (keel), 33’6” (beam), 11’ (depth of hold) and to carry 200,men. Armament was 24 x 9 pound guns on the upper deck, 4 x 3 pound guns on the quarter deck, and 12 swivel guns. She was ordered in January 1771, Keel laid on September 9, 1771 at Deptford, launched August 24, 1774; hulked in 1791. Twenty-seven ships composed this class. A pair of paintings of the ship by Joseph Marshall in 1775 is held by the Science Museum in Kensington and the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich. Enterprise served as a cruiser and convoy escort. Her most notable action occurred on June 7, 1780 whilst at Gibraltar when her crew spotted six Spanish fire ships drifting into the harbour toward the fleet at anchor. A warning salvo was fired to alert the fleet and the Enterprize’s cables cut to allow the ship to drift away from the hulks and opened fire on the hulks in an attempt to sink them. The Spanish fleet lay outside the harbour for any British ships trying to escape so the British seamen boarded the small the fire ships to attach lines to away from the fleet and burn themselves out. On April 27, 1782 near the Leeward Islands she captured the 22-gun American privateer Mohawk which was later taken into Royal Navy service. Mohawk was sold in1783. Enterprize was decommissioned in May 1784 and from 1790 she served as a receiving ship and hulked in 1791. In 1806 she was taken to Deptford and broken up in 1807. Lines, profile and decoration drawings of Surprize as built can be purchased from the Royal Museums Greenwich (National Maritime Museum). The Kit CAF MODELS of Shanghai, China has created a stunning 1/48 scale Admiralty model of HMS Enterprize. Before reviewing the kit a few words about wooden sailing ship kits from Chinese producers is warranted because they are not all created equal. In 2001 China was allowed to formally join the World Trade Organization (WTO) which meant the country had to abide by international trade agreements and practices such as copyright protection. Prior to 2001, China was the largest source of counterfeit goods that focused on covered luxury goods, cosmetics, sportswear, and appliances. As a result of joining the WTO, far fewer counterfeit goods are no longer produced or available in China, but remains a problem because copying has become a way of life and normal practice for many manufacturers. This problem is endemic among many wooden model kit producers in China who readily use copyrighted drawings to produce their kits without acknowledgement or licence, and these kits are readily available on shopping websites. They will continue to do this as long as it is profitable so do not buy these unlicensed and counterfeit kits. A concerted effort by Model Ship World and the Nautical Research Guild to highlight these practices and alert model makers to the counterfeit products is having success and has gone further to lend an open and willing hand to any Chinese producers who wish to abide by the WTO and international agreements. One of these companies is CAF MODELS located in Shanghai, China. CAF MODELS first came to attention for producing unlicenced kits of French vessels from the ANCRE collection of drawings and monographs. With the help of members of the Model Ship World community, proper agreements between ANCRE and CAF MODELS are being negotiated and to CAF MODELS’ credit, has stopped selling any models based on ANCRE material until an agreement is signed. These kits will return once the agreement is finalized and signed. In the meantime, CAF MODELS has a number of original kits for sale such as HMS Enterprize, with several more under development. CAF MODELS kits are designed and manufactured by Mr. CAO Feng, or in English -- Tom Cao. Tom is an engineer by profession and used CAD to design kits from Admiralty drawings and other references. His CAD designs have become very precise and is able to detect and correct draughting errors in commercially available plans and well-known sources. I had the pleasure of meeting him and his lovely family in Shanghai in 2018 where he kindly took me to his home to show me how he designed model kits and his extensive reference library. On a funny note, I am a third generation Canadian Chinese and speak Cantonese Chinese. Tom speaks Shanghaiese Chinese and our dialects are mutually unintelligible. The two of us had to use an English translator on his phone to converse! Tom is a talented and keen modeller and with his engineering training tries to design kits that are faithful to the actual construction practices of the actual ship or model with an eye to ease of construction for the modeller. The kits are continually upgraded to take into account improvements in design and materials or to correct errors. All kits are manufactured in house and Tom builds the lasers to cut them out. For his latest designs he is building a series of CNC cutting machines to avoid laser cutting char marks. Carvings for figureheads and relief carvings are done using CNC routers guided by 3D renderings. The wood used for the kits are cherry, boxwood, pear, and maple imported from North America and Europe. He experiments with other traditional materials such as ox bone for window frames to replicate materials used by traditional craftsmen of the 18th Century. Tom is in the white shirt and myself in the black t shirt. Note that the phone with a translator is open so we could chat and that the kit is the French bomb ketch SALAMANDRE based on the Boudriot plans. This kit is off the market until the licence agreement with ANCRE is finalized. The kit provides the parts to build a fully framed Admiralty style model of the ship that measures 33” in length with a beam of 8.2”. The kit arrives in a shipping carton containing 6 large boxes chock a block full with wooden parts and fittings, and a bundle of wooden strip stock. The boxes in total weigh in around 20 kgs! The parts in each box are well protected in foam and sealed in bags or cello wrapped to prevent damage and loss. The CAF kit is packed in six large boxes and a bundle of strip wood stock. Each box is numbered and along with the parts are numbered sheets that lay out the assembly steps and identifies all of the parts contained in a box. By way of example, the contents of box #1 contains several laser cut sheets of ship’s frames, instruction booklet, and 1:1 scale exploded view of how each frames is to be constructed. A closer look at the wooden parts show that each piece is neatly cut by laser with no excess burning and the bevel lines are etched into the wood. The wood on this kit is cherry, and it has a nice warm brownish tone and is very fine grained. The char marks left by the laser cutting on the edge is relatively light and most of it is sanded away during the fairing of the hull. All lasers cut parts on a slight angle (has to do with beam deflection as it burns through the wood) so some mating faces are not 90° degrees and must be gently sanded square using a disk sander. Typical contents of a box. Laser cut frame parts. The plans in each box contains 1:1 scale drawings to identify each part. A close up of the laser cutting. Parts are attached to the sheet using small tabs that are easily cut away with a sharp hobby knife. The kit contains thousands of laser cut parts. Deck beams, knees, dowels for stub masts, building jig parts, drawings and the first box of fittings made from a multitude of different materials. Some of the stem and keel parts and building jig pieces to construct the cant frames. The kit also contains some interesting some CNC cut parts that are cut in three dimensions to capture their unique double curvature shapes that cannot be cut using a laser. In other kits, such parts are provided as a metal or resin piece that must be painted to look like wood but in this kit it is wood. CNC cut wooden parts in three dimensions. Strip wood is labelled, clean and straight and cut by a saw. The Building Jig The model is built in an elaborate plywood jig that holds the keel, stem, stern and frames in the exact locations and square to one another. The building jig is also designed to hold the cant frames in the correct orientation so they can be built up and faired in place. The jig itself is made up of several parts and is a major project in itself. A selection of the framing jig parts. The jig parts are provided in good quality birch ply and slot together neatly with little or no sloppiness to the joints. Despite the care taken by CAF MODELS, the jig should be assembled carefully and one must ensure all joints are correct. Any misalignment will be transferred to the hull as it is constructed. An illustration as to how the cant frame bow jig is used. Fittings With box after box full of laser and CNC cut parts, there are also smaller boxes of fittings in wood, metal, glass, and bone. Of particular note are that the carvings and sculptures that adorn large ships of the line have always been difficult to reproduce for modellers who are not experienced at carving. Often kits provide a heavy metal or resin figurehead or carvings that must either be gilded or painted. Model makers have often wished that the carvings were provided in wood, just as seen on Admiralty models. CAF Models have done this by providing the carvings in wood. This is not pressed fiberboard but an actual 3D CNC cut set of sculptures as shown in the photos. Ships guns are in cast brass and are fully detailed with the royal cyphers. Anchors and other metal parts also provided as brass castings. All other of the required fittings are provided in brass, glass, wood and good quality cordage. Each is neatly labelled and packaged. Note that the spokes for the ship's helm are individual parts. Glass cover slips for microscope slides is provided to glaze the windows. The ship's stove is a miniature photetched brass kit, Instructions The instructions are contained in a series of booklets and plans. The instructions are pictorial in nature so that modeller does not have to rely on a working knowledge of Chinese at all. There are some English instructions which in some cases makes little sense because something got lost in translation - but with the picture the meaning becomes clear. Running the Chinese text through Google Translate provides a good sense of the Chinese instructions. The drawings and plans are crisp and the parts match the drawings precisely. Drawings are colour coded to keep things straight and are neatly and cleanly printed. Future kits will have better English instructions included. All parts are labelled and construction fully illustrated so no need to know how to read Chinese to build the model. Each booklet has several illustrated steps to construction. Full size profile and lines are provided. Frame plans to help align all of the separate futtocks. The kit also provides a full sheet of waterslide decals to reproduce the painted friezes adorning the ship’s side and stern. The modeller can paint these friezes if desired, but the decals provide a neat option. My advice for applying the decals is that the designs are cut close to the printed colours as possible, and applied to a glossy surface by sealing the wooden hull sides with a gloss varnish. The designs are later sealed with a coat of matt or satin varnish as desired. Conclusions If you want to build an Admiralty style model and don’t have the tools, access to wood stock, skills or inclination then CAF Model's Enterprize is an excellent way to build one. All that is required is included in the boxes that saves you from having to source materials and tools. All of the materials are top notch and having seen the prototype model at Tom's home, is well designed and goes together well. It is rare to find a kit this well produced and the innovation and constant upgrading CAF MODELS does on its kits ensures improves ease of construction, and quality of materials and design continually improves. The sheer complexity of the kit will keep the modeller busy for a long time and especial care and fitting of the many parts is the order of the day -- this is no different that scratch building so your skills will be challenged and honed over time. The kit is excellent value for the money. CAF MODEL's next kit is Le Coureur based on drawings from the National Maritime Museum, and a set of figures is being designed to crew the ship. The review kit was purchased directly from CAF MODELS courtesy of my wallet. Payment was by PayPal and China Post delivered it to Canada Post in excellent shape and in good time. Tom Cao stands by all his products and should you find a faulty part or broke something, he will help you with replacements. If you have an earlier kit and want the latest upgrades to it, you can contact him and he can supply it at a nominal cost. Tom is responsive to e-mail within a day or two in my experience. With scratch building, masting and rigging can be added to really make the model stand out even moreso. That is what I plan to do in due course. Happy Modelling! Kerry Jang Vancouver, Canada
  19. Painting such figures realistically is quite easy. I just follow the methods used by war gamers. Block in the colours, don’t bother painting eyes, etc. Drybrush with lighter shades and use the “dip” method to bring them alive. I use the “Army Painter” dips with excellent results. i love figure on ships and they really bring the model to life. Well done Tom! I’d also love some modern and WW2 figures in 1/96 to 1/72 scale. Sign me up! cheers, kerry
  20. I recently took delivery of Tom’s HMS Enterprize kit. Wow! I saw the built up version at his home in Shanghai and was smitten. Tom regularly upgrades the kits as he figures out a better way or gets customer feedback. He tries to replicate the look and materials of the Admiralry models, even producing some of the carvings in bone. Quite an amazing product. Good quality wood, cast brass cannon, wooden carvings, etched brass, the list goes on. The kit came in seven boxes and weighed several kilo. I hope the arrangement with ANCRE gets done soon. I once tried to build Le Salamandre from the plans. I got a long way on it and just ran out personal steam. I’ve seen his kit and can say it will be a lot easier to realize a ship in frame and far more precisely than I could ever do. This model has been upgraded too, he changed how the cant frames are cut and assembled to make them easier to build and replicate actual construction. The method of building the cutter is also improved with a resin cast jig to lat frames and planks. Welcome Tom, and thank you Chuck! cheers, Kerry Vancouver, Canada
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