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Jim Lad

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Posts posted by Jim Lad

  1. Mike,


    With the sails stowed, the clewlines and sheets will still be shackled to the foot of the sail except, of course, that the sail will be furled on the yard.


    With respect to the upper topsail, the sheet won't be shifted from its position either sheckled to the lower yard or set up in the tip with a tackle.



  2. Sorry, Michael.  I saw your question and then forgot to answer it! :wacko:


    And I'm afraid my answer is - I'm not sure; I only build 'em!  :huh:  If you go back to page 1 of this more or less rebuilt log you'll see the only known painting of the Stag showing her under full sail.  Like all other paintings I've seen of such cutters, the mainsail is hauled in fairly flat - maybe to stop it from blanketting the square sails, which would give her a lot of driving power.  of course the paintings may simply be using artistic licence to show a 'romantic' view of the cutters under full sail.  It would be a pretty easy job to slack away the lee backstay - it's only two tackles to let go.


    I'd be intrested to hear from anyone who has any actual information on the sailing of these ships.




    PS Actually I'd like to get some information on how they managed to keep these craft upright when they were under a press of sail - they don't draw a lot of water!!! :o

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