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Jim Lad

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Posts posted by Jim Lad

  1. Popeye, Russ and Bob (Rafine) - Thanks very much for your encouraging words.


    Adeline - They're actually single backstays, but set up with a variation of the double Spanish burton tackle, which gives a mechanical advantage of 8 times.  I think, as you say, that that's an indication of the weight of canvas she carried!


    Augie - the forestay set up is really unusual.  I first thought that the stay must run over a sheave between the bowsprit (offset to port) and the stem, but there isn't any space for it there.  After much studying of the plans and an equal amount of head scratching, I decided that it actually ran through the stem.  As the knee that it's lashed around is right on the centreline that makes sense as it gives a straight lead for the lashing.


    Bob (Cap'n'Bob) - we have to use spiders here.  The rigging fairies won't come to Australia as they're too scared of the spiders! :D



  2. Well, the spiders have started work in earnst now.  The lower shrouds, forestay and running backstays are rigged, but not yet finally tied off, although that can be done anytime now.  Next job, I think, will be to rig the boom as I won't be able to get to the parrel once a little more rigging is done around the mast.  Then it'll be on to the ratlines - only one lower mast to do.


    Here are some pictures of where we are now.


    First, a few general views of the model.  I think she's finally starting to look like a real cutter with the backstays rigged!





    The unusual arrangement of the backstays.  These are very like the backstays that Petersson shows in his book 'Rigging Period Fore and Aft Craft', but are pretty unusual for the period judging by the contemporary models that I've seen.



    The inboard end of the backstays, showing the details as shown on the plans, which confirm the backstay arrangement as shown in the painting.



    The very unusual lower end of the forestay.  This is shown in detail on the plan, so I have to assume that it's as rigged.  The plan shows four turns of the laniard secured by four hitches, so my stay has (you guessed it) four turns and four hitches.  I think I'm going too far!!! :)






  3. Just a small update on the Stag.


    I had some extra time at the museum yesterday so I was able to get a little more done - not much, as it's school holidays here and the museum was crowded, but I was able to at least get a start on rigging the shrouds.  No photos today as I didn't have the camera with me, but I promise to have updated photos next week when I'm in.


    The really funny thing was that when I started to check the first port pair of shrouds for length, the chainplate pulled free as soon as I put a little weight on the deadeye!  When I checked I found that I'd forgotten to pin the two forward chainplates on the port side! :P  Boy, did I feel a dill!!!  Thankfully this sort of oversight is easily rectified and all is now well (for the time being, at least)!



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