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Everything posted by FifeModels

  1. Hiya Steve, Glad you posted, I sent them an email asking where my next dispatch was too. Been 6 weeks since my first one. On the flip side, they have sent me an entire replacement for issue #2 complete with, this time, an intact figurehead. So thanks but I'm ok now, am sure there will be others who have damaged ones though.
  2. To be honest that is down to personal preference/self-confidence in planking. If it was me, I wouldn't, but as I said, it's all down to personal preference really.
  3. Hiya Mike, Not sure if it is just me but I can't see any photo's...shame as I am eager to see how you are progressing on her, I'm torn between getting this version or AL's... Scratch that...they loaded as soon as I posted lol. I would definitely use fillers at the bow, there should really be some additional formers between the false keel and first frame really, quite poor of the kit for there not to be. Without fillers to shape the bow I think you would have quite a headache planking that area. As for the stern, if that was a question too, again I would use some fillers there as well, maybe even in the transom area too, although you will need to read ahead and take into account anything else that may have to go in that area, depends on how the rudder is made. On my Caldercraft, the rudder goes right the way up and connects to the tiller in one section, not sure if it's the same on this version, looking at the very end of the keel is in the way I am guessing not. Is it just me or does anyone else think the angle the rear of the false keel is a little steep? Again I think that might be an issue with the kit rather than anything you have done wrong. Other than that, all looks great, fab job of the interior :D
  4. What about taking a look at Tamiya's weathering kits? Although I think they are designed for plastic but worth a look?
  5. Hiya Stuart. I'm looking into investing in this one myself. I lived in Portsmouth for a few months back in 2011 and she was moored right next to GunWharf, used to walk right past her three times a week. She was an impressive looking ship, one of the nicer merging of steam and sail. Look forward to seeing you progress. Are you planing on weathering the deck to look the colour as she is now or leaving it similar to the ebay photo's model ?
  6. Kit bashing is basically taking a kit and modifying it to add detail or make it more accurate and so forth.
  7. Looking good now Mike, really beginning to wish I'd bought this version of the Bounty instead of Caldercraft's. lol no that's not quite what kit bashing means...but can see it being very therapeutic though
  8. Timmo Craigie No reason I can't put up a log of my build so far, although it would only be upto where it is now as she is currently sat on a shelf above my workbench and she will be staying there for some time yes as I have other projects to work on first. Finishing the Bounty is first up, then some more work on the Sovereign partwork, followed by AL's Santa Maria which arrived yesterday, but I certainly have photographs of the build so far. I did make life difficult for myself as I began the rigging before doing the shrouds...and wished I hadn't. Will post it tomorrow
  9. Hiya Timmo, doing a grand job on her. I am building the same ship although made by Victory Models, and one noticeable difference is the mortar bays are built completely differently from your Caldercraft kit, there are a number of other differences too, not just with the method of construction, but the resulting look as well... Good work, will be using yours as reference when I resume mine
  10. It's not as horrific as it looks...you will quickly get the hang of it and settle into a method which suits you. I sort of cheat and use Loktite super glue gel, but there is a shop near me that sells it for £1 a time. (Normally £5 in the shops), so I stock up on it. Even with that though I still use map pins to secure the plank in place. Pin through the rib not the plank, and the lip of the plastic cap holds the plank in place. Sorry if you already know all this, still getting to know everyone on here and their level of expertise etc.
  11. Captain I too always worry about having enough materials provided with kit to finish the job. I always wonder what you are meant to do with offcuts, to the point where I hoard the offcuts in a bag just incase they are needed elsewhere. I end up with a lot of rubbish
  12. No worries Steve I know the feeling had 6 kids in the house today lol. No rush though it's not like I am going to be starting her for over 2 years lol
  13. Ahh yes I can see the confusion. That log is located in the forum "Other ship builds" where members post logs of builds by other companies, from partworks to complete retail kits etc.
  14. Hiya Anthony, it's not a DeAg partwork, it's from Hachette. http://www.hachettepartworks.com/blackpearl/ QA, as a rule you can't get a partwork faster with the exception of some of DeAg's Modelspace items, where you can select different subscription terms. The price shouldn't change but you will have additional charges as they automitcally send out binders when they are due.
  15. Wow thanks Steve, yeh that would be great as I don't yet have much confidence in Hachette, not had much experience with them. Drop me a PM and we'll sort something out, of course I'd be happy to cover postage. Thanks
  16. Hiya Steve...fancy seeing you here lol. I'm collecting this at the moment, as I am still in two minds about the series, but should I commit to it I will collect until complete before beginning the build. I've already had to email Hachette about the figurehead with issue #2, as the wing on the dove was broken. Credit to them they got back to me within a few days and said they would send a replacement, but not yet as issue #2 is currently out of stock The MDF is putting me off I'll admit...it can be a swine to work with at this scale.
  17. Looking forward to seeing this progress. It's somewhat larger scale than the Caldercraft I am building
  18. Hiya Candice. I too am building this kit and am slightly further ahead than you are, having just started the second planking. I encountered both the same issues you mentioned in your opening post. I fixed the keel by adding a few strips of spare walnut veneer I had, it doesn't matter what it looks like as the hull/keel get's coppered, although the instructions state not to copper the keel, but to paint it. I would suggest you buy some extra copper plates and copper the keel as well as the hull. As for the 6th bulkhead, mine was the same, however I think that is intentional, due to the flow of the Bethia/Bounty's hull. Just sand it back slightly so the lowest edge is flush with the bottom of the false keel and you should be fine, it results in quite a nice flow of the hull towards the stern. I don't have a build log on here but can provide you with any photo's of my build upto where I am if you need to see how things progress. Good luck
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