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    gieb8688 reacted to yvesvidal in Flower-Class Corvette by Yves Vidal - FINISHED - 1/48 - Bensworx Virtual Kit - 3D printed   
    A few progress on the Smoke Cabin (as it is called....). First the birth of the funnel: 

    And its completion: 

    That is a large part. It does require some sanding and care, too look presentable. Next, other parts required for this assembly, are printed: 

    The funnel stack is somewhat crude and will need some additional details. The ladder is from the kit and three brass tubes are added around the funnel, to make it look more realistic.

    Again, using the same Calder Craft stanchions, the delicate building of the railings is started. Some 0.6 mm brass wire is used to fabricate the railing. It is then glued with CA and painted white to simulate the tubing found on the prototype ship.

    Wooden protections are added on the sides, following the 3D rendering seen previously. These parts are extra and not provided in the kit.
    The funnel is now added and this is a delicate task: all brass tubes have to go in their respective holes and the funnel has to have the correct inclination, which is helped by the printed part.

    On the deck various chest and cowl hoses are installed. The trunk located between the two cowls, is identical to what is provided in the kit, with its height reduced by 50%. The vertical lockers (see below) are identical to the lockers provided in the kit, but reduced to 50% of their width and length.

    The rigging is made with elastic wires found at Michael's or Jo-Ann's.

    This section is complete and I just have to install the painted cowls, on top of their respective tubes.
  2. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to yvesvidal in Flower-Class Corvette by Yves Vidal - FINISHED - 1/48 - Bensworx Virtual Kit - 3D printed   
    MODULE #4 (Galley and Smoke Cabins) 
    This is the second module that I am building. As indicated earlier, the careful installation of the deck floors and precise setting, allow you to approach each module in an almost independent way. For our next installment, I have decide to concentrate on the Galley Cabin (where the mast find its anchor) and Smoke Cabin.
    Before showing the implementation, let's quickly review what the Virtual kit is offering us: 
    Decks D and E are glued together and coupled with two joiners. I have printed the Dagger plates and the D lip but will not be using them. These parts are for RC builds, to allow an easy access to the inners of the vessel: 

    The Galley Cabin is depicted below: 

    And the Smoke Cabin below: 

    Overall, these sub-assemblies are rather crude and need some pimping up. The mast is printed with long parts, the crow's nest and the top part. I have decided to use a mast made of a wood dowel, instead.
    The large smoke stack is nicely provided in the kit, with a ladder and the whistle pipes.
    Since I am trying to depict the HMCS Snowberry, I needed to find more details of these areas. Unfortunately, the archive pictures are very hard to study in this particular area and not of a great help. Fortunately, I found a 3D rendering of what the Snowberry could have been at one point or another: 

    And this is what I will be trying to model.
  3. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to yvesvidal in Flower-Class Corvette by Yves Vidal - FINISHED - 1/48 - Bensworx Virtual Kit - 3D printed   
    Here is a picture of all the parts going into the building of the windlass: 

    The Deck #B, covered with fine planks of basswood and stained to show the outrages of the North sea: 

    The main 4 inches gun will be part of Deck #C and is not described in this section. The platform has just been assembled to see how things fit together.
    Below is a picture of the Snowberry after her refit: 

    And here is the model. I have tried to depict all the major components, visible on the deck. 

    The large ring at the bow is a piece of brass tube (not provided in the kit)
    The cleat are from the kit but have been closed with small strips of styrene, to reflect the real cleats.
    The two round vents are not provided in the kit and are tack pins, inserted in the deck.
    The central mushroom vent is not bent...sorry.
    I am also missing the two tall and thin tubes located ahead of the gun platform. Not sure what they are....






    The stanchions are 20 mm high, two holes and are provided by Calder Craft. They are inserted with a #60 hole and CA glue to secure them. The railing is done with Bead Stringing wire which is very realistic of a steel meshed wire used on the bow of these ships. Its diameter is 0.46 mm allowing it to pass easily into the 0.7 mm holes.

    That concludes the Module #1 (bow). I will be presenting another module in a few days.
  4. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to yvesvidal in Flower-Class Corvette by Yves Vidal - FINISHED - 1/48 - Bensworx Virtual Kit - 3D printed   
    MODULE #1 : the Bow
    Well, after finishing the hull, I had a very strong urge to start at least one section of the Corvette. Following you will find the suggested implementation according to the kit and my realization, based on the kit and on pictures of the Snowberry.
    The kit provides for a relatively detailed windlass: 
    Anchors and guides are also provided in the kit and are very easy and quick to print: 
    Overall, this is the end result: 

    That bow is perfect for a generic Corvette and will fit most of the Lower Class ships and variants. However, the HMCS Snowberry that I am depicting after her upgrade is not exactly equipped in the same way. Finding historical pictures of good quality is a challenge, for that particular ship but a couple of archival pictures are in high resolution and offering numerous details.
  5. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to yvesvidal in Flower-Class Corvette by Yves Vidal - FINISHED - 1/48 - Bensworx Virtual Kit - 3D printed   
    A few updates. I have been waiting for more than a week for the stanchions. Age of Sails handled my request quickly, but placed my shipment on a ground Fedex carrier....$14.00 for an envelope of not even 2 ounces....
    Anyway, patience is a must have when you try to build models during a Plandemic. 
    As I mentioned before, the hull is now finished.... I am lying: I need to paint the rudder and the propeller and glue them to call it complete. 
    I pretty much reached my objective which was to build the hull, with this new (to me) 3D printing technology. The long and tedious work done on the various pieces of decks and their perfect fitting on the hull, allows me to approach each segment of deck as a sub-project whenever I feel the urge to do it. That is important on a large model like this one....it is very easy to be overwhelmed.
    So, to display the hull and most importantly to protect it and be able to store it vertically, I have also built a display stand.

    The main board is a "step" made of pine of 4 feet long by 10 inches wide. It is your traditional step found at Lowes' or Home Depot. The good thing about these boards is that they are very sturdy and will not warp. On top of it are glued, 1/2 x 1/2 inches pieces of maple wood, colored with Cherry wood stain. The main board is stained with Natural color and varnished with Polycrylic Semi-Gloss, using a foam pad for application.

    Two #10 (5 mm) nuts are glued inside the hull to provide for a strong and discrete anchor: 

  6. Like
    gieb8688 got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in HMS Victory by gieb8688 - Sergal - 1/78 - Restoration   
    Finally got back to the shipyard to start the new year.  For the first time in many decades, the foremast is now fully rigged!!  Purists will no doubt see errors in the running of the lines, but for the overall look and feel of the model, I am satisfied with the results.  Two more to go!! 

  7. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Chuck in The versatility of advanced laser cutting techniques...making rigging blocks, an experiment   
    The issue with this technique  for making blocks is all the char.   You cant throw them in a block tumbler to clean it all off.  That would destroy the shape of them.  This is quicker than how I make my regular blocks and the shape is more consistent.   But once you over tumble them to remove the char they look awful.  Even  if made from boxwood.   So this is a great technique however for those who want to stain their blocks and even ebonize them.   Then you dont have to tumble them at all.   Those fancy Ebony blocks you see for sale are so expensive.  But you can have some just as nice if you dip these sticks in Ebony stain or black ink and let them dry.   They polish up beautifully.
  8. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to chris watton in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates   
    Look what arrived today, as promised by my printers!
    We will spend all weekend finishing the Sphinx kits, and making sure all is packed well, ready for shipping. All orders will be shipped next week.
    In the meantime, I have still been working on the new fishing boast designs, and have gone almost as far as I can with my pre-prototype models of Erycina and Nisha.
    I received samples of the 3-d printed castings for them yesterday. I decided to have the tow posts drawn in CAD and 3-d printed because I wanting it to be as true to the real thing as I could, as it has many shapes, coupled with a bracket with holes each side at the top. The winch drums are also 3-d printed castings, as is the chain pipe. The forward winch drums are new turned brass parts I had made. The rest of the kits will consist of laser cut and PE parts - but have to wait for the PE until next month...

  9. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Henke in HMS Agamemnon by Henke - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    I have done some dry fitting of gun barrels. Aggy starts looking mean. This leads into a question. As I understand by mid eighteenth century  gun barrels were made i steel instead of bronze. An untreated bronze gun barrel is dark grey with a slight greenish tone. What was the color of a steel gun barrel at the time? We modelers tend to paint black or blacken the brass but what was the color at the time? When you look at pictures of gun barrels from HMS Victory gun barrels look painted black but that I suppose it is made to protect the barrels from rust. What did Nelson use for corrosion protection? What effect did that treatment have on the appearance of the gun barrel?


    Best regards
  10. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Henke in HMS Agamemnon by Henke - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    My build has been slow because of house renovation. The builders took over the garage and I moved Aggy into safe storage but now I am building again struggling with the bow. 

    Best regards
  11. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Henke in HMS Agamemnon by Henke - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    Thanks Rob,
    The bow cheeks are laser cut and comes with the kit. I am not sure what you mean with with grates but if it is the grating you mean 🙂 they are made from combing strips coming in a bag with the kit. They are made in wood with a fantastic precision. I combine the number of strips required to size and cut away the rest. I glued combing strips together with water diluted wood resin glue (to a watery consistency). The last finish is from sand paper and then a layer of satin varnish.

    Best regards
  12. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Henke in HMS Agamemnon by Henke - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    Thanks for all comments and "likes" . On free time during Christmas I have been working on the rudder. Hinges are still to be fixed to the hull but this is how it looks like for the moment.

    From a model building point of view 2020 has been an exiting year. A year ago I had finished the first planking. During 2020 I did gun ports, second planking, some painting, coppering and some detailing of upper gun deck. How far will I come in 2021? I have said to the Grand(e) Admiral that Aggy is a five year project. In April I am two years into the build....
    Happy New Year!
  13. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Henke in HMS Agamemnon by Henke - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    Greetings to all fellow model boat builders around the world,
    Working on Aggy has been part of my corona safe Christmas celebration. I realized a couple of weeks ago that I had missed to open up two gun ports in the stern. I do not think it is mentioned in the instructions but I saw them on one of the drawings. My first thought was to leave them out but I finally decided to cut them out anyhow. Painted black they will not be seen but at least this post is a proof of their existence 🙂.

    Best regards
  14. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Henke in HMS Agamemnon by Henke - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    Have been working on the upper gun deck four the last couple of weeks. Here is the result.



    Best regards
  15. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Henke in HMS Agamemnon by Henke - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    Thanks for likes and comments. Copper sheathing is now finished (except for the rudder...). Started painting a bit of yellow ochre. The paint is not covering very well as yellow often tends to do. I will probably have to do 4-5 layers before it is ok. The white line is Tamiya flexible masking tape which works very well.

    Best regards and stay safe
  16. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Henke in HMS Agamemnon by Henke - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    It has been a while since my last post. Copper sheathing is almost finished after three months. Port side is finished and starboard is only missing some filling of gore lines. It feels fantastic!


  17. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to chris watton in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates   
    Just been working away on my two new prototype (well, pre-prototypes) fishing boats. Thought I'd share some (bad) pics. They are now both double planked, with decks in place along with the bulwark timber frames.
    Nisha, the smaller vessel, has just had her gunwale fitted, with Erycina (the larger, ex cutter turned fishing ketch) about to have hers fitted.
    I have gone a little further with these, compared to the Fifie and Zulu, with the outer bulwarks pre cut and etched (as well as the inner bulwarks, which have the timberhead positions pre etched). So planking starts at just below deck level. They are also easier to plank. 
    I note that some who built the Fifie and Zulu added detail below the main deck, so with these two, I have included the lower deck platform to the correct height, and included ladders for the companionways, if you wish to show companion door open.
    Pic not great, and builds are quick and a little rough but these, like my Sphinx pre-prototype are 'throw away' models, and used only to make sure designs work as they should, and change where required. The real prototypes will be made later, once I am happy the designs are nailed down, which is now pretty close. No varnish applied, and both have just been sanded, so look a little dusty.
    As with the Fifie and Zulu, they will have optional pre made sail sets, 4 for Nisha and 5 for Erycina. 
    Oh, I used that flexible masking tape for the white boot topping, it was great!

  18. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to chris watton in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates   
    A large part of that is down to James hatch, who has helped build the final prototypes and taken all pictures for the construction, plus text. This really does help with continuing new developments while that last one is still being worked on.
    Regarding larger kits in the future, today, this is one giant step closer, as I have ordered a second laser machine. This is not cheap, but I know it is exactly what I want, and I did promise that any money from sales is invested straight back into the business. The laser machine has a larger bed, so I can cut material of 800x600mm, rather than 600x400mm, and it is twice as powerful, being 80w. It is due for delivery in October, after the refurbishment of our garage next month, to make it into more of a proper unit that dilapidated hell hole..
    On the Sphinx front, my wife, Chantelle and made up the 50 kits (that's a lot of boxes)! and now we wait for the printed manuals, plans and box label to arrive.
    I would have loved to have a full printed box for all my kits, but the costs are frankly comical, and no way worth it when considering they would add £100 to kit price! What Sphinx does have is a very strong double walled box, which will keep the parts safe during shipping. That, coupled with Chan's careful packing of the parts should ensure the kits arrive in perfect condition (We have learned a lot since our first Alert kit..)
  19. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Glen McGuire in CSS Alabama by Glen McGuire - FINISHED - Mamoli - 1:120   
    After attaching as much rigging as I could to the masts it was time to attach the yards to the masts and step them into the deck.  I had a lot of trouble getting the yards secured to the masts.  The yard cleats in the kit were so tiny and fragile.  You can't really see it in the picture but I ended up wrapping safety wire around the junction of the yard and mast to keep it in place.  It turned out to be almost invisible when I was done.
    Also in the pic below you can see a little more "kit bashing" (my new favorite term).  The kit instructions did not have ratlines running from the cross trees to the top of the upper main and fore masts which I guess would have provided access to the top gallant yards.  And the picture on the box didn't show them either.  But in my research, pretty much all the paintings I saw of the ship showed upper ratlines on the upper main and fore masts.  So I decided to add them. 

  20. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Glen McGuire in CSS Alabama by Glen McGuire - FINISHED - Mamoli - 1:120   
    Lashing the yard arms to the yards and adding footropes.  I don't think the footropes turned out all that great but I could not figure out a good way to hang them.  Any suggestions?
  21. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Glen McGuire in CSS Alabama by Glen McGuire - FINISHED - Mamoli - 1:120   
    Deck fully outfitted.  I may have gone overboard with all the cannonballs but I wanted my ship to be ready for a rematch with the Kearsarge.

  22. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Glen McGuire in CSS Alabama by Glen McGuire - FINISHED - Mamoli - 1:120   
    By now I was beginning to figure out that there were a lot of things the kit did not include and it was up to the builder (and builder's skill level) to decide how crazy to get with the detail, historical accuracy, etc.  I didn't take on anything too tough but continued to add some minor customization like the hinges on the gun port doors in the first pic.  That said, I was pretty incredulous that the Mamoli kit did NOT include cannon balls.  WTH!  How can you have all those cannons without ammo.  So I measured the inside diameter of the cannons and ordered some ball bearings that would just barely fit inside.  Then I built some trays along the centerline of the deck to hold all the cannonballs.  I also added the little white hammock rolls inside the bulwark railing after seeing those in various pictures.

  23. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Glen McGuire in CSS Alabama by Glen McGuire - FINISHED - Mamoli - 1:120   
    Now to start outfitting the ship with all the cool stuff.  After so many weeks of planking and plating I was really looking forward to this part.  Below are the life boats and the 100lb and 86lb Blakley pivot guns that were mounted fore and aft on the deck center.  Carving out the little paddles was a challenge but fun. 

  24. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Glen McGuire in CSS Alabama by Glen McGuire - FINISHED - Mamoli - 1:120   
    Copper plating finished (except for the keel which I plated much later).  Another 3 weeks of my life gone!

  25. Like
    gieb8688 reacted to Glen McGuire in CSS Alabama by Glen McGuire - FINISHED - Mamoli - 1:120   
    Next step was applying the copper plates to the hull below the upper second planking.  The kit came with a long roll of 1/8" wide copper tape.  I looked at a lot of pictures of other models with copper plating to get an idea of what to do here.  I didn't really like a lot of what I saw so I came up with something that was probably not historically accurate but I liked the look.  I cut the strips of tape into pieces that were 15mm long.  Then I dimpled 2 rivets into each end.  I wanted the copper to stand out vs seeing a million rivets all over the place.

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